11 Things Men Think Are Status Symbols That Mean Nothing To Women

Trying to impress women with artificial signs of your value will only cost you more in the long run.

Things Men Think Are Status Symbols That Mean Nothing To Women Kues / Shutterstock

Many men work their entire lives to acquire certain material items and hone desirable traits they believe will win the admiration and respect of others. Whether that means investing their time and money in luxury cars and expensive watches or building up their physiques, men view their ability to acquire these things as a reflection their worth, believing these things will set them apart from everyone else, but many of the things men think are status symbols honestly mean nothing at all to women.

While men may show off their flashy items and toned pecs thinking doing so will impress women, the reality is that many women don't actually care for many of the shallow things men see as status symbols.

Here are 11 things men think are status symbols that mean nothing to women

1. Expensive cars

man driving an expensive car Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

For many men, being able to own an expensive luxury car, like a Mercedes-Benz or a Jaguar, is something they will try to work up to because of how much they believe it says about their status. However, women don't necessarily care about cars, at least, not in the way that men do.

That's not to say there aren't women out there who aren't as equally invested in cars, but for the most part they don't view having an expensive car as something that reflects a man's true worth.

Interestingly enough, in a study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, the group conducted two surveys involving people driving expensive cars. In analyzing the results, researchers found that most respondents, both male and female, viewed men driving luxury cars as having "higher mating value and social dominance" and were seen as more competent in their lives and jobs.

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2. Fancy watches

man wearing a fancy watch New Africa | Shutterstock

Whether it's investing their money into a Rolexes or Patek Philippe, men seem to care a lot about luxury watches, seeing them as not only a piece of jewelry but also a statement about who they are. Most women don't view watches in the same way that men do, and they certainly aren't checking out a man's wrist and judging them on the amount of money a certain watch may be worth.

A paper published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, showed that status symbols like watches can actually repel friends, even if they attract business contracts. Researchers called this the "status symbol paradox," since participants in the study incorrectly assumed that their fancy accessories would make them more appealing to others and attract more friends.

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3. Designer clothes and shoes

man wearing designer clothes insta_photos | Shutterstock

Some men find value and status in being able to own the latest pair of Louis Vuitton shoes or a Gucci belt. They may see name brands as a reflection of their worth and flex that luxury as proof that they belong in an elite circle.

While some women may also indulge in designer goods, they try not to make them as flashy or central to their identities. Most women instead focus on style, fit, and how the outfit can complement their personality instead of overtake it.

Fashion psychologist Dion Terrelonge explained that the reason men are more obsessed with designer labels than women is because of this innate need to fit in.

"I don’t think it is about attracting people or showing off. I think it’s more about fitting in," she said. "So as human beings we all go through these developmental stages in our lives and when we are teens we are developed mentally for a need for sameness, the safety of sameness. One way we show our sameness is the way we dress."

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4. Being a gym bro

man being a gym bro Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

It's no secret that many men put a lot of effort into their appearance, whether it's wearing designer clothes, watches, or spending a healthy amount of time at the gym to bulk up. However, women might not necessarily care about muscles in the way that men do.

In a paper titled "Men's Bodily Attractiveness: Muscles as Fitness Indicators," a team of researchers led by Patrick K. Durkee at the University of Texas at Austin collected responses from 503 women and 942 men. They found that "women prefer muscles that are hard to build to be larger than muscles that are easier to build."

Men seemed to think that bigger muscles were better, while women admitted to not having the same preference. They wanted muscles, but not for them to be too big.

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5. Over-the-top arrogance

arrogant young man standing in street Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock

There's a difference between confident and secure in who you are and having an over-the-top personality that borders on being arrogant. Many men feel that being the loudest in the room equates to attracting the attention and respect of others, but the reality is, many women find arrogance incredibly unattractive. Often, it's actually an indicator of insecurity.

"When looking for a partner, best to leave your ego at the door. People are not interested in dating arrogant others, although men might be less concerned about arrogance in their long-term or short-term partners relative to women," explained Theresa DiDonato, Ph.D., a social psychologist.

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6. Boasting about never showing emotion

man feeling sad sitting on couch panitanphoto | Shutterstock

For men who value toughness and other traditional traits of masculinity, they may feel that bragging about having never cried or showing emotions is a sign of true strength. However, the true sign of strength is being able to feel your emotions instead of suppressing them, and while certain groups of men would disagree, it's not something that women typically admire or practice themselves.

"Suppressing our emotions to fit some arbitrary gender box is a significant factor in what leads men to become suicide statistics, mass shooters, rapists, and murderers. If we aren’t letting our emotions be what they are day to day, then they will mount into an all-consuming erupting volcano of unmanageability," explained relationship coach Jordan Gray.

"So do your part. Feel your feelings. Hold space for men to feel their feelings," Gray encouraged.

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7. Huge houses

man showing off his huge house Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

Owning a massive home is seen by many men as an indicator of success and status. Being able to have multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, and an extravagant layout is, to them, the pinnacle of achievement. It's their way of showing that they managed to make it in life and have gained financial success because of their hard work and dedication.

For women, having a big house doesn't mean much if it doesn't feel like a home. They would rather spend time curating the atmosphere with warmth and comfort, and if a house is out of their budget, they have no problem downsizing because they don't see the size of a home as a measure of happiness.

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8. Owning a ridiculously loud motorcycle or car

man driving loud motorcycle Odua Images | Shutterstock

Men who own a loud motorcycle or a car with a powerful engine often believe that having this roaring vehicle will make them stand out and impress others. However, most people, especially women, find loud cars and men who drive them to be quite the opposite of charming.

In fact, many women are put off by this kind of attempt to grab attention or prove something. It's seen not a status symbol, as most men would love to believe it is, but rather a sign that they may be trying to overcompensate for some kind of insecurity.

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9. Crytocurrency

man using cryptocurrency on his phone insta_photos | Shutterstock

Being able to invest in cryptocurrency is something that many men these days find to be one of the top indicators of status. These men view it as a sign of intelligence and forward-thinking to be able to secure their financial futures with the potential high returns that come from digital currencies and investments.

However, women aren't that impressed by cryptocurrency and would rather focus on more practical ways to earn money that are easier to understand than investing in a digital market that is quite unpredictable.

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10. Firearms

serious man standing by window Monkey Business Images | Shutterstock

Many men view owning firearms as more than something to use for a practical purpose, sport, or protection, seeing them as a sign of independence and power. Some men take pride in showing off their collections of firearms because they associate them with the purest form of masculinity.

For most women, the appeal of owning a firearm doesn't quite match up with how men view it. While safety is a number one priority for women, having a firearm in the house doesn't always make them feel safe.

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11. Expensive cologne (especially in excess)

man spraying cologne in mirror Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

For many men, investing and wearing expensive cologne is a way for them to leave a lasting impression and show off their status. They might believe that not only wearing an expensive scent but drowning themselves in it can boost their attractiveness and allure to other people, but in truth, overpowering scents can end up having the complete opposite effect.

Excessive cologne often ends up coming off as overwhelming, and instead of a man appearing confident and sophisticated, it can make him seem as if he's lacking self-awareness.

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Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.
