11 Ways A Good Man Gives His Woman Princess Treatment Without Spending A Single Dollar
A good man never hesitates to make his woman feel special.

When women are looking for a life-long partner, they want a good man who is respectful, honest, and supportive. It can sometimes feel like finding men like this is difficult, but women can hit the jackpot and land an honorable, kind man. And that becomes evident by the ways a good man gives his woman princess treatment without spending a single dollar.
These women can likely attest to all the ways their man is the perfect person for them. Whether it's addressing her needs, complimenting her daily, or just lending a listening ear, these men know how to show up for their women.
Here are 11 ways a good man gives his woman princess treatment without spending a single dollar
1. He protects her no matter what
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A good man gives his woman princess treatment without spending a single dollar by offering emotional, mental and physical protection, no questions asked. A good man will never leave his woman to face danger alone. Whether it's getting out of work late at night or just holding space for her needs, these men ensure that she's safe.
Escorting her to her car or pumping gas in her car might seem extreme. But considering the fact that every 68 seconds an American is assaulted, according to RAINN, men everywhere should consider protecting the women in their lives. Even if it might feel inconvenient, good men who truly love their women don't shy away from protecting her.
2. He leads without being asked to
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With all that women have to juggle — going to work, taking care of the kids, and ensuring their households run smoothly — it's no surprise that they sometimes reach the end of their figurative ropes. Women are given a list of responsibilities they have to measure up to, on top of their long list of duties as mothers or wives.
One study published in Review of Economics of the Household found that women are increasingly more likely than men to report physical and emotional exhaustion. So, good men don't feel afraid to take on more responsibilities to cut their women some slack.
When women come home from a long day of work, they don't want to decide or remember every little thing. That's where good men step up, doing things like cooking dinner, doing the grocery shopping and laundry, and getting the kids to bed, just so she can have a break.
For men who want to give their women the princess treatment, try taking on more of the load and taking the lead. Not only will this create a sense of peace in the relationship, but it will also make her feel secure and at ease.
3. He's humble
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Many men are either oblivious or overly confident about the way they treat their women. And although there's nothing wrong with confidence, it can sometimes turn into arrogance where they then neglect the efforts of those around them.
Feeling as if they have only themselves to thank, these men will rave about their hard work while ignoring their partner's efforts. This is hurtful and frustrating, as feeling unappreciated and undervalued can lead to a decrease in well-being, according to a survey from the American Psychological Association.
Good men are humble and don't give themselves praise for things they should be doing to begin with. They know they contribute to the relationship, but they don't ignore the effort their women put in as well. And their partners feel more appreciated as a result.
4. He has high emotional intelligence
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An emotionally intelligent person has the ability to control and express their emotions in a healthy way, and understand and respond to the emotions of others. Men who lack emotional intelligence may feel overstimulated and overwhelmed, allowing their emotions to get the better of them and causing a rift in their relationship.
But a good man has high emotional intelligence. He takes a minute to think about how he feels, expresses that feeling respectfully and intentionally, and then rejoins the conversation without acting out. And according to a study published in Communications Psychology, taking a five-second break during an argument can help diffuse an argument.
Only after calming down does a good man discuss the situation. Approaching a conversation with a level head is likely to lead to better results, including any disagreements in a relationship.
5. He doesn't let her go to sleep upset
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Age-old relationship advice says to never go to bed angry, and this is one of the ways a good man gives his woman princess treatment without spending a single dollar. Rather than running away from their problems, good men confront them head-on. They don't let their woman go to bed feeling upset or unloved, and take the time to have those important conversations.
A study published in Nature Communications found that during sleep, the brain reorganizes the way negative memories are stored, making it harder to suppress them in the future. So, it's a great thing for men to make sure their women don't stay angry upon drifting off to sleep, giving their partner a chance to cool off before solving the problem.
6. He finds simple ways to make her life easier
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With dishes piling up, household pets and children running wild, and stress feeling overwhelming, good men understand that their women deserve a rest. After all, the perception of having more household chores in a relationship can drastically decrease women's happiness. And, according to a study from the Journal of Family Psychology, women who had a greater amount of chores were increasingly likely to experience a decrease in their happiness.
But good men give their women the princess treatment by finding ways to make her life easier. Maybe that means getting home earlier and washing the dishes, starting to cook dinner, or tidying the living room. He does all these things instead of calling it a day and plopping himself on the couch to relax.
Not only are these actions highly considerate, but they truly show just how much a good man cares about his partner.
7. He caters to her emotional needs
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Everyone has emotional needs that are unique to the relationship they're in. For example, while some women need constant reassurance, others might need to hear "I love you" multiple times a day. But good men meet their woman's emotional needs, no matter what they look like.
Regardless of how simple or complex these needs are, he will find a way to cater to her without complaint. And as a study published in the journal Emotion found, an increase in positive emotions leads to ego growth in resilience, which predicts satisfaction in life.
With this in mind, women who find good men should hold on tight. If they're actively meeting those needs, they're making her life a whole lot brighter.
8. He actively listens
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Regardless of who someone is, one thing is for certain: they want to feel heard in their everyday life. Human beings thrive off of social connection and need to feel as if they belong. And in a relationship, a good man gives his woman princess treatment without spending a single dollar by listening openly to her.
According to Elizabeth Bernstein, writer for the "Bonds: On Relationships" column for The Wall Street Journal, active listening helps couples create strong relationships by getting on the same page. This allows partners to feel heard by each other, increasing empathy and building trust.
On top of their easygoing and understanding nature, good men who listen to their women pay close attention and make their partners feel important and truly loved.
9. He treats her with respect
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There's no relationship without respect, and good men understand this better than anyone. Good men treat their women with the same respect they expect, often going above and beyond to prove this. They don't just give the bare minimum; rather, they go to great lengths to make their women feel heard, understood, and treat them with empathy.
These men ensure their relationship stays healthy by effectively communicating, setting boundaries and, most importantly, respecting boundaries. It's certainly not easy, as emotions can get the best of everyone sometimes, but these men respect their women enough to apologize and actively change.
10. He compliments her daily
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In many long-term relationships, it's normal for both partners to go without complimenting one another for a period of time. But good men treat their women like princesses by offering sincere compliments every single day.
Unfortunately, this type of behavior isn't as common as it used to be. Considering how busy men get throughout their daily lives, they often forget to give their partner a sweet remark. And never uttering sweet words or uplifting their partner can make them feel undesirably, creating misunderstandings as their partner questions if their man even wants her anymore.
According to relationship coach Netia Everett, complimenting your partner is great for a relationship because it makes them feel appreciated, like a priority, and creates a deeper connection. "Maybe if we focus more on what works instead of what doesn't, our relationships with our loved ones will become that much better," she suggests.
11. He's her biggest supporter
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It's a wonderful feeling to be emotionally and mentally supported in a relationship, and good men do this for their women without even hesitating. Any goals or ambitions she has, he's right there behind her. If she's doubting herself in her abilities or skills, he's the first person to remind her of how special she is.
While there are men who may be jealous and actively downplay their woman's achievements, creating a negative environment, good men are confident and secure. They don't see it as their woman outshining them; rather, it speaks to why he fell in love with her in the first place. He's showing that his love is unconditional.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.