How Jupiter Retrograde Will Significantly Transform Your Zodiac Sign’s Life From Now Through February 4, 2025

Jupiter retrograde is a time for personal growth.

woman in front of jupiter retrograde and zodiac signs horoscopes Photo: Brad Pearson | Design: YourTango

Jupiter will station retrograde on October 9, 2024, and Jupiter retrograde horoscopes show how each zodiac sign will transform between now and February 2025 when the planet returns to direct motion. 

Right now, Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, expanding our communication which can also impact our friendships, relationships, and how we consume information. When retrograde, Jupiter asks us to turn our intentions inward. 


"This is a time for personal growth," astrologer Mirsia Colorado explained in a TikTok video. "The expansion needs to be within so that you can get right on the outside."

After this retrograde period, we will have more clarity and tools to push forward before Jupiter moves into a new sign.


How Jupiter retrograde horoscopes transform your zodiac sign's personal growth from now through February 4, 2025


aries jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

Jupiter retrograde is teaching you how to make your next step matter regarding your goals. You are also asked to be honest about building on current friendships. The lessons during this time are connected to how you preserve those friendships and how much you are willing to work with others. 

Although thorough analysis is still needed, you know that you have learned how to be more disciplined with work and more forgiving with friends. Jupiter gives you the keys to take a lot of good steps forward so you don't inhibit your growth.


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taurus jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

While Jupiter stations retrograde, you can reflect on your learning experiences over the last year. It's a good moment for evaluating how you view yourself, your goals, and your plans. Jupiter has given you plenty of opportunities to design how you pursue your personal goals and work with others. With the planet retrograde, you can fine-tune your plans and go forth energized and confident.


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gemini jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

With Jupiter stationing retrograde, this can be a great time to reflect on what you want and need. Since Jupiter is opposing your relationship house, it's a good time to ponder about your friends, romantic connection, and business contracts. Jupiter has taught you a lot about networking but Saturn is teaching you boundaries. The next several months will help you piece the puzzle together.


RELATED: How Jupiter in Gemini Affects Each Zodiac Sign Throughout The Rest Of 2024


cancer jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

You have a lot to reflect on during Jupiter retrograde as the transit prepares you to receive a lot of love and care. Eclipse season has allowed you to see the impact of your work and how you assume your role as leader, but Jupiter retrograde will also remind you that you often work best when you are on your own, researching, editing, and incorporating self-care so you don’t burn out.


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leo jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

Friendships become more meaningful now with the connections you have made in the last six months. With the Pisces partial eclipse, you may have considered the effects of old friendships on you and how they influenced how you view them now. But Jupiter makes you more optimistic about the potential friends you make as Saturn in Pisces allows you to be more discerning with how you share your energy.


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virgo jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

During this transit, you can see how your ambitions and goals continue transforming. As the energy gets a lot clearer, analyze those friends and family members who have shown you support and how you can reciprocate the energy. Jupiter retrograde may push you to create a much more meaningful balance at home. This powerful period also helps you tap into your creative energy and work with others.


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libra jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

As things continue shifting, you see how the eclipse season has allowed you to make breakthroughs because you are utilizing your energy on the things that matter. While Jupiter stations retrograde, reflect on what you want to learn and how to continue your path of personal expansion. You are healing and learning to love yourself during this time.


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scorpio jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

Instead of focusing on the past, Jupiter retrograde encourages you to look ahead. This retrograde energy wants you to be more logical and consider the changes that can happen when you release the hold of the past. 


Focus on new projects, meet new people, and embrace love. While eclipse season showed you the importance of prioritizing yourself, Jupiter retrograde helps you to be more mindful about preparing for your new chapter.

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sagittarius jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango


Prioritizing rest results from his transit since Jupiter rules your sign. Make time to be there for yourself and connect with people and/or focus on hobbies that uplift your spirits. 

With Saturn still bringing a lot of new lessons, you may need to take things a little slower and reorganize your schedule so you don’t burn out. Jupiter retrograde may feel overwhelming because past relationships may come back to help you close those chapters. Be open to reconciling and moving forward for the next phase.

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capricorn jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango


Making and following a new schedule can allow you to receive insights during this time. For the next several months, being more methodical and patient can make things a lot easier for you. 

Mars along with the Nodes in Aries and Libra are teaching you about your relationship with power and control. Meanwhile, Jupiter retrograde reminds you how to build on systems essential to your relationships before Jupiter ingresses a new sign next year. Be patient and look at how Mars is shifting how you view relationships.

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aquarius jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

Dating may seem like a challenge during this time since Saturn in Pisces may add some doubts when it comes to finding someone you want to be with. However, Jupiter is also helping you rediscover your love of learning. 

As Jupiter stations retrograde, consider the changes you need to make at home and the types of changes that you desire to see in your academic life. New learning experiences and growth are in the works for you.


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pisces jupiter retrograde horoscope Design: YourTango

Because Jupiter is facing challenges from Saturn, you will also be tested to see how patient you can be during this period. However, you are in for a surprise with Jupiter stationing retrograde allowing you to bring harmony and peace to your immediate environment. 


This is also a period where you may embark on a new learning journey, making you more adept and willing to delve into new topics you can research to your heart's content.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
