November 2024 Monthly Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

November 2024 horoscopes show some reprieve — but we're not quite out of the cosmic woods yet.

woman in galaxy with zodiac signs monthly horoscopes november 2024 Photo: NASA, Nathan Dumlao | Design: YourTango

After a somewhat challenging few months thanks to an eclipse cycle and multiple retrograde planets, each zodiac sign's monthly horoscope for November 2024 horoscopes show some reprieve — but we're not quite out of the cosmic woods yet. 

"November has revolutionary vibes," astrologer Lada Duncheva explained in a YouTube video. Thanks to a Mercury retrograde period, Saturn turning direct, and perhaps most significantly, Pluto ending a 16-year stay in Capricorn to enter Aquarius, "we're on the verge of something huge here."


Find out how the astrology of November 2024 impacts your zodiac sign's horoscope all month.


aries november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

The New Moon in Scorpio kicks off new beginnings, Aries, as it falls in your eighth house of other people’s money and transformation and is followed by a Full Moon in your second house of income.


On November 19th, Pluto leaves your career house and moves into your 11th house of the collective, groups, and friends, and Aquarius is far friendlier to Aries than Capricorn was.

Venus in Sagittarius inspires you to consider your worldview, travel, and education until it moves into your career house on November 11, which will help you shine the rest of the month.

Mars enters Leo in your house of fun, children, and love on the 5th, helping you gear up for some holiday fun. Mercury turns retrograde on November 25 in your ninth house of travel and education, so be careful with your planning as you could encounter some changes.

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taurus november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

The New Moon on November 1 falls in your seventh house of partners, inspiring change or new beginnings with partners. This is followed by the Full Moon on November 15 which falls in your first house, putting the spotlight on you and what you really want in life.

Pluto leaves your ninth house of education, travel, and worldview on November 19 and enters your career house for the next two decades, making you more ambitious and creating potential changes in how you work.


Venus in Sagittarius will help in terms of money and loans. You could have some intense intimate encounters as it moves through your eighth house until November 11 when it enters into your house of travel and education for the rest of the month.

Mars in Leo enters your fourth house of home and family on November 5, where it will create a focus on these matters through the first week of January 2025. It looks like your holidays will be cozy if you stay at home.

Mercury turns retrograde on November 25 in your fourth house of home, which could create breakdowns of equipment, delays, or even your coffee pot! It could create misunderstandings with friends or lovers, or bring back someone from the past, so be prepared!

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gemini november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

Now is the time to make changes in your workspace or work culture that truly suit your needs with the New Moon falling in your sixth house of work, followed by a Full Moon in your 12th house on the 15th when you may want to spend some time reflecting.

Pluto leaves your eighth house of partner’s money and transformation to enter your ninth house of travel and education, which is a friendlier transit to Gemini in general.


Venus lights up your eighth house for the first part of the month, bringing excitement to this area of your life. Venus moves into your ninth house of education and travel from November 11 on.

Mars in Leo enters your third house on November 5 for the rest of the month, and you may have some big ideas you want to manifest this month.

Mercury turns retrograde in your seventh house of partners on November 25 for the next three weeks, so you may want to pay more attention to what is happening in relationships.

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cancer november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango


The New Moon lights up your fifth house of love, friends, and children on the 1st, followed by the Full Moon in your house of friends and groups two weeks later.

Pluto has significantly affected your relationships for years now and brought some difficult times. It moves into your eighth house of transformation, partner’s money, and intimacy, so this area of your life may be changing as well, bringing new and saucier experiences.

Venus helps in your house of work through the 11th before moving into your house of partners, lighting up this sector for the rest of the month.

Mars in Leo travels through your 11th house of friends, hopes, and wishes from November 5 on, so you may be mingling a lot.


Mercury retrogrades in your sixth house of work and health so you may want to pay a little more attention here over the next three weeks.

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leo november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

The November 1 New Moon in Scorpio puts your focus on family (or those who are like family to you), followed by a Full Moon two weeks later in your career sector.


Pluto has transited your sixth house of work and health for years now, creating both change and challenges. Pluto will move into your house of partners after November 19, bringing changes to this area of your life for a long time to come.

Venus dances in your fifth house of love for the first 11 days of November, then moves into your sixth house of work, helping you here. Mars in Leo starts a new two-year cycle in your first house on November 5, so expect to get very busy. 

Mercury retrogrades in your fifth house of love on November 25, so you may experience change in this area or even meet up with someone from the past before it is over.

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virgo november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

The November 1 New Moon falls in your third house of ideas and communication. You may have some new changes you want to implement. This is followed by a Full Moon in Taurus, so don't be surprised if you consider travel around this time.

Pluto leaves your fifth house of friends, love, and children, where you have experienced many changes over the past years. It moves into your sixth house, which will eventually change the way you work in some way and it could create more ambition.


Venus lights up your fifth house of love, friends, and romance for the first 11 days of the month before moving into your sixth house of work, where it will benefit your career. In addition, Mars moves into Leo (your second house of money) for the rest of the year. You could gain money with this, but you could also spend money.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 25th in your area of home and you could experience some concern over family members — but this shouldn’t be significant worry.

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libra november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango


The New Moon puts a focus on finances, followed by the Full Moon mid-month which shifts your focus toward transformation and other people’s money.

Pluto leaves your fourth house, where you have experienced many changes in terms of family or your physical place of living,  on November 19, and moves into your fifth house of love, children, and romance, which looks exciting!

Venus remains in your sector of big ideas for the first 11 days of the month, and then moves into your fourth house of home, making things cozier.

Mars in Leo travels through your house of friends and groups for the rest of the year and Mercury will retrograde on November 25 in your third house, so make sure you are clear on important matters.


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scorpio november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

Both the New and Full Moon this month place a focus on partners and your relationships this month.

Pluto in your third house has created challenges concerning immediate family and perhaps neighbors. On November 19, it will move into your fourth house of home, bringing about changes in family and your physical home for the next 20 years.


Venus lights up your house of ideas for the first 11 days of the month and then moves into your fourth house or home. Are you re-decorating?

Mars in Leo will travel through your career house for the rest of the year, placing a great deal of focus and energy here. Mercury will retrograde in your second house beginning on November 25, so pay attention to your finances!

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sagittarius november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango


The November 1 New Moon falls in your 12th house, so you may want to reflect on where you are going. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th may deal with work or health, but since the planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus, you may also be involved in matters pertaining to love or the senses.

Pluto leaves your house of income, and you have learned a great deal about handling and making money during its stay. In Aquarius, Pluto now moves to your third house of immediate family and new ideas where it will remain for years.

Venus lights up your money house for the first 11 days this month, then moves to your third house. Since Venus will coexist with Pluto here, communication should pick up.

Energetic Mars travels through your ninth house for the rest of the year, placing a focus on travel and education.


Mercury will retrograde in your first house, which rules you, on November 25. Make sure all important matters are clearly understood before committing to anything.

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capricorn november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango


The New Moon on the 1st falls in your 11th house of friends and groups, followed by the Full Moon on the 25th in your fifth house of love, friends, and entertainment. This is much needed after having Pluto in your sign for so long, so take a break and make the most of it!

Speaking of Pluto, the planet officially leaves your sign on the 19th, taking with it all of the challenges and personal changes you have experienced over a long period. Now in Aquarius, the planet will move into your second house of money and income. This could increase or decrease your earnings depending on what it aspects, but you will potentially find new and better ways of earning income.

Venus remains in your first house for the first 11 days this month, helping you inspire others and be more magnetic. It moves into your house of income helping things here from the 12th on.


Mars in Leo transits your house of other people’s money and intimacy for the rest of the year, beckoning sensual experiences your way.

Mercury will retrograde in your 12th house beginning on Novemver 25, stirring up past memories. You may want to spend some time alone to reflect, or it may reveal information that you need.

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aquarius november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango


The New Moon on November 1 lights up your career house with the potential of new beginnings, followed by a Full Moon that rules home and family.

Pluto leaves your 12th house for good this month, and chances are you have had many times of feeling as though your subconscious mind was stirred up. You may have spent time in seclusion at some point and experienced significant endings. All of this changes with Pluto’s entrance into your sign. You will make many personal changes and learn to approach things differently. You may even change your appearance at some point.

Venus remains in your 12th house for the first 11 days, which can bring unexpected help if needed. The planet moves into your first house after that, making you optimistic and magnetic to all.

Mars transits your seventh house of partners for the rest of the year, stirring up new experiences and perhaps minor issues, and Mercury will retrograde in your 11th house of groups and friends.


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pisces november 2024 horoscope Design: YourTango

The November 1 New Moon falls in your ninth house of travel and education, bringing up dreams of faraway places, followed by the Full Moon in your third house of ideas and immediate family, which should be quite beneficial.


Pluto leaves your 11th house of friends and groups, initiating many changes in terms of organizations and friends. As it moves into your 12th house, it may increase your intuitive powers and bring about certain endings in preparation for new beginnings.

Venus travels through your house of friends for 11 days before moving into your 12th house, where you may replay many pleasant memories.

Mars transits your sixth house of work, causing you to focus on your job and/or health and fitness for the rest of the year. Mercury will retrograde in your career house, potentially revealing new information, but make sure you are clear on all important matters.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.