What Pisces Needs To Know About 2025, According To A Tarot Reader
The 2025 tarot horoscope for Pisces reveals a year of wonderful gains.

Pisces 2025 tarot card is the Wheel of Fortune tarot card, revealing a year of wonderful gains and few losses. You start the year feeling optimistic and stronger than ever before. If you tend to sit on the sidelines waiting for life to happen to you, 2025 is different. According to the tarot, you’re ready for everything coming to you.
You don’t want a handout, but you do want the ability to command opportunities, draw attention to yourself by showcasing your talents, and, through hard work, determination and effort, climb your way to the top of whatever ladder takes you there.
The good news is that in 2025, the universe will comply. If you want love, you’ll find it. You'll likely do that if you desire a better job or promotion. You have supportive energy about you. You can encapsulate feminine and masculine energies to bring balance into your world.
You overthrow foes, and you dominate your fate. You find a way to meet destiny in a way you’ve always known you could, but for one reason or another, if success didn't happen before, it will in 2025.
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
While this all sounds promising, no great story is complete without trials, tribulations, setbacks, and heroic courage. The start of the year picks up steam quickly, so you can get a lot done. However, the end of the year appears to be more difficult. It could be that you reach a height that requires you to study more or learn from others. You may need to line up a mentor or join a mastermind group where people support each other.
Mid-year, you may ask yourself if wanting everything in life simultaneously is worth all your hard work. December’s tarot card reveals that should you give up on yourself and not finish what you’ve started, you’ll be unhappy with lost time. It’s better to begin January with the end in mind, then around summer, revise your plan to match where you are, and then ride through the finish line knowing you gave your all. When you do this, more great things happen than not-so-good ones.
Pisces 2025 tarot horoscope
January 2025 tarot card: Queen of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
In January, you can claim your identity and believe in yourself. This tarot card indicates the power and strength of looking at who you are and what you want to be. This month, the advice from the tarot is to believe in yourself. You are like a rose in full bloom, but not without protective thorns. In other words, it’s important to protect your energy this month.
January’s risks include loss of time due to distractions. Be careful to prune any areas you already know going into the year waste time — plant seeds in fertile ground with true potential for success. If you handle this month well, the rest of the year will be set up for success.
One thing to note about the Queen of Swords is that her mind is full of ideas, but her thoughts must be guarded from others. You might be tempted to post big announcements on social media or tell friends and family your intentions. However, this is ill-advised. Do the work and let the results speak for themselves.
Since the end of January starts Pisces season, don't worry if the first few weeks are a total bust. Pisces season begins mid-month, and you are stepping into a new year and a new you with some help from love, as you'll discover once February starts.
February 2025 tarot card: Six of Cups
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
February is a sweet month for love, and you, Pisces, are romantic. If you enter the year wanting to have all that romance brings, this is the most romantic month of the year for you. Astrologically, the beginning of March, almost to the end, is dedicated to your zodiac sign.
And, if you recently celebrated your birthday, you’re ready to take this time of life seriously. Or maybe this is your month to celebrate a year of growth, and with it comes reflection, awareness, and a desire to build on the past to create a brighter future.
The Six of Cups indicates that childhood plays an important role this month. You may have a ‘blast from the past,’ an old lover or dear friend whom you will reconnect with. You may imagine this to be a karmic meeting of soulmates where you have met many lifetimes and are now in real form on Earth. Or you could have an ex return from your past and get a redo of what you had not done so well.
Rekindling a long-lost love or finally restoring an existing relationship can happen in February. You will feel giddy again. You will experience a honeymoon stage just in time for Valentine's Day. Hey, every day could be Valentine's Day if you want it to be all month.
The best of this month is a beautiful period of love and happiness. Fertility will be high, and if you get pregnant, your child could be a soulmate of you and your partner's, too.
However, this card also comes with a warning as sweet and fruitful as it is. As much as you enjoy basking in the radiance of love, don’t allow yourself to become complacent about other areas of your life. Stay purposeful as you make time for love. Love, and do the other work you’ve planned to do to carry yourself to the finish line. You need a love nest.
Partnership requires a foundation to build on. The risk here is letting a blooming and strengthening relationship alter your path away from all forms of success. Try to remember that every area of your life is equally important.
March 2025 tarot card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
March reminds you that you are ready to take your life to the next level. Ask yourself if you're being a student to the point of spinning your wheels. Do you know enough to get into the world and start making more money? The Eight of Pentacles is about an apprentice who is an understudy. However, maybe you're ready to stop being a student and assume the role of mastership instead.
Life is a continual journey of learning, studying, and mastering a particular skill or subject, but sometimes, you must leave the comfort of the classroom and enter the real world to apply your knowledge to win big.
If you've been in a career and want to change jobs but do something different than you've done before, this card can be a great omen for your future. It implies that your current skills are transferrable.
Maybe being a homemaker works well for becoming the CEO of your own company, or if you've always been a teacher, you might want to enter politics or try nonprofit work. Whatever it is you desire, it's time to take action. Faith is important here, and that's where you build your life in April.
April 2025 tarot card: The Star
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
The month of April teaches you a valuable lesson about life and how big-time success works. The Star card shows a person with one foot on the ground and the other connected to an everlasting stream of water. Water outflows into the stream, symbolizing how the universe helps you and uses you to help others.
All you dare to dream comes from relationships. What have you learned from past experiences? What are you learning now? How can you use both to be an encouragement to others?
Sharing knowledge will position you as an expert, but opening up about your life serves a dual function. The talent and skills you focus on in March sharpen, and you gain the support of people who grow with you because of your wisdom. Some people will love you for this, and others may decide to challenge you in May.
May 2025 tarot card: The Emperor
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
May could be a tough time for you. You could enter a new job requiring you to lead in an area you feel unprepared for. If you are a manager, supervisor, or leader in any way, some people will follow you willingly; others may not.
Regardless, pick your battles wisely because some will end with you saying goodbye to people, places, or things you've outgrown. The wisdom you developed and cultivated in April will help you discern who you can depend on. Some situations may require you to stand on your own two feet. You may like it that way.
Avoid letting the pressures of life cause you to feel angry and agitated. You will want to balance your strength with kindness.
June 2025 tarot card: Five of Cups
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
You're midway through the year, and life looks different from how it was in January. Change can be exciting and scary, and you may wonder if you're where you ought to be. The Five of Cups reveals sadness and loss.
You will experience growing pains as you move further away from your old life and start a new one. So, you may see how certain areas of life fall apart, and it hurts your heart to see it work out that way. But this is how success works sometimes.
What's not working has to reveal itself quickly so you can fortify the weak spots and strengthen them. Permit yourself to grieve losses and use those moments to learn and grow. You'll step into a reality in July, where you learn how grit is essential to this year's success.
July 2025 tarot card: Seven of Cups, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
In July, the rose-colored glasses come off and you start to see things for what they are. You take on more responsibility and start assuming your new identity. There's a new vibe to you at this point. You no longer struggle with imposter syndrome. Confidence becomes part of your identity as well.
You feel stronger and more capable. What stumped you in the past becomes less arduous, so you have more time and energy to take on new challenges. You may need to set new goals now. July is the perfect month to reassess what's working and determine what isn't. You may want to create a new game plan to finish the year stronger than you started.
August 2025 tarot card: Ace of Swords, reversed
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
With only five months left to the year, you may feel like a few loose ends need tying, and others are done and over with. This is where one of two things could happen: you become complacent and allow good enough to be all you go for, or you lose momentum and quit out of fear. The choice is yours, Pisces.
As you transition into fall, the Ace of Swords, reversed, reveals a new life season begins: confusion. You may hit a glass wall with what you can do alone. This is where a mentor, friend where you want to be, boss, or coworker who can coach you can step in. To regain clarity or start afresh, you will need to get guidance. In some areas, your goals may remain undefined.
A lack of understanding can create obstacles. Remember the World of Fortune tarot card at the start of the year? These opportunities are chances for growth. Instead of avoiding their presence, face your problems head-on. Get honest. Be curious. Then, gather your team to overcome what you find.
September 2025 tarot card: Ten of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
It's still too early to feel like you've crossed the finish line, but if you need a sign that things will work out for you, the Ten of Pentacles is it. The Ten of Pentacles says everything you do now will pay off for you in the future.
This is a symbol of prosperity in all areas of life. The money will come. The relationship will be there. So, what do you think you should focus on in September? Consistency. What's been working for the last eight months, keep on doing it.
October 2025 tarot card: The Tower, reversed
Photo: warmjuly | Design: YourTango
In October, a monkeywrench may come along and thwart a few plans. So, if you have events to attend, places to go, meetings to present, or deadlines, be sure to give yourself ample wiggle room. You may need it.
This is the month when you make plans and have backups. You want someone to handle your plans when you're sick or need to take a day off (as you've earned it).
Transparency and honesty are important here. So is patience, calmness, and a steady mind. The good thing about the problematic Tower card in reverse is that problems tend to resolve as quickly as they appear. Ask for help, and let the universe guide the way. When you feel overwhelmed, ask for help from your higher power. Things will be fine come November.
November 2025 tarot card: Knight of Cups
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Wow, Pisces. Look how far you've come. The Knight of Cups is you enjoying this new life you've created for yourself. You feel incredibly resourceful now. You're wearing your new role and owning it like a boss.
People start to see you in this new light. The naysayers silence themselves. You're the go-to person on many levels. You are in your new job, business, relationship, or whatever you desired at the start of the year. This is a great time for celebration. Reward yourself.
December 2025 tarot card: Ten of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
December comes, and it's a warning for your future. This tarot card reveals hardships that can potentially destroy you emotionally and catastrophically. When December comes, it's important to see your arrival as a time to keep doing what you did to get where you landed.
You will want to put safeguards into place. If you work hard every day, keep working hard. If mentors helped you learn and grow, as tempting as it may be, don't stop using them. It's easy to become overly confident in December.
You may feel like you have done all this work and want to relax and enjoy what you've accomplished. What's the point of success if you can't take breaks and enjoy them? You can, but remember to return to the grindstone as soon as your vacation time is over. You'll have an entire new year to do incredible things.
Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.