10 Traits Of Happy Women With A Healthy Glow, According To Psychology

Happy women have a healthy glow.

Last updated on Mar 12, 2025

Healthy woman is glowing. Anna Stampfli | Unsplash

With the stress of everyday life, we forget to nourish ourselves in our quest to figure out how to be happy and create our inner glow. But we may be doing more harm than good when we put self-care to the wayside.

Instead, leading a healthy, happy life means changing a few things first. Ready to make space for some much-needed balance in your world and find your inner glow? Start by embodying these traits. 

Here are the traits of happy women with a healthy glow:

1. They keep their mornings calm

woman relaxing with cup of coffee My Ocean Production / Shutterstock

Even five minutes of pure relaxation make a huge difference in your mood and energy all day. Leave plenty of time to eat a filling breakfast, stretch or meditate, and have a calm commute to start every day out on a happy Zen note.

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2. They make time to move

woman going for a run Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock

Exercise ups endorphins, boosts immunity, relieves stress, and keeps you feeling strong and confident in your body. There's no need to go crazy with an intense hour-long workout every day of the week, but a little daily exercise is some of the best medicine available for the body and mind.

This can significantly reduce their risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and osteoporosis, potentially leading to a longer and healthier life compared to women who are sedentary. 

Some studies even indicate that women may experience more significant health benefits from exercise than men when considering similar activity levels. This is particularly important given that women often report lower physical activity levels than men.

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3. They eat real food

woman eating a salad Josep Suria / Shutterstock

Processed junk food makes your blood sugar spike, pumps your body with unnatural ingredients, and leaves you feeling hungry and unsatisfied soon after you eat. Choosing real, whole, all-natural clean foods just makes sense if you are serious about your health and happiness.

RELATED: 10 Traits Of Happy Women With A Healthy Glow, According To Psychology


4. They drink more water

woman drinking water Yuri A / Shutterstock

When feeling fatigued or in need of a boost, don't immediately reach for a caffeinated or sugary beverage. Often, a foggy, tired brain is a sign of dehydration, so sip on plenty of water all day to keep energy levels up and soaring.

Research by the University of California, San Francisco concluded that drinking enough water is essential for women's health because it can help prevent kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and headaches. It can also help with weight loss and lower the risk of chronic conditions. 

Public health recommendations generally suggest drinking eight cups of water a day. However, the amount of water a person needs depends on age, activity level, and other factors.

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5. They listen to their bodies

woman doing yoga outside maxbelchenko / Shutterstock

Happy people help their bodies work with them instead of against them. They put down their fork when they've had enough, hit up a yoga class when they need a release, and don't pour that third (or fourth) cocktail when they know it's not a good idea. If you're willing to listen, your body has plenty to say.

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6. They eat their veggies

woman eating vegetables Grustock / Shuttersock

Vegetables are not added to a plate because your body has to eat them; it's because it wants to eat them. Colorful produce is packed with nutrients that keep your body functioning at its top potential.

Data from the Harvard University Nurses Health Studies showed that women and men who increased their intake of fruits and vegetables over 24 years were likelier to have lost weight than those who ate the same amount or decreased their intake. Health experts recommend eating several servings of vegetables each day.

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7. They invest in fitness and health

woman exercising Monster Ztudio / Shutterstock

Don't wait until you're feeling poorly and out of sorts to take care of your needs. Commit to that studio package, get an occasional massage, and make those doctor appointments that it's time to schedule.

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8. They practice gratitude

woman making a heart with her hands Perfect Wave / Shutterstock

When someone's attention is focused on lack, that's exactly what they're going to get: more lack. Instead of focusing on the job they don't have or a number on the scale they don't want to see, positive people are not afraid to give thanks for all the gifts they have in life — both large and small.

Studies have shown a strong link between higher levels of gratitude and improved mental and physical well-being. Gratitude could increase longevity by lowering mortality risk from various causes, including cardiovascular disease. This benefit holds even after adjusting for other health factors like lifestyle and social activity.

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9. They slow down to smile

woman smiling outside Rido / Shutterstock

Life is not always so serious for happy and healthy folks. They make time to connect with loved ones and are not afraid to show kindness to strangers. Laughing helps, too.

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10. They know they deserve to rest

woman stretching in bed Yuri A / Shutterstock

When tired or feeling worn out, don't schedule another activity or commit to another event. Having healthy boundaries keeps you feeling safe, connected, and energized, so take alone time to recharge at home. And when it's time to get some sleep, turn off the computers, stop bingeing on Netflix, and get to bed.

Adequate rest is crucial for women's health, as it can significantly impact their physical and mental well-being, mainly due to hormonal fluctuations throughout their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause, which can exacerbate the need for sufficient sleep and recovery time.

A 2020 study found that inadequate rest can lead to increased risks of depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, and impaired cognitive function.

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Lizzie Fuhr was previously the associate fitness editor for PopSugar. She has been featured in MSN, Yahoo, POPSUGAR, Health, Women's Health, SHAPE, and more.
