The One 'Heaven-Sent' Zodiac Sign That Is The Ultimate Companion, According To An Astrologer

How this one 'tearful' sign warms your heart.

person with heaven-sent zodiac sign companion on bridge in galaxy Daniel J. Schwarz, Artulina & Robert Gruszecki | Design: YourTango

In astrology, compatibility comes down to several aspects that may make you more compatible with one zodiac sign than another. And while all zodiac signs have their positive and negative traits, according to astrologer Hagan Fox, there's one zodiac sign that outshines the rest when it comes to companionship.

Whether in friendship or relationships, an astrologer claims one zodiac sign is the ultimate companion.

According to Fox, those with the Pisces zodiac sign are naturals when it comes to providing the kind of companionship that makes people feel seen, heard, and understood.


"You get a Pisces girl on the right day they, they really are heaven sent," Fox said in a TikTok video. 

Many things go into what makes someone a good companion, such as maturity, openness, independence, and an ability to listen. Of course, anyone can learn and incorporate these traits themselves, but Fox noted that for Pisces, that "real, deep-seated, innate, true, honest compassion" comes naturally.


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Pisces has an intuitive nature that allows them to connect with others on a deeper level.

"They just really tap into the emotions of everything and everyone and the environment," Fox explained.

Pisces are known to be vulnerable and tend to see the best in everyone. And though many people may see Pisces as big crybabies, in another video, Fox warned people about thinking that means this "tearful" zodiac sign is always sad. calls them 'tearful.' However, the thing is you don't just cry about sad things.

"The thing is you cry about happy things," Fox explained, in addition to "sad things, melancholy things, funny things."

@haganfoxastrology Share this with the Pisces in your life 🫶 #pisces #astrology #zodiac #fyp ♬ original sound - Hagan Fox

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No, a Pisces cries about all things. Things that fill them with joy or things that make them laugh. According to Fox, "Crying is a natural gift" for Pisces.

Pisces' vulnerability speaks to people and helps them connect with people on a deeper level. It also attracts people to them as well. Fox pointed out that Pisces are like a radar and somebody you go to when you need a load off. Because of their empathetic nature, Pisces can easily put themselves in your shoes and feel for you. That's just the way they show love. 


And if you have a Pisces best friend? Then you know they make for the best support system. As Fox said, "They have innate compassion. In fact, they deal probably best of all with really traumatic situations." 

Pisces is strong-willed and as reliable as they come.

If you mess up or do a Pisces wrong, just know they're probably the most forgiving person you'd ever meet. They don't hold grudges for long, if at all, and are open to giving second, third, and even fourth chances.

With their open-minded nature, it's no wonder why this sign is considered completely heaven-sent. However, Pisces should be careful. The unfortunate truth is that qualities like these can quickly turn left without protective boundaries in place. So, be sure to take plenty of mental health breaks and understand that just because you can handle other people's problems doesn't always mean you always should. 


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.
