How To Maintain (And Gain) Power While Mars Opposes Pluto From Now Until January 2025, According To An Astrologer
The intense energy of Mars opposite Pluto overstays its welcome as Mars turns retrograde on December 6, 2024.

While the weeks surrounding a presidential election are often stressful, this year, we also have the intense transit of Mars opposite Pluto to content with.
“For nearly the next three and a half months Mars will be opposing Pluto and it will reveal two kinds of behaviors,” astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim said in a TikTok video.
He explained that either people will have control over themselves and “chase their objectives,” or they’ll lack balance and try to control those around them. Either way, Grim said we're in for an exhausting few months “Because Mars will be retrograde for much of this.”
“Typically Mars only takes three to four weeks to oppose Pluto," he said. "But in this instance, Mars will station retrograde already opposing Pluto,” dragging this intense energy out for an extended period of time.
So if you truly want to reap the benefits of this period, here are the dos and don’ts that will bring you one step closer to your desires while simultaneously avoiding the pitfalls.
What to do (and not to do) while Mars opposes Pluto from now until January 2025
1. Don’t: Obsess over getting what you want
Do your best not to obsess about getting what you want.
"Otherwise," Grim explained, "the transition could backfire."
Though difficult, letting go of your expectations and allowing life to take its course is the greatest thing you can do during this period.
This doesn't mean sitting back and literally doing nothing. However, don't expect everything to go according to plan. Though some things might work out as planned, you'll find that other things fall apart. This is why finding ways to be flexible is so important. Flexibility will be the one thing that'll keep you from going off the rails completely.
2. Do: Take accountability
Don't be the type of person that doesn't own their stuff.
“Hold yourself accountable,” urged Grim.
This isn't the time to push responsibilities onto others simply because it's easier to. If you want to take this transition by the horns, you need to follow through with your obligations.
It's important to understand that your responsibilities are the only thing that will remain consistent as Mars opposes Pluto from now until January 2025. So showing up and completing your tasks will not only ground you but will also help prepare you for this transition period.
3. Don’t: Seek revenge
It's tempting to allow your emotions to get the better of you. With aggression on the rise and your frustration coming in during this transit, it might feel like the perfect time to seek revenge.
However, it's important to ground yourself and take a deep breath. Seeking out revenge during this period will only make things worse as the months progress. In truth, it might cause bad luck to come your way or for your healthy relationships to fall apart.
To avoid this, astrologer Sai Avani advised people to focus on resolutions instead of getting even. By staying consistent and voiding those knee-jerk reactions you'll conquer this period from now until 2025.
4. Do: Take a break when you feel overwhelmed
it's understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed during this transition. With emotions running high, it's easy for people to snap and allow their feelings to get the better of them. This is why Grim suggested that people take breaks whenever they feel overwhelmed.
As public health expert Bruce Y. Lee, M.D., M.B.A. stated, when you're feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities, "Often the best thing to do is to not launch into get-everything-done mode just yet and instead hit pause and take a break." Though that may be easier said than done, knowing your circumstances and finding ways to let your steam go is the best thing you can do during this time period.
Furthermore, Avani suggested that to fully let go, it's important to identify your weak spots and embrace discomfort. If you can identify what's bothering you then it'll be much easier to let it go.
5. Don’t: Initiate conflict
“This could be a time that highlights power exchange and any energy exchange in relationships," Avani explained, because asteroid Juno (which rules commitment) will be in direct opposition with Mars.
Because of this, you might find yourself feeling stuck in emotional circumstances.
“There may be moments where our security feels threatened in some way and it may be easy to be overly aggressive," Avani added.
Yet allowing your emotions to best you will end up crumbling the security you've been desperate to maintain, possibly leaving you with more problems than you started with.
It's best to take a deep breath and ground yourself. To do so, the University of New Hampshire suggested naming five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
All things considered, allowing your body to relax is key to keeping your head cool while Mars opposes Pluto.
6. Do: Gauge your internal checks and balances
Finally, gauging how balanced you are is key to surviving Mars opposing Pluto. During this period you'll want to see how much control you have over yourself. If you find that your control is limited, it's best to take a twenty-minute break and reflect.
Remember that during this period your emotions will be out of whack. However, “if you manage your emotions and don’t overreact to trivial things you’ll maintain and even gain power,” said Grim.
Yes, the universe will be testing you left and right — but with a little deep breathing and meditating, you'll find it a lot easier to get a grip and keep moving forward.
Ultimately, "Pluto will give you the instinct to drive toward something that’s transformational for you and you’ll be more strategic than others,” Grim said. As long as you follow the dos and don'ts you'll be sure to keep your power as Mars opposes Pluto from now until January 2025.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.