What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Last Week Of December, According To A Tarot Card Reader
With 2024 coming to a close, it's time for each astrological sign to set intentions.

We have a big week coming up, zodiac signs, and it's good to prepare. We are doing a one-card tarot reading to describe what you will experience the week of December 23 - 29, 2024.
The collective tarot card for all zodiac signs is the Four of Swords. This card encourages each zodiac sign to wind down and enjoy some peace and relaxation for the week, as it's going to be hectic. Invest in ideas that truly capture your heart and imagination — this is the perfect week to do a spiritual cleanse before the 2025 new year arrives.
Here's what your one-card tarot reading predicts for each zodiac sign next week.
The one-card tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign the week of December 23 - 29, 2024:
Aries: Three of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Aries, this week, you got the Three of Wands as your tarot card. It's highlighting an intense need to step out of the box and explore the world. So whether you set aside some time for a staycation or book your next flight, now's the time to vacay, slay, and prep for 2025. Start small, but start somewhere. The world is your oyster!
Taurus: Queen of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Taurus, you have the Queen of Wands as your tarot card this week. The energy urges you to embrace the powerhouse you are — let that be the statement wherever you go. Whether in your career, on stage, at a party, or on a simple trip to the grocery store, go in style. Your magnetic energy is bound to turn heads this week, so make sure you're putting your best, authentic self forward.
Gemini: Five of Pentacles
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Gemini, you have Five of Pentacles as your tarot card this week. It cautions you outright about not overspending your money. If purchasing gifts for Christmas is becoming burdensome, try to find alternatives that still do the trick. For example, a hand-drawn "ticket for one" to be redeemed later by your loved one if they ever feel low and need a hug or company to go out for a movie or to a new restaurant can be just as meaningful as a purchased gift. Make the experience matter, not the bucks. Prioritize self-love if you are alone, and know that times will change for the better soon.
Cancer: Five of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Cancer, this week, you have the Five of Wands as your tarot card. It reminds you that when something matters a lot to you, whether it's a spot in a limited-seat program, a romantic relationship, or trials for a sports team, don't allow anyone to bulldoze you out of the way. Even if you cry your way to the top, it's worth it! After all, they say success requires blood, sweat, and tears. As a Cancer, you've got dominion over all three just from the perspective of being an emotionally intelligent water sign.
Leo: King of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Leo, this week, you have the King of Wands as your tarot card. It's one of those serendipitous draws since this card represents your zodiac sign! So prepare for a fabulous week with fun, gossip, parties, and more! Christmas is coming up, so there might be a lot of surprises waiting in the wings. Just know this: if you are looking for an investor in a business or new venture, a Taurus may be the one who helps you out at this time. After all, like-minded people don't always need to be carbon copies of each other in life and lifestyle.
Virgo: Page of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Virgo, this week, you have the Page of Wands as your tarot card. It encourages you to try something new that helps you be more creative and step out of your comfort zone. This can be a hobby, a redecorating project at home, a new study topic, or even learning to dance, just because. New friends will find you, too, on this path. Some of you may feel these new friends are more like siblings from other mothers, cheesy lines and all. Work with Fool's Gold (Pyrite) this week, which can help you build your confidence and have fun.
Libra: Nine of Wands
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Libra, the Nine of Wands is your weekly reminder that good things come to those who wait. So lay your cards right, position your chess pieces, and wait. You will have what you want in time, whether that's a new romance, career opportunity, or gossip you are itching to know. A surprise in the works will suddenly make you realize what you have been missing over the last many months.
Scorpio: Eight of Swords
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Scorpio, this week, you have the Eight of Swords as your tarot card encouraging you to trust in divine timing. In the meantime, make sure you're not ignoring any red flags or toxic situations to protect your psyche. Opening your eyes to what's hidden from you will benefit you in the long haul once everything comes to light.
Sagittarius: Ten of Pentacles
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Sagittarius, this week, you have the Ten of Pentacles as your tarot card. It's an excellent card to receive, especially during the Christmas season when gifts, fun times with family, and abundance are all around. But it also encourages you to continue engaging with the big dreams and distant goals meant to turn your life into a masterpiece. This energy will become more apparent in 2025. Now's also the time to be generous and let your gifts speak for you, though you can add a sweet note to each. Clear quartz can help you remain clear-headed as you move forward.
Capricorn: Two of Pentacles
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Capricorn, this week, you have the Two of Pentacles as your tarot card. It reveals some instability in your life that may solve itself through a side hustle. Even babysitting for a few hours could help or multi-tasking wherever possible. For some, this card is a sign that you must swap out your old wardrobe for a new one. Don't hold on to what doesn't spark joy and may trigger you with bad memories. Bring something fresh into your life and watch as something else that's new blooms. Working with Sapphire or Blue Calcite will bring clear insights and mental stability.
Aquarius: Wheel of Fortune
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Aquarius, you have the Wheel of Fortune as your tarot card. Some of you are about to hit the jackpot when securing an investment for your entrepreneurial venture or some other cash-heavy adventure. For others, this wheel will spin to decades past and bring you a gala or costume ball that lets you relive the joie de vivre of a different historical period. Also, watching old movies can do the trick, especially if they are in black and white!
Pisces: Ace of Cups
Sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Pisces, you have the Ace of Cups this week as your tarot card. It reminds you that love cannot flow from you if your cup is empty. Prioritize self-love and you will continue loving in all other areas of life uniquely.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.