Moms Who Raise Emotionally Mature Men Always Teach These 9 Powerfully Simple Lessons

Mom knows best, especially when it comes to raising emotionally mature men.

Last updated on Feb 27, 2025

Man is raised to be emotionally mature. Sincerely Media | Unsplash

Who teaches men how to be emotionally mature, especially when it comes to love and relationships? That's the question I often find myself asking after I've brought up politics or spilled an entire glass of water all over myself on a first, maybe even second, date.

Sure, there are thousands of advice books out there. But if you flip through the pages and highlight the parts that make your heart flutter, you'll soon realize the only thing these books do is get you all riled up. And they do that so well, that you eventually become numb from doing anything.


Do me a giant favor: Forget these books. How about our moms? Some will sit us down and spill out all the powerfully simple lessons to ensure their boys grow into emotionally mature men.

Moms who raise emotionally mature men always teach these powerfully simple lessons:

1. 'What you put up with in a relationship, is all you'll ever get out of it' 

My mom gave me advice when I had my first heartbreak at 20. It’s so true in so many ways.

 —Alex, 23

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2. 'Don't rush it'

Men Reveal The Best Relationship Advice Their Mom Ever Gave Them Verin / Shutterstock


 If you think she's the one for you — or see a future with her and she makes you happy — then pursue it. Don't ever let her pressure you into something you don't want to have. Also, be honest with your feelings— Dan, 27

3. 'If it's not working now, it's not going to'

Amen, Mom. —Johnny,  30

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4. 'See how a person treats the waiter at the restaurant'

It'll tell everything. —Cliff Montana, 26


5. 'Don't ever settle for anyone'

Men Reveal The Best Relationship Advice Their Mom Ever Gave Them Yuri A / Shutterstock

My mom was big on this. —Shayne, 29

6. 'If you're in a relationship; you're part of a team' 

So you need to learn to compromise and understand that it's not just about you, anymore. And with that comes a lot of responsibility. If you want to be a good boyfriend or husband, you need to put their needs ahead of yours. Because at the end of the day, you're a team. Her happiness is your happiness. —Thomas, 28


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7. 'Don't rush into a relationship you're not sure about'

Be patient until you find the "right" person—Barry, 34

8. 'Trust your instincts'

I always have. —George, 31

9. 'Best friends are the best to fall in love with' 

That's something my mom told me when I was very young and it's stayed with me forever— Grant, 29


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Jen Glantz is the founder of Bridesmaid for Hire, the author of two memoirs, and an energetic & crowd-moving speaker.