The 4 Venus Signs Most Likely To Get Engaged Before May 2025, According To An Astrologer

An astrologer explained that Saturn's current placement triggers engagements and marriage.

people with venus signs most likely to get engaged before may 2025 Photo: Leo_Visions, Thanapol sinsrang | Design: YourTango

Saturn making a harsh aspect to Venus can trigger a proposal. This means that Saturn making a square, opposition or conjunction to Venus can bring a strong commitment to partnerships. According to Neda, mutable Venus signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are most likely to get engaged or married between now and May 2025.

Saturn in Pisces has made mutable signs more discerning, teaching them what they want, value, and seek in a relationship. Even with the challenges that this Saturn in Pisces transit may have brought to mutable signs and placements, there is still a positive outcome to the lessons acquired during this powerful transit. 


The Full Moon partial eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024, was a defining moment that continues adding to the pressures that Saturn has brought since it entered this sign. All of these significant transits serve as a catalyst to uncover more growth, awareness, and personal transformations.

4 Venus signs most likely to get engaged or married before May 2025:

1. Pisces Venus sign

pisces venus sign most likely get engaged before may 2025 Design: YourTango


Saturn is in your sign, and those who have Venus conjunct Saturn, can mean a commitment or a proposal because Saturn has been pushing you to evolve for the last several years. You are learning the value of stability and grounding when it comes to relationship dynamics. 

For Venus in Pisces, Saturn in the same sign means that you have worked harder than most when it comes to understanding your partner and growing within your relationship; there is likely a reward along the way. Your views on relationships have transformed and you may have also evolved as a partner. Because this transit can be challenging, you have endured a lot and may feel more prepared to take the next step in your relationship, one that allows you to express your loyalty in the highest form to your partner. 

As long as you continue to push and pour love, care, and understanding, this can be a fruitful time for your evolution. Saturn can give you the stability and harmony you may have dreamed of.

RELATED: The Best Venus Signs (And Why)


2. Gemini Venus sign

gemini venus sign most likely get engaged before may 2025 Design: YourTango

Not only is Saturn making this a time of challenges and lessons, but you are also experiencing additional changes now with Jupiter also in Gemini, making this quite the fabulous moment for love and commitment. Because Jupiter in Gemini is curious and comprehensive, you may have been able to learn and uncover new sides to yourself and your partner. 

There is also the magnetic energy of Pluto in Aquarius bringing a lot of transformation to the Gemini Venus sign as you continue your metamorphosis. The South Node in Libra is serving as a catalyst making a trine to your sign, allowing you to reflect on past experiences and let go of those people that are not worthy companions. 


Saturn is teaching mutable signs to value the people in their lives and this all goes back to the Saturn in Sagittarius transit that began in 2016. The chapter from then is coming to a close as you will see the pieces of the puzzle finally come together. Love has been a prominent theme for you in the last several years and now it is the time to see the beauty and potential that awaits in 2025.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Thrive While Jupiter Is In Gemini Until June 2025

3. Virgo Venus sign

virgo venus sign most likely get engaged before may 2025 Design: YourTango


Saturn has been making an opposition to your Venus sign, a lesson that will have you focused on what you want in a relationship. But the partial eclipse in Pisces in September 2024 was another potent moment that brought transformative energy to your Venus and will echo more of the same topics for the next year. 

There are a lot of themes to uncover and your relationships are also bringing a lot of potency and power. The partial eclipse and Saturn echo lessons from Jupiter in Pisces transit a few years back. It can be a period of reflection and understanding as you are able to be more compassionate to those partners who taught you valuable lessons that helped shape who you are now. 

You are seeing the culminating chapters of the story unravel now and the cycle is closing. Saturn brings you level-headedness to uncover what you want and what you seek a partner for the long term, which is why now through next year can be a period where you will feel more empowered choosing who you want to be with.

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4. Sagittarius Venus sign

sagittarius venus sign most likely get engaged before may 2025 Design: YourTango

Pisces energy brings Sagittarius Venus signs some optimism now that it is in another Jupter-ruled sign. The North Node in Aries is also bringing a lot of transformation to your Venus, making you more aware of the relationships from the past and the one you may have in the present. You are seeing what matters most to you in partnerships and what is needed in a romantic partner for you to evolve. 

While you may feel the need to be free and continue on your path of expansion, the North Node is stabilizing and adding more maturity through the trine with your sign. Jupiter in Gemini is currently opposing your Venus sign, bringing opportunities to feel aligned with your partner. 


Saturn and the fall 2024 eclipse season may open your heart more to seeing the person who brings you the love and care you desire at this time. The love you have, need, and desire is all in the person you may consider 'the one.' Your confidence is allowing you to shine and receive and love unconditionally.

RELATED: Astrologer Explains How To Attract Money Into Your Life, Based On Your Venus Sign


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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
