What Aquarius Needs To Know About 2025, According To A Tarot Reader

Aquarius, if ever there was a year where you finally felt free, it's 2025.

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope Design: YourTango

Aquarius, if ever there was a year where you finally felt free, it's 2025. You're moving into the new year with suitcases ready to be filled with self-love, hope, and wisdom gleaned from last year. You've learned your lessons and have the courage to build a healthy, whole, and enriched life.

Aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope

Your yearly tarot card is the one that you rule: The Devil. But it arrives reversed, suggesting his year is about spiritual growth, self-belief, and gaining confidence. 

aquarius 2025 horoscope tarot card the devil Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

Your yearly tarot card is a promise that unpacks itself a bit more each month. When upright, a candle is at the top of a goat's head, implying being controlled by vices. What cravings hurt your growth? What did you learn from them? Knowing the answer to these questions will matter, Aquarius. They are the source of deep wisdom, self-control, and strength.


In 2025, nothing controls you without your permission. You're not allowing anything to stand in your way anymore. Because you'll be building a new life, you may lose a few friends before you make new ones. There are points of loneliness in the early half of the year, but spending time getting comfortable with yourself will help you in ways you need. This is a great year to learn patience, self-love and endurance. 

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January 2025: Ace of Wands

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope january ace of wands Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango


January is about starting the new year on the right foot. You'll want to write down your resolutions and goals for the entire year, broken down month by month. Keep in mind that this year, your primary growth will be in the area of spirituality, so include prayer, meditation, relaxation, calming exercises, or journaling about your life.

Overall, the year starts right in January with the Ace of Wands. You, Aquarius, feel the potential inside of you. It starts with spiritual roots, so set an intention this month, especially since it's your birth season. From the end of January through mid-February, you get an entire solar year to define who you want to be and why.

The Ace of Wands is a signal to start things with an open mind and a willingness to learn. You can take a new course to gain a skill you know you want to use for a job. You might decide to go back to school. Perhaps you will begin a new project and make friends along the way. 

Your potential is given, but you must work for what you desire. You will, and this is the backdrop of what's to come in February.


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February 2025: Three of Pentacles, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope february three pentacles reversed Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

February is about letting go of the old to make room for new things. Declutter closets. Remove things from the garage or basement. Declutter your cell phone. Get rid of apps and unfriend or mute people on your social media feed. You're striving for a clean mind, which ultimately leads you to a peaceful soul.


If you planted good seeds in fertile soil in January, things start to shake up in your personal life in February. You may discover that friends you used to hang out with aren't as much fun as they used to be. A job you love may seem limited, and you start to get an itch to change roles or find a new company to work with.

When you change, everything else has to shift to meet you where you are, and change is indicated with the Three of Pentacles tarot card, especially in love. If you're in a relationship, your significant other may feel confused about why you're changing so dramatically. They may fear your change will make them less desirable to you, and you'll have to work things out. 

This can be a wonderful season of renewal for your partnership if you work together as a team. However, it may also lead to a breakup if you go in different directions. February requires lots of communication, understanding, and effort to make things work in relationships.

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March 2025: Four of Cups, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope march four cups reversed Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

Regroup in March and rethink your 'big why.' Write it down and put it somewhere you can see it daily. You'll want to define your life purpose clearly. Do you have a mission statement for the year? Now is the time to make one if you don't. 

If the first two months of the year were busy for you, that busy life quickly leads to exhaustion or burnout. You're at risk in March. But if you have a 'Why' in place, you'll know the reason you want to push through; this can help you remain strong when the pressure to quit is high.


The Four of Cups, reversed, is where you could slide back into old habits and return to old ways, thinking that life was easier. You may endure heartache due to a few personal setbacks in love and want to keep peace to save a relationship. 

Knowing your 'why' will help you to decide how badly you want the future you dreamed of in January. Old habits die hard, but it's the mindset that you'll work on at this point in the year. 

If you're struggling to break free from old beliefs or find new fears creeping up, March is a great time to get an accountability partner. You will benefit from journalling, reading books on mindset and success, and creating a daily roadmap to reach your goals for the year.

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April 2025: Ten of Wands, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope april ten wands reversed Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

This is the month when you start to branch out and create a world you can exist in without feeling alone. "Don't go it alone" is the motto for April. 

The Ten of Wands, reversed, is a card of heavy burdens and a cry for help from others. Do you need to be the end-all-do-all for yourself and others? What would happen if you told a friend or counselor you feel overwhelmed and could use a helping hand? 


You have an entire month to create a support system that can help you achieve much more than you would if you did everything alone. It can be scary to admit you're invisible, especially if you experienced rejection in the past. But asking shows growth, and that's part of what you'll see more of in May.

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May 2025: Strength

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope may strength Photo: Stacy M | Design: YourTango


May is about developing strength of character. By this month's time, you'll already feel like you have accomplished so much. You may have a stronger love life, or maybe you're learning to be on your own (something you did not like to do in the past.) If you worked on building a supportive community, you have new friends, resources, and institutions that help you.

You're in business and ready to do something great with your life. You may find trusting others is a great new world for you. You may even start letting your guard down more than usual. During May, you will want to focus on a well-rounded life. Start going to the gym. Begin a spiritual practice. Have fun and work hard. 

You will want to cultivate stress-releasing habits to use them in healthy ways when life feels tough. It will feel good to know that you have come so far in such a short period of time. And, you'll want to remember that when June arrives, you could endure a disappointment that involves intimate relationships. 

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June 2025: Three of Swords

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope june three swords Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

You cannot please everyone, so in June don't try to. Not everyone will see things as you see them, Aquarius. When you start to feel good about your life, you may discover that some people aren't ready for you to change into a different person. June comes with peer pressure, and knowing that your partner, friends, or family members are trying to pull you back into old ways can hurt your heart. 

A part of you may feel let down or unsupported. You may even feel like a traitor or have betrayed their memory of you. These feelings can be conflicting and cause all sorts of negative emotions, such as self-doubt. 


Rather than change back to who you were to appease others, you will want to solidify your resolve to live on your terms. People who love you will continue to love you. Some may love you, but you may decide they should do so with less involvement day-to-day. 

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July 2025: Two of Pentacles

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope july two pentacles Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango


Aim for a work-life balance in July. You learn to trust life and to create a balance in your world that fosters serenity, peace, and inner security. The Two of Pentacles in July indicates that you learn how to juggle all that you need to do without feeling overwhelmed. You might be impressed with how naturally you do life compared to how things were for you last year.

Since you are just past mid-year 2025, revise and review your schedule for the rest of the summer. Check to see what's working for you. Ask yourself what needs to change. Do you need to tap further into your support system to see what other resources may be available to you? Have open conversations. 

Ask good questions and try to further the good that you have going. You'll see how doing things differently gives you more time, saves you money, and enriches your life.

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August 2025: Nine of Cups, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope august nine cups Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

What do you want to do next? August is about stretching yourself to the point of no return in a good way. You're ready to push the envelope in August and leave your comfort zone. What's on your bucket list? Do you want to go on a cruise? Have you always wanted to run a marathon? Do you want to become an artist, singer, writer, or create an app?

With less drama, you are ready to aim for more happiness, joy, and healthy experiences. You won't want to settle for anything you've done before. You can apply your spiritual growth to intention setting to manifest what you desire. This is the time to practice a 17-second intention or write down what you want in a journal daily. Create a vision board


Aim for the things you desire and go for them, but whatever you do in August, do not play it small.

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September 2025: Nine of Wands

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope september nine wands Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

You will want to focus on money for the next few months of the year. The month of September is specifically dedicated to wealth accumulation and financial well-being. Up to now, you will have focused on your spiritual life and your social life. But, you will want to take your life to the next level: riches.


An interesting thing can happen when you focus on spiritual growth: your money stream decreases — or so it appears. This partially happens because money and spirituality vibrate with different energies. In September, you'll want to work on the manifestation of money. So, you'll need to align your personal and spiritual vibration with the vibration of money. With practice, you can do it.

The good news is that your tarot card for September is the Nine of Wands. This indicates success in attracting wealth and other material possessions. Write down the amount of money you want to make by the end of the year. Envision your life as you desire it to be. Who will you help? How might you be of service to others? See your life as a giver, and ask the universe to give to you so you can bless others.

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October 2025: Ace of Cups

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope october ace cups Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

Feelings of gratitude flood your heart in October. This month is about thankfulness. You can make peace with the past and see how much it has improved you. 

The Ace of Cups is a card of attraction where you naturally draw things into your life. Without effort, people are drawn to you. You send signals of thankfulness wherever you go. You are a light to others. 


Your struggles make you more beautiful and endearing to people who see how strong you are. You inspire people who know you, and if you post your success online, you'll also impact people you don't know but observe you from a distance. Since the holidays are around the corner, you may consider volunteering for a charity or doing something to help friends who are struggling.

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November 2025: The Empress, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope november empress reversed Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango


You learn to balance self-love with service. Early this year, the test was learning how to make new friends, relieve yourself of the pressure to please others, and find your voice. Now, it's time to set your priorities in order. 

Do you have anything you've been neglecting? Do you take good care of yourself? Even though you have learned how important it is to care for your needs, it's very easy not to. 

In November, schedule time for relaxation, grooming, doctor's visits, and things that ensure you are in your best shape. You may be so busy with the holidays that you forget to pamper yourself. The better you feel, the more you can give of your time with a happy and willing spirit.

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December 2025: King of Wands, reversed

aquarius 2025 tarot horoscope december king wands reversed Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango

December is here, and it comes with a warning: avoid becoming so secure in yourself that you start to judge others. The King of Wands, reversed, suggests a person who takes their power and abuses it by acting controlling or judgmental of others. 

Remember how hard it was to get past old habits and behaviors? Your old life may feel like it was a time that belonged to someone else. So, in December, remain humble and kind. 


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Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.
