2 Zodiac Signs Attracting Abundance Throughout All Of November 2024
The astrology of November is a green light to work towards what we want.

After a couple of challenging months astrologically, two zodiac signs attract abundance in November 2024 beginning with the welcoming Scorpio New Moon on the first. This is the first lunation in a while that initiates a positive period to begin manifesting with a supportive trine from Saturn.
Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 2, making this a triumphant moment for fire signs since Mercury boosts their intellectual energy. With Mars entering Leo on the third, we are given more fire planets in the sky to keep us connected to pursuing our dreams without holding back.
Venus in Capricorn will be the talk of the town on the eleventh, giving earth and water signs nice gifts right before Pluto leaves this sign. Saturn stations direct on November 15 and the Full Moon in Taurus will occur during the same day, providing more relationship energy and the green light to work towards what we want now that the planet of karma is direct.
On November 19, a new chapter officially begins for fixed signs with Pluto re-entering Aquarius. Sagittarius season begins on November 21 and Mercury retrograde closes the month on November 25.
Two zodiac signs attracting abundance in November 2024
1. Sagittarius
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November initiates a change where Jupiter in Gemini in your relationship house helps magnify the areas of your life where you will shine through. Mars enters Leo on November 3, awakening your drive and self-esteem.
During these pivotal transits, you're encouraged to prioritize your education. The month has you feeling curious and calls you to surround yourself with people you want to learn from. Friends, mentors, and teachersserve as powerful motivators that help you craft your path to success.
With Venus in your sign at the beginning of the month, this energy can make you feel more beautiful inside and out. Others see your charm and appeal, and in relationships, you can seem more enchanting. Venus, the planet of love, will move to Capricorn on November 11, bringing strong energy to your second house of finances and initiating a period where you can see your savings flourish if you choose to be diligent. Although you may also be tempted to treat yourself, the energy favors prioritizing your learning streak and keeping your eyes on growth.
Saturn will station direct on November 15, the same day the Full Moon in Taurus puts on a show. Be mindful of your relationships with others and be protective of your goals. Keep working hard and don’t feel the need to share things during this period.
On November 19, Pluto enters Aquarius, a powerful transit that helps you feel more aligned with your intellectual pursuits. Projects you may have paused during Saturn retrograde may begin to pique your interest once again.
The Sun in your sign on November 21 adds another element of fun and joy, continuing to build your esteem, connections, and strengthening your relationships with the opposition to Jupiter in the next several weeks.
Finally, the month closes with Mercury retrograde in your sign beginning on November 25, stagnating your progress but ultimately educating you on the value of patience and teamwork.
2. Scorpio
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On November 1, the New Moon in your sign initiates a new cycle, officially pulling us away from the clutches of the October eclipse energy. Now is the moment for you to take action with plans because Saturn is making a supportive aspect to this eclipse.
The benefic energy of Venus in Sagittarius, continues lighting up your house of finances until November 11, making the beginning of the month a good period for you to learn more about building and saving since Mercury will be joining Venus on the second. With Saturn aspecting this house, being more cognizant and responsible doesn’t hurt.
Your relationships continue flourishing with Jupiter in your relationship house instructing you to look at friendships and romantic connections differently. With Saturn also aspecting this benefic, finding the right people to connect with can feel arduous at times, but with patience, you will succeed.
As Juno enters your sign on the third, your love transforms and you gain insight into what you desire in your relationships. Mars will enter the highest point of your chart on November 3 as well, preparing you to work well with others and be more compassionate, even if you are in a position of power.
Venus will move into Capricorn on November 11, switching your priorities to socializing and making stronger friendships since Saturn will also aspect Venus. Saturn will station direct on the fifteenth, helping you push your plans forward and reflect on how your friendships and projects have transformed over the last six months. The Full Moon in Taurus adds more relationship energy. Consider how you have transformed since the last eclipse in your sign and what new lessons you want to learn.
Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, affecting your home and immediate environment for the next few decades. On November 21, Sagittarius season begins, putting a focus on your material possessions and personal goals. This is a time to be more thoughtful about how you spend, save, and utilize your finances, topics that will continue when Mercury stations retrograde beginning on November 25.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.