11 Phrases Powerful Women Use To Make Men Chase Them
All it takes is a few simple words to make a man feel hopelessly intrigued by you.

Everybody wants to feel wanted, and women are no exception. Not wanting to always be the initiator, some women instinctively know that there are certain phrases powerful women can use to make men chase them.
If you are a woman who finds yourself hot in pursuit of men the majority of the time and it doesn't seem to go well for you, try making a note of what it is about these phrases that is men find so intriguing.
These are 11 phrases powerful women use to make men chase them
1. 'I have a hectic schedule this week, but I'll let you know when I'm free'
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The first phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, "I have a hectic schedule this week, but I'll let you know when I'm free." On the surface, this phrase might sound disinterested or dismissive. After all, if someone truly likes a man, shouldn't they make plans as soon as possible?
Though this might sound strange, making plans right away might impact the relationship for the worse. According to the authors of a study conducted in 2021, emophilia is defined as the tendency to fall in love fast, and it is associated with ignoring red flags and rushing into relationships. This is dangerous, as rushing relationships makes it increasingly more likely that people will stay stuck in unhealthy dynamics.
Because of this, women should work with their own schedule instead of against it. Not only will it save women the stress of having to hurriedly arrange events around what a man is doing, but it will also ensure that women don't come off as desperate — something they certainly want to avoid at all costs.
2. 'I don't like to rush things, but I'm open to seeing where things go'
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Many women have a tendency to rush just about everything in life. They rush their education, they rush having kids, and they get married. However, all that this rushing gets them is a bucketload of anxiety.
That said, a phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, "I don't like to rush things, but I'm open to seeing where things go."
Not everything needs to have a label in the beginning. When figuring themselves and their emotions out, women need time and space to fall in love, while also making sure they're seeing reality for how it is.
It's unfortunate, but rushing a relationship might be a dangerous move. For instance, women who've dated long enough probably know about love-bombing and the impact it can have on a person's mental health. Claire Strutzenberg of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville noted that love-bombing is positively correlated with narcissistic tendencies, avoidant attachment, and anxious attachment, and negatively correlated with self-esteem.
So, even if it's annoying or frustrating, powerful women who take their time will have better luck in love than those who jump head first as seeing people for how they are and choosing to love them makes for a greater and longer-lasting relationship than rushing in blindly ever could.
3. 'I'm not making any promises, but I'll see what I can do'
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Often, people commit to decisions they have zero intention of seeing through, or they do their best to see it through yet still fall short. As a result, a phrase a powerful woman uses to make men chase them is, "I'm not making any promises, but I'll see what I can do."
Not only is this response honest, but it also works in another unexpected way. It may not be ideal, but most people want what they can't have. Clinical psychologist Roxy Zarrabi Psy.D. described this as looking for their next hit. She explained, "Similarly, with an unavailable partner, you don’t know when the next 'hit' will be and you’re looking to score the jackpot."
So, even if it feels a bit unnatural, if a woman wants to make a man chase them, being somewhat detached is the best way to go.
4. 'That sounds interesting, tell me more'
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Most men want to feel as if their voice matters, and when looking at how human nature operates it’s not hard to see why. Like it or not, human beings are social creatures. According to a study in 2015, social connection is a "pillar of lifestyle medication," as human beings are biologically designed to connect to others. As a result, a phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, “That sounds interesting, tell me more.”
People like to feel special and men are no exception. Desperate to bond with others and feel heard, it can feel exciting to finally feel as if their voice matters. Even better, when a woman takes an interest in a man’s activities, the connection between the two can feel more intimate as they bond over their passions.
So, even if the topic isn’t as interesting as a woman might think it is, simply asking a man to tell you more is a great way to stay connected and get him to chase you for more.
5. 'I'm not sure if I can make it but I'll keep you updated'
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Another phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, “I’m not sure if I can make it, but I’ll keep you updated.”
Life happens, and delays can rapidly take place in the blink of an eye. What would’ve been a free day filled with romantic opportunities can quickly turn into a last-minute rush as women rapidly finish their assignments for the day, so holding off on making concrete plans until you're sure you can be there just makes sense.
Letting a man know ahead of time that you might not be able to make it and keeping them updated not only shows that you have a full life with other priorities, but it shows that you care enough not to make plans and then cancel at the last minute, leaving a man feeling respected and important.
One study published in 2024 found that feeling important is positively associated with well-being. So even if it’s hard, be upfront and honest about your schedule. Even if it’s stressful, showing respect and decency will surely cause the right man to chase you.
6. 'I had a great time tonight, but I have to get up early tomorrow'
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Another phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, “I had a great time tonight, but I have to get up early tomorrow.” Setting firm boundaries is an important way to ensure men respect the women they’re with.
Despite this fact, many women still feel hesitant to establish boundaries or say no for fear of rejection or messing things up. However, refusing to set boundaries can quickly mess up a perfectly healthy relationship, as it will lead to burnout and resentment, which can quickly end a relationship.
According to the Gottman Institute, resentment is another form of contempt, which is the number one predictor of divorce. Knowing this, powerful women should be upfront if they need to leave about their needs, otherwise, they might ruin a perfectly good relationship.
7. 'I'm more of a wait-and-see person'
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If women truly want a man to chase them, having patience is a must. Like it or not, rushing things too much can quickly cause what could otherwise be the best relationships to fail. Knowing this, a phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, "I'm more of a wait-and-see person."
Not everything needs to be defined right away. As a matter of fact, rushing to establish a relationship without allowing love to blossom naturally can destroy a potential partnership before it even starts.
So, the next time a man asks how they feel or what they are and they aren't sure, don't be afraid to say, "I'm more of a wait-and-see person." Allow things to play out naturally and slowly but surely you'll find a man chasing you as their feelings continue to grow.
8. 'I'm not sure about that... you'll have to convince me'
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It's easy for women to feel pressured to automatically commit to a decision during an intense moment. However, a phrase a powerful woman uses to make men chase them and maintain control is, "I'm not sure about that... you'll have to convince me."
Sometimes, keeping things vague and open for interpretation is the best way to go about things. On one hand, women don't want to reject the man they like. But on the other hand, they have standards and expectations.
Finding a middle ground and playfully saying that a man will have to convince them is the best way to keep their interests while also maintaining room for compromise. Compromising is an essential part of any relationship, and although it can leave both parties feeling frustrated, it also helps both feel safe and secure with where they're at.
9. 'I'm really focused on my own self-growth'
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It's okay for women to focus on themselves and their own growth. Powerful women understand that to be their best selves they must keep their own well-being in mind at all times. As a result, a phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, "I'm really focused on my own self-growth."
Now, at first, this might sound like a complete rejection. However, depending on the context it's used in, this phrase can have the opposite impact.
For instance, let's say a potential couple is sitting next to one another and discussing their goals in life. Saying, "I'm really focused on my own self-growth," shows that these powerful women want to do their inner work and learn as a person. In the eyes of a powerful man, this is the most important thing a woman can focus on, causing him to want to chase her even more.
10. 'You're going to have to wait and see'
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Powerful women are charming and mischievous. Being able to capture the attention of just about anyone, powerful women don't need to say much to get men to chase them. "You're going to have to wait and see," is a phrase powerful women use to make men chase them because it is a flirty and humorous way to pique a man's interest.
Believe it or not, people often respond favorably to humor. According to research, humor is so powerful that it can help people recover faster and even increase their pain tolerance.
Knowing this, it isn't shocking that using humor towards a potential love interest might cause him to chase you. After all, most people enjoy a free-spirited, cheeky person.
11. 'I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm enjoying the present'
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The last phrase powerful women use to make men chase them is, "I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm enjoying the present."
Many people get ahead of themselves and begin secretly planning their wedding after the first date. Though the idea is cute, the reality is that nobody knows what will happen in the future. Though the first few dates might have gone well, the next one might end in disaster.
Now, does that mean throwing in the towel and refusing to take anything seriously? No. But acknowledging uncertainty and reassuring a man that you're having a good time is a great way to instill confidence in them and you connection.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.