4 Zodiac Signs That Will Become Unstoppable Despite Previous Hardships By The End Of November 2024

We have undoubtedly all been tested as of late, some more than others.

woman with zodiac sign becoming unstoppable despite previous hardships november 2024 Photo: Dwayne joe | Design: YourTango

Times have been difficult this year for many of us. Between inflation and the skyrocketing cost of living, the stress of the US election, divisiveness, and misinformation, most of us feel challenged if not repressed in some way. Mars opposes Pluto through most of November, creating a great deal of friction, volatility, arguments, and stress. Despite these challenges, four zodiac signs find the strength to overcome.


The most important transit this month is Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on November 19, leaving the sign of Capricorn (finally) for the next 256 years. Among other things, Pluto in Capricorn brought us the 2008-09 banking crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, and state of the world we see right now. 

We have undoubtedly all been tested as of late, some more than others — but four zodiac signs will be unstoppable by the end of November 2024 despite all the challenges. Let’s take a look at who they are.

4 zodiac signs that will become unstoppable despite previous hardships by the end of November 2024

1. Aries

aries zodiac sign unstoppable november 2024 Photo: Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango


It’s been a tough year (or in some cases, number of years) for Aries. Pluto in Capricorn has been transiting through your 10th house for a long time now, meaning you've incurred much of this energy in terms your career, reputation, parents, or other matters of priority due to Pluto. But you are past these challenges and are stronger as a result. Pluto tears down, but builds back stronger.

Mars transiting through Cancer has added to the stress in terms of your home and family, especially since Cancer is not the most compatible sign with Aries. Add to this the September eclipse in Pisces or the 12th house of endings, followed by the solar eclipse in Aries' house of partners bringing up any issues there. Aries has been through the mill in terms of home, family and everything connected to your basic foundation, but you have rebuilt. 

Pluto transits are never easy, and in many respects can represent devastating and difficult circumstances. While Aries may have suffered through this long transit, they have also become more resilient and more determined. Pluto leaves Aries for good on November 19, Mars leaves Cancer on November 3, and the eclipses are over. 

With everything you have experienced in these past years (especially Pluto), you are ready to start anew, leave the past behind, and you won’t be stopped by anything or anyone!


RELATED: Specific Effects Of Pluto In Aquarius On Each Zodiac Sign Throughout 2024

2. Libra

libra zodiac sign unstoppable november 2024 Photo: Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango

Pluto has been transiting through your fourth house, which rules your home and foundation. With any Pluto transit comes change and a great deal of stress, especially when it squares your Sun or some other planet. Every Libra has experienced this, and those born at the end of the sign are still experiencing the difficult rays of Pluto for a few more weeks.  


You may have been dealing with difficulties concerning parents, changes in relationships that affect the home, or even deteriorating property issues that may have been quite expensive. Pluto square your Sun is a major challenge and often coincides with huge life changes and separations from others, even divorce in some cases. If this has been the case, you have either left a relationship behind or you know now that your relationship is strong enough for the long haul.

Mars in Cancer has been stirring up your career house and creating obstacles to progress, and an eclipse in Libra followed by a powerful Full Moon in Aries has created some recent relationship challenges. By the end of November, however, all of this is in the past. 

Everything you endure will only make you stronger, as they say. You have been tested and come through these times with great determination. After Pluto’s transit through your fourth house, you have proven you can deal with just about anything and will be unstoppable in the future.

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3. Cancer

cancer zodiac sign unstoppable november 2024 Photo: Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango

Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn, your seventh house of partners, opposite your Sun. This has created a great deal of change, and every Cancer has experienced Pluto opposing their Sun at some point. 

With Cancer’s sensitivity, this has been a very intense if not emotional transit, but it has made you stronger and it is easier to stand on your own two feet now after Pluto’s opposition to your Sun, which may have ended some relationships. In addition to stress with partners or even divorce in some cases, this may have affected Cancer’s health, parents, or business partnerships. Those born under this sign may have even ended up in court for some reason.


Mars in Cancer has created additional friction as it moves through your first house of self, creating irritation and stumbling blocks. The solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 was not conducive to your sign, nor was the powerful Full Moon in Aries that squared your Sun.

But this cycle is just about over for you Cancer, because most importantly, Pluto leaves the sign opposite your Sun. Eclipse season is over for the year and Mars leaves your sign in early November. You have been tried and tested, and passed through the challenges. If you can do this, you can believe you can survive anything, and after November you will be unstoppable.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day Of The Month For Each Zodiac Sign In November 2024

4. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac sign unstoppable november 2024 Photo: Carla C Designs | Design: YourTango


Pluto in Capricorn has been transiting your first house which rules the self or you personally, Capricorn. This has created many personal challenges that may have affected your health or your relationship with your parents, and even your appearance may have changed. 

You have been through many difficult but transformational situations and now you view your world in a totally different way than you did just a few years ago. While Pluto transited across your Sun it may have hit other planets in your chart as well, creating many challenges over the past decade.

Mars has been transiting through Cancer, your seventh house of partners, and you may still face difficult challenges from late October into early November. The solar eclipse in Libra was difficult and may have created work or career issues and the powerful Aries Full Moon was challenging as well.


The good news is that all of this ends in November. You have been tested by Pluto, Mars, a tumultuous eclipse, and a Full Moon — and you have passed the tests. You have become stronger as a result and after November, guess what you will be? Unstoppable! After all of these challenges, you have proven to yourself you can accomplish just about anything.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Completing A 16-Year-Long Karmic Cycle Before 2024 Ends


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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
