What Aries Needs To Know About 2025, According To An Astrologer
An astrologer breaks down exactly what Aries will experience in life, career, and money throughout all of 2025.

Aries, your 2025 horoscope reveals that this is the year you can redefine who you are and who you want to be. While certain areas of your life, like love and romance, remain in the background this year, your career, finances, and health are powerfully poised for growth and success.
Was 2024 a tough time for you? Blame it on Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Chiron retrograde may have felt like a thorn in your side for the last five months of 2024 since you were the hardest hit by this planet because it was in your sign.
Still, nothing takes Aries down completely. Your optimistic personality took mental notes through every setback. You know that every rose has a thorn. 2024 taught you some valuable lessons perfect for creating a solid foundation in 2025. It's time to pull weeds from your cosmic garden and plant yourself a money tree with multiple income streams.
You'll need to earn what you want and work hard for what you get this year. The eclipse cycle in your sign ends around your birthday, so changes that you experience related to relationships and personal development start to wane down.
But with the area of physical body and endings in focus, the 2025 Virgo/Pisces eclipse season helps you prioritize your health and well-being. You'll want to alleviate negative habits — and people — that have held you back.
Aries 2025 horoscope
January, March and December will be the best months for Aries in 2025.
Starting in January, Aries is encouraged to define specific career and business goals. March will be an ideal time to create social and professional relationships, while December encourages Aries to demonstrate their competitive edge in social and workplace settings.
Due to Saturn and Jupiter changing signs, June and July will be the toughest months for Aries.
These two summer months will provide essential learning and growth opportunities that help Aries achieve their year-end goals. Aries is encouraged to work on time management and organizational skills.
Aries 2025 career horoscope
Love takes a backseat to a career for Aries this year as 2025 encourages Aries to get organized for success. Recreate or build a personal brand. Review old habits on social media and take a more serious approach to public communication.
Aries 2025 money horoscope
2025 brings significant opportunities for Aries to generate more money. The energy is just right for Aries to embark on an entrepreneurial journey with affiliate marketing, dropshipping, or a personal blog. 2025 can bring new job offers or changes to existing business contracts that involve more money and financial security.
Aries 2025 health and wellness horoscope
The first half of 2025 brings a sense of well-being and less stress, thanks to Chiron direct in Aries. The First Quarter Moon in your sign at the beginning of January jumpstarts any New Year resolutions that involve health goals and decisions to make important routine changes. When Saturn enters Aries in May 2025, a seriousness toward fitness and strength training is encouraged.
Aries is encouraged to approach health and wellness holistically. Get up-to-date with necessary medical, dental, and vision exams. Before starting any health and fitness program, explore risks and benefits with licensed medical professionals or certified trainers. This is a good year for Aries to participate in a program that provides access to coaches or supportive staff who give guidance and advice.
January 2025
Good news, Aries, 2025 is off to a good start! 2025 will have two First Quarter Moons in Aries this year, so grab your planner and circle January 6 and December 27 in red.
The energy of the First Quarter Moon is strongest from January 3 - 9, and since Mercury will enter your sector of career and professional status, this month is perfect for rebranding yourself.
Write a mission statement. Get clear about your personal goals. Create a personal contract that holds you accountable with deadlines to meet within the year. Since your sign works best with a plan in place, consider learning ChatGPT to help you get organized. Splurge on an app for your phone to make a specific strategy that enables you to reach your big goals.
Mercury will be direct in practical Capricorn until January 27, 2025, so you have 21 days to form new habits and get your feet on solid ground.
February 2025
February is the month of love, especially with Valentine's Day around the corner — but one thing to remember is to love yourself, too.
Venus will enter your zodiac sign on February 4, 2025. Venus may rule money, but it also rules beauty — your physical and environmental aesthetic — so this is a great time to spruce up your personal space with plants, a fresh pop of color on the walls, or start a spa routine.
Jupiter will station direct in Gemini, your sector of communication. This is a great time to travel hyper-local or get to know your city better. You will also have the gift of communication at your fingertips. If you want to write poems, send love letters to someone, or prefer to do some scrapbooking, this is a great month to get those projects rolling.
Mars will station direct in Cancer this February. So, problems you may have experienced with family or authority figures start to improve. Mars in Cancer is a helpful placement for DIY projects you want to complete.
March 2025
Mercury will enter your sign on March 3, so all the effort you put into rebranding yourself at the start of the year begin paying off. You might get a job offer via LinkedIn, a recruiter, or through an application you submitted in January. If things seem glim at this time, look ahead to when Mercury rx ends and returns to your sign. You get two whole weeks to see things improve.
If you're at a job you love, you could get a promotion, change your work routine, or participate in a project highlighting your skills and professional growth to show you are ready for more big-league responsibilities.
No worries if you need to refresh a few professional areas or experience a mid-month setback. Mercury retrograde is the time to fine-tune details. Until Mercury enters Pisces at the end of the month, your visions for the future and dreams about what life could be are emphasized strongly. And don't be afraid to dream big, Aries. On March 30, Neptune sticks its pinky toe into your sign for the first time, teaching you how to imagine the future of your dreams.
The New Moon partial solar eclipse in your sign arrives on March 29, completing the solar and lunar eclipse season focused on your sign. Pat yourself on the back, Aries — you made it through the eclipse cycle in your sign! Life looks pretty different from what it did a year and a half ago. Now, March ushers in new, vibrant energy for you, Aries.
Not only is March the beginning of spring, but it's also the start of your birth year. Several benevolent planets support you in mighty ways. In March, Venus enters your sign while retrograde, so this may not be the best time to focus on a new relationship (especially if you're single and looking to meet someone on a dating app). But your career will be thriving, and this may mean more money.
April 2025
You will feel the effects of the lunar eclipse at the end of March during this month. However, Mercury retrograde in Pisces ends on April 7, so you will feel more in control of your time, electronics, appliances, and vehicle.
Your love life may appear lackluster until around April 12, when Venus stations direct. Give yourself until April 15 to take action or fully commit to someone you've recently met.
If you feel your fiery temper creeping to the surface, try to avoid any arguments or challenging conversations between April 14 - April 20. Mars will enter Leo, and you will want to give tempers time to settle before assuming strong positions about being right. Mars in Leo makes you prone to giving ultimatums you'll regret later.
May 2025
May will be one of the most significant months of the year for you, Aries, simply because it's so busy. You'll prefer your alone time over social events due to Pluto retrograde in your sign. Be careful not to delete many friends from your social media for the next 30 days. Instead, consider muting accounts you dislike in your feed.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius may have you looking to meet new people, and your social circle can change overnight. Catch up on crypto news, pop culture, and other topics that help you be a well-rounded conversationalist.
One light that shines brightly in May will be Mercury. Mercury will enter Taurus and then Gemini within a single month. If you love to sing, write, or want to do something beautiful with your voice or writing, this is the perfect month to showcase your abilities.
June 2025
Mars in Virgo from June 16 - August 6, is a delicate time. June is a good time to take your health seriously. Get your annual physical, see the eye doctor, and do what you must to ensure your body is in tip-top shape.
So, knowing why you want something will be as important as the routine you set to accomplish what you start. In June, however, be careful not to overwork yourself at the gym or crash diet. You may be vulnerable to injury, illness or overwhelm. You don't want to hear the 'I told you so' from a significant other in August when Mars leaves Virgo and enters Libra, your sector of partners.
July 2025
You get a dose of maturity in the summer of 2025 due to Saturn entering your sign. Saturn will give you a sense of things to come in the early degrees of your zodiac sign. But when it retrogrades on July 13 to return to Pisces, you'll internalize what you needed to learn this year. July may require you to pause and reconsider what you can do compared to what you want to do.
You may feel the impact of your age and start studying longevity topics. It's believed that Saturn helps with weight loss, but it's also believed to alter the face by making it look more mature.
Avoid wearing black in July if you experience more stress than usual. Meditate. If you have pets, spend extra time with them. Help the elderly and donate to the poor. These are remedies believed to appease the harsh effects of Saturn.
August 2025
Your ruling planet, Mars, will enter Libra, which can signal litigation, debate, and negotiation between you and another party. This is a wonderful time to play fair and follow the rules.
Fortunately, Mercury will be directly starting August 11, allowing you to rethink decisions you made in July. The Sun entering Virgo, followed by the New Moon in Virgo, emphasizes focusing on the details. So be sure to slow down, focus on self-care, and start each day this month with a game plan. August is not a good month to wing it; things will not happen naturally, and you will need to work to get what you want.
The First Quarter Moon will arrive on August 30, 2025, so get a head start on winter/holiday travel plans. If you have a trip you need to take, put in your request for time off by the end of the month. If you have travel plans to book, get things together so you are ahead of the game.
September 2025
Saturn will retrograde back into Pisces, allowing you to make big social decisions. Saturn is the planet that allows you to eliminate any unnecessary toys that block you from progress. So, delete apps you don't use frequently from your phone.
Be less present for people who absorb time but aren't genuinely interested in friendship. Use this time to remove 'hidden enemies.' Be open to difficult change, which is also necessary for professional and personal growth.
Uranus will retrograde in Gemini at a critical degree, so take caution when it comes to gossip. Avoid texting negative things to other people about a situation you dislike. You don't want screenshots on social media or someone to use your words to harm you later.
Also, be careful not to speed or drive when emotional or angry, especially after September 6 through the end of the year.
October 2025
Two major events occur in October: a Full Moon Total lunar eclipse in Pisces and the New Moon partial solar eclipse in Virgo. As a result, anticipate slow growth. You may feel emotionally stagnated or stalled.
Use this time to journal and go to counseling if you need it. Revisit your 'Big Why' in business to keep you motivated and driven. Anticipate changes in your spiritual outlook. You will benefit from meditation, spiritual activities, and doing things that emphasize health and wellness.
Money priorities may be secondary to your mental health and emotional well-being this month. Find time to do things you love and focus on what brings you joy.
November 2025
Mercury will enter the sign of Sagittarius on the last day of October, joined by Mars on November 4. These two planets supercharge your desire to learn and grow via opportunities involving travel, education, and people who can mentor you.
Accept invites to parties and go early. This month, design new business cards to have them printed and ready to go in December.
Venus will be direct and in your sector of career and social status, so anticipate a bonus from your job, a financial benefit of some sort (perhaps in the purchase of property or real estate), or you may meet someone to create a joint business venture with.
Venus can signify a marital relationship. Juno, the planet of marriage, will enter Capricorn in December, so if you're single, you may meet your future partner at a job function. December is quite lucrative for you in romance and finance, Aries. Wear your power color, RED!
December 2025
Several important events happen in December, but note that 2025 begins and ends with the First Quarter Moon in your sign. Two First Quarter Moons denote the importance of finishing what you start and beginning the year with the end in mind. You may see a continuation of growth in your personal life that bookends what you started in January.
In other words, if you had a goal to achieve a promotion or a new job, you may start that job in December. If your goal is to start your own business, you may see the fruit of your hard work flourish in January. So, don't get discouraged the other 10 months of the year. Each one is a building block of things to come in December.
The sleepy winter months of December will be very important for you. The Sun will enter Capricorn, the sign that rules your career sector. If you want to meet VIPs, impress bosses and coworkers, show your work ethic, professionalism, and go-getter mindset, you're in the right place at the right time in December.
Mercury, the communication planet, is in your house of friends, so you could get introduced to someone important through your network. Where others are mentally checking out for holiday festivities, you can reveal a balance between playing hard and working just as hard when you need to be.
From December 24 to December 30, you see what you do in January builds into something better than anticipated.
Aria Gmitter is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She graduated from the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a practical astrologer.