10 Phrases Brilliant Women Use To Destroy A Man’s Ego In Minutes
Sometimes a man needs to be reminded that he's not the center of the universe.

It's not uncommon for a woman will come across an egotistical man who doesn't know when to cool it, whether it's in the workplace or a social setting. It can be frustrating to be overlooked and dismissed by men who feel that they can say and do whatever they want, and sometimes they need to be brought down a notch.
The most brilliant women know that there are a handful of phrases they can use to knock them down a peg or two.
Here are 10 phrases brilliant women use to destroy a man's ego in minutes
1. 'You're not as great as you think you are, mister'
Olena Yakobchuk | Shutterstock
This phrase is a witty yet cutting way to challenge a man's insistence that he's more important than everyone else in the room. When a man is feeling overly confident and arrogant, he's built up this image of himself that he's better than sliced bread and by bringing him back to reality, hopefully he'll realize that he's not more important than the next person.
Sometimes people need to be humbled and there's nothing wrong with bestowing a little humility on a man that clearly needs it.
"A healthy dose of humility can help us regain perspective and not prioritize personal success over other essential virtues, such as integrity, honesty, and service," explained Dimitrios Tsatiris, M.D., a practicing board-certified psychiatrist.
"Humility is the acceptance that you are no better or worse than anyone else. No amount of success makes you more worthy than any other human being."
2. 'Your ego could use a reality check'
Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock
Some men truly feel comfortable having an inflated ego, not realizing that it's the one thing a lot of women find downright unattractive and unappealing. That's why some women are not afraid to just say it how it is — "your ego could use a reality check," because nine times out of ten, an arrogant man has probably never heard someone direct that phrase toward him.
Dr. Kurt Smith, a clinical director and counselor, explained that one of the "largest influences on the male ego is traditional gender roles. While these roles are becoming antiquated and fading away to new ideals, they’re still powerful factors."
This phrase isn't just about knocking a man down a couple of pegs, but also allowing him to see how things truly are. It's again, a call for humility, and that sometimes it's fine to just be a bit more subtle in how you show your confidence.
3. 'Your opinion isn't the only one that matters around here'
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This phrase is a strong reminder that a man's opinion and perspective is not the end all, be all in a room full of people. Too many men walk around believing that just because they have a certain opinion, everyone around them should just follow it without questioning or speaking up with their own thoughts. They'll often dominate conversations and leave little room for others to chime in, especially if it's a woman.
"To solve problems and resolve conflicts constructively, participants need to understand each other’s perspectives. Doing so will help them get a clear understanding of all sides of the issue, an accurate assessment of their validity and relative merits, and the ability to think creatively to come up with the potential solutions that maximize joint outcomes and fulfill the interests of all participants," explained David W. Johnson, Ed.D., a psychotherapist.
By women using this phrase, they're calling out men who feel that they can just make the decisions for everyone around them without actually hearing them out.
4. 'Not everything revolves around you'
simona pilolla 2 | Shutterstock
Because we live in a society that has led men believe they're the center of everything and anything, they often expect their needs to just take precedence over everyone else's, as if they're the center of the universe. Fortunately, brilliant women have no problem letting a man know that he's living in delusion if he truly thinks he matters over everyone else.
"Self-absorbed people may show helpless behaviors and expect others to cater to them," explained Christine B. L. Adams, MD., a child psychiatrist.
By women telling men this phrase, they're reminding them that it's important to step back and consider others instead of only thinking about themselves.
5. 'People tolerate you, not admire you, hope you know that'
Shift Drive | Shutterstock
When women use this phrase, it's a blunt and eye-opening way to tell a man that his presence isn't as appreciated as he wants to believe. Of course, this immediately puts their ego into check within seconds because it shatters the illusion that they were once the center of the universe. It forces them to confront the reality that there's something about their personality that they should quickly change if they want to continue having people in their lives.
It's no secret that all of us, men and women, want to be valued.
"We can only look at ourselves honestly when we do not fear that we will find ourselves as less valuable, lacking, and at risk of being kicked out of our protective group. When we stop worrying, and instead wonder, who we are and why we do what we do. When we realize that even if someone else is judging us, that is the best they can do at that moment," encouraged Joseph Shrand, M.D., an instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
If men want to be truly respected by the people around them, they should understand that there's nothing respectable about having a personality that is hard to be around.
6. 'Your arrogance is noted, but not respected'
Aloha Hawaii | Shutterstock
When women use this phrase, it's a direct yet pointed way of letting a man know that not only has their arrogance been noticed, but there's nothing respectable about it. There's definitely a difference between having a quiet confidence about you versus being completely arrogant and hard to be hard.
Arrogance is basically feeling as if you have this entitlement, and no one appreciates being around someone that constantly feels the need to upstage everyone else. A man may feel that his arrogance gets him attention, but it definitely isn't for the right reasons and doesn't make people want to stay.
7. 'Sometimes, humility goes a long way'
GaudiLab | Shutterstock
There's nothing to dislike about being able to exhibit a bit of humility, especially when it comes to a man. But often, men feel a need to project their dominance and superiority over others, especially women.
Frankly, it's tiring to be in a room with a man who doesn't understand the value of just humble. This phrase serves as a firm reminder that humility truly does go a long way and can alter the way others perceive and act around them.
8. 'You don't always have the answers'
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Regardless of a man's intelligence or experience, there's no way that he has all of the answers in the universe, and there's no reason why they should walk around believing that. Brilliant women aren't afraid to let a man know that just because he speaks with conviction and authority doesn't mean that people have to listen to him nor does it mean he knows what he's talking about.
There's something attractive and alluring about a man that is willing to learn from others and can admit that he actually doesn't know everything instead of trying to one-up women in conversation because his ego can't handle being wrong.
9. 'Your self-importance is a bit laughable'
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Men have been conditioned to feel as if their self-importance is something that everyone should admire, and while confidence is valuable, there comes a line when they're veering into arrogant territory. Brilliant women have no problem letting a man know that his inflated sense of self is not doing him any favors and is instead, repelling people away.
While men may feel they're earning respect from those around them by having such high self-importance, it's usually just a mask for a deeper insecurity that isn't being hidden well.
10. 'You have a lot to say for someone who rarely makes sense'
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When a brilliant woman uses this phrase against a man, it's her way of being both sharp and cutting when calling out his tendency to speak confidently and excessively about something that he truly knows nothing about. Many men think just because they're the loudest and most opinionated person in the room, it means everyone should automatically listen or take their opinion seriously.
If they want people to take them seriously when they speak about things, it helps for them to actually be educated about that topic and willing to listen to other perspectives instead of believing their knowledge is immediately right. The truth is, volume and confidence doesn't mean someone holds all of the truths and answers to the mysteries of the world.
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.