Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 16 — The North Node & Sun Align

Are you ready to work hard to grow the love you’ve always wanted with a partner?

love horoscope march 16 2025 Design: YourTango

The North Node unites with the Sun on March 16, 2025, and it infuses each zodiac sign's love horoscope with a desire to take action. North Node conjunct the Sun represents action that produces results. So, you will be called to look at what needs to end in your love life. Do you need to heal and grow? Pay attention to divine signs today, and embrace your higher self to align with your romantic fate.

Every relationship serves a unique purpose in your life. Some relationships are here to teach you a lesson, while others reaffirm what you have always deserved. A karmic cycle in love connects to your past, including your childhood wounds and conditioning. This type of toxic relationship includes themes of worthiness, abandonment, or overworking for love. If you avoid it, you will repeat what you don’t heal. However, there is a bright spot in your love horoscope today, helping you heal from these karmic cycles and embrace the romantic fate of your higher self.


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Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on March 16, 2025:


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Spend time tending to your inner self, Aries. While you are in the depths of retrograde and eclipse season, the North Node and the Sun in Pisces create a divine opportunity for healing. 

Pisces does represent the end of a cycle, while your sign of Aries signifies the beginning. With Pisces ruling over your house of the subconscious, you must be willing to look at what cycles or beliefs must end in your life. 

This will connect with the healing process you are already going through, but as part of that, you need to let go of what is no longer working for you in your romantic life.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

All it takes is a moment to change everything, Taurus. The North Node and the Sun in Pisces will highlight the relationship meant for you in your life; however, it may not be the one you are currently in. 

This may involve healing surrounding the difference between what looks good versus what is genuinely good for you. 

You will need to connect with your inner self during this time and be willing to honor your intuition. It’s better to heal out of a relationship than to continue participating in a toxic cycle.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Lean into what you value most, sweet Gemini. Pisces energy rules over the success you feel in your romantic life; however, it also brings up themes connected to your reputation and how others see you. 

This often presents a divine test to choose the person that feels right to you if others may not agree. Love isn’t about the validation or accolades you receive from others; in this way, no one else sees you other than that special person in your life. 

Use this energy to focus on what you value most, and let your heart lead the way.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Choose your fate, dear Cancer. As the North Node and the Sun unite in Pisces, you receive a divine sign from the universe that it’s time to choose your fate. 

This area of your life represents new beginnings in romance, along with broadening your perspective towards love. You can’t doubt that you are meant for romance and love; it’s just that the power to attract it rests with you. 

If you want the love you've always dreamed of, you must take chances in life. Do something unexpected, say yes to an opportunity, and let yourself choose the fate you’ve always known was meant for you.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be tender with your emotional self, Leo. Pisces energy can stir up long-forgotten feelings, making you sensitive or emotional. 

However, within this sea of emotions arrives a truth that you can’t neglect your inner self and expect to find the happiness and connection you seek. 

The North Node and the Sun in Pisces call you to honor your emotional self so that it can lead you toward the changes you must make in your life. 

This doesn’t mean it will happen all at once, but embracing your feelings as valuable instead of an inconvenience will help you understand what is truly meant for you.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

The truth often comes rushing in all at once, Virgo. You have been on quite a romantic journey the past few years, and though you’ve made progress, it still seems there are unanswered questions. 

Pisces rules over your house of relationships, and because of that, this energy will be felt intensely for you as the North Node and the Sun unite. You are being called to reflect on the karmic patterns in your life, and if your current relationship aligns with your higher self. 

You must end overworking for love or planning for what you think the perfect life will entail. Instead, embrace the truth and surrender to where you are being directed, as the universe is never wrong.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A karmic relationship is the opposite of a healthy love, Libra. While a karmic relationship can often feel addicting, it’s that feeling that lets you know it’s not healthy. 

You should know in your heart that regardless of if your relationship works out, you will be OK. 

This represents a healthy attachment and sense of self, two themes that will be brought to light as the North Node aligns with the Sun in Pisces. 

Look honestly at your relationship, as it’s time to heal into a healthier love.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Date with a purpose, Scorpio. The infusion of Pisces energy, especially as the North Node aligns with the Sun, represents a deep desire for an intimate and committed relationship, whether marriage is part of the equation. 

You must honor what you seek in love instead of thinking that casual dating or affairs fulfill your desires. While this is part of a karmic cycle in your life, it’s also about honoring what you want to move forward with purpose in your romantic life.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Listen to your heart, Sagittarius. Logic won’t get you very far as the North Node unites with the Sun in Pisces in your house of love, family and home. Instead, this is a time when you must listen to your heart. 

Pay attention to where you feel called, who becomes most important, and what you want for your life. Don’t try to deny these feelings; instead, see them as divine insight into what is meant for you. 

This will help you organize your thoughts and begin to take action to create changes that will lead to greater fulfillment.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Choose love, Capricorn. The North Node and the Sun in Pisces will encourage you to choose love and declare your feelings to that special person. 

This may involve a karmic situation or cycle that had you protecting yourself from heartbreak but had you withholding love. 

You are the only person who can decide to receive the love you’ve always wanted. In your case, this would bring about a new love or beginning in an existing relationship. 

Choose love and trust that the rest will work itself out.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You can only be where you are, Aquarius. While the North Node and the Sun in Pisces carry a powerful reminder of what you are worthy of and deserve to receive in relationships, you may find yourself reaching a point due to Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries. 

It’s your entire relationship or only certain aspects; there is something that you are no longer willing to accept or avoid. 

This will create a situation for an argument or bold declaration on your part about what you are worth. While this may be uncomfortable, it will improve your romantic life.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are enough, Pisces. You are always enough, no matter what moment you find yourself in, and that is what the North Node and the Sun in your zodiac sign will remind you of today. 

You’ve felt a little untethered recently, not knowing what direction to take or if you are on the right path regarding love. 

Yet, this awareness of your being enough helps you to see it’s not about being better or doing but trusting yourself that you are precisely as you are meant to be. 

This will help you open yourself up to love and be willing to say yes to an exciting offer coming in.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
