11 Habits That Separate The Smart From The Totally Clueless

People who are truly smart have a specific way of doing things.

Habits That Separate the Smart From The Totally Clueless goodluz / Shutterstock

If someone were to ask the average person how intelligent they are, most would want to respond by saying they are truly smart. Unfortunately, most of these people overestimate their intelligence. Known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, people with limited competence have a tendency to overestimate their abilities.

Though many people want to be seen as intelligent, there are clear habits that separate the smart from the totally clueless. From being observant to getting enough sleep there are plenty of tiny things people do to boost their intelligence or memory.

These are 11 habits that separate the smart from the totally clueless

1. They think before they speak

smart woman thinking before she speaks Perfect Wave | Shuttetstock

The first habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is thinking before speaking. When people are in the midst of a conversation, it's easy to feel overly relaxed in their language. No longer feeling the need to be prim and proper, these individuals might say the first thing that's on their mind, without thinking twice about it.

Unfortunately, this type of clueless behavior is often why people find themselves stuck in a tricky situation in the first place. Most clueless people forget that words can sometimes speak loud, causing those around them to feel confused and unloved. According to psychologist Rick Hanson, Ph.D., "Words can hurt since the emotional pain networks in your brain overlap with physical pain networks."

To prevent this, people must take a moment to think before speaking. According to marriage and family therapist John Amodeo, Ph.D., MFT, "Pausing gives us a chance to collect ourselves, take a breath, and get a handle on what’s happening inside us." As a result, it's much easier to navigate those tricky emotions when both parties are allowed to simply take a deep breath and think.

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2. They aren't afraid to admit when they're unsure

smart woman admitting she's unsure fizkes | Shutterstock

It's often expected that when someone asks a person a question, they should know the answers to everything. From bosses questioning reports to partners asking how they're feeling, when people ask, others are supposed to respond. However, it doesn't always have to be that way.

A habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is being unafraid to admit when they're unsure. People don't always have to be sure about what's going on to be intelligent. Oftentimes, the most intelligent people out there became this way as a result of constantly questioning those around them.

There's a power in saying, "I'm not sure," or, "I don't know." Besides being honest and realistic with their response, other people are increasingly more likely to help these individuals if they're simply truthful, which is important as it prevents misunderstandings and increases the risk of resolution.

So, while saying, "I don't know," can feel a bit awkward, being upfront about how they're feeling is the single best way to get to the root of the problem and ensure that everyone is on the same page, allowing others to not waste their time in the process.

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3. They practice mindfulness

smart woman practicing mindfulness Rido | Shutterstock

When was the last time you just sat there and took in your surroundings? Most likely, it's been a while. It's unfortunate, but many people feel the constant pressure to be in rush mode as a result of how busy their lives have gotten. From overtime work to higher education, a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is their ingrained habit of practicing mindfulness.

According to psychologist Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN, mindfulness is "the process of observing what is happening right now, in this moment, with curiosity yet without attachment." Though hard, mindfulness often asks people to view things and accept things as they are. Though this might sound like utter nonsense for some, according to the American Psychological Association, mindfulness helps to enhance clarity, flexibility, and mental concentration.

Tarrant explained that the most important thing about mindfulness is to slow down. Taking leisurely walks and getting off that doomsday scroll is a great place to start. Next, engage in activities that don't require much thought. From washing dishes to eating, people should focus on sensory information such as what they hear and smell. If none of this helps, you can always try mindfulness meditation, which is the best way to let go of anxious thoughts and bring more clarity and stability into your life.

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4. They read daily to expand their knowledge

smart woman who reads daily Arthur Bargan | Shutterstock

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who haven't read a book since high school and those who read religiously like their life depends on it. Fortunately for those who are smart, a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is reading daily to expand their knowledge.

It can be hard to get into the mood to read with so much going on. From busy schedules or demanding relationships most people who want to read simply don't have enough time for it. That being said, people refusing to read because of time constraints are unintentionally making themselves a bit clueless in the process.

Reading books or new stories is important for many reasons. Reading helps people sharpen up and keeps them up to date with what's going on in the world. Even if they don't read the newspaper, it's often said that current literature is a reflection of the societal trends or changes happening in the world around us.

So, for those who continuously decide to read, not only are they more verbally intelligent, according to a study from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, but they're also well-informed about the world around them, making it less likely to be deemed clueless.

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5. They network with diverse people

smart man who networks with people Dragana Gordic | Shutterstock

During and after college, people make it their mission to network in order to land a big corporate job. However, after they land that job, many people completely give up on networking as they feel they no longer need it. Yet, a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is if they continue to network with diverse people.

Networking is much more than finding jobs. According to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology, networking is positively related to multiple areas of success. From finding new jobs to getting a promotion to learning a new skill that's beneficial, networking has the potential to open so many doors.

With that being said, how can people network better to open up the opportunities that smart people seem to have zero trouble with? Allison E McWilliams, Ph.D., explained that getting clear on what they want and are asking for is a great place to start. However, people should be aware of others' time and be direct to avoid miscommunication or misunderstandings. She continued, "Just because you are available nights and weekends doesn’t mean they are." So, be sure not to waste their time and accommodate their schedule.

On another note, it's equally important to follow up. Sending a thank you email and every once in a while, asking to meet up is the best way to ensure that they're keeping their network contacts on standby.

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6. They get enough sleep

smart woman who gets enough sleep PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

The next habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is that they get enough sleep. Now, understandably, this is a bit of a basic habit that most people should have. After all, getting enough sleep isn't anything new, right? However, people would be shocked at the number of individuals who simply don't get their eight hours of beauty rest.

According to a Gallup poll, 36% of women versus 48% of men say they get the sleep they need. This means that the rest of Americans are struggling to get enough rest throughout the night. They theorized that this might possibly have to do with stress, as those who said they wanted to rest more also admitted to experiencing frequent stress.

However, why does this matter anyway? After all, what can rest truly do, right? But according to the National Institute of Health, memories tend to grow stronger when people take breaks. So, be sure to practice good sleep hygiene and meditate before sleeping. Though time-consuming, creating better patterns before bed makes smart people less likely to act clueless the next day.

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7. They double-check their sources before sharing information

smart woman who checks her sources Ground Picture | Shutterstock

How many people have told someone something without checking to see if it was even true? It's okay to admit that sometimes, people hear something on the Internet or News and instead of checking if it's factual, send it to a friend or close relative. However, a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is if they double-check their sources before sharing information.

Sharing misinformation is dangerous for many reasons. According to a study in 2023, the reason why it's dangerous often stems from the fact that it hurts people on an individual and societal level.

For instance, only seeing certain groups being represented as dangerous can skew people's perspectives that all people in that group are dangerous. In the same way, misinformation can further solidify that stigmatization and make it increasingly harder for people within that group. This is why it's important to check resources before sharing. Otherwise, they might unintentionally amplify a stereotype that isn't even true.

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8. They stay silent and observe others

smart woman silently observing others Ground Picture | Shutterstock

When people get together, it's easy to lose track of time. While discussing the craziest topics, people tend to get loose-mouthed and blurt out whatever comes to mind. Unfortunately for them, this usually comes back to bite them, and a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is they stay silent and observe others.

Most may not want to hear it, but staying silent is one of the smartest things they can do during social situations. If they're unsure of who someone is or their true core values, most people will speak for themselves if they are afforded the time to do so. Smart people know this and use this knowledge in order to gauge who someone is and, most importantly, how trustworthy they are.

On the flip side, clueless people continue to ramble on without putting much thought into what they have to say. This is bad, as rambling on and not watching the words they're saying or how they're acting can lead to people distancing themselves or them missing out on life-changing opportunities.

So, while in public, everyone should remember to conduct themselves respectfully. Not only will this make them look good, but staying a bit more silent might help people realize who is and isn't their closest ally.

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9. They listen to opposing viewpoints

smart man listening to opposing viewpoints fizkes | Shutterstock

Nobody wants to change their viewpoints. Let's face it: everyone has their own ideologies or belief systems that not even the smartest person alive could change. However, this isn't necessarily their fault. It's unfortunate, but people's brains are wired to naturally resist change as the brain itself hates to change or reconstruct the reality it has already built.

Still, a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is the fact that they listen to other people's viewpoints, even if they don't always agree with them. It should go without saying that staying open-minded helps people in many ways. From being exposed to new information and educating oneself, listening is the greatest way to become a more well-rounded person.

As a result, smart people receive all of the good luck, as a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology found that openness is associated with verbal and knowledge-based intelligence. Despite this fact, changing one's mind isn't easy. It'll likely take months simply to break a habit and form a new one. Yet, if people are consistent, they'll certainly find that their openness pays off as they become just a little less clueless about the world around them.

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10. They regularly declutter their environment

smart woman decluttering house PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

When's the last time people cleaned their house spotless? If they're working overtime and have kids, then it's likely been a hot minute. Though there's zero judgment for having a slightly messy home, the truth of the matter is that decluttering their home is a habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless.

If anyone's even had a messy room, then they know the anxiety that comes along with it. Feeling as if they're unable to focus, let alone breathe, most people fall back on cooking or exercising because of the mental strain that a messy home creates. Yet, intelligent people know this, and as a result, they do their best to ensure that their environment stays mess-free.

Now, does it need to be completely mess-free in order for them to have decluttered their environment? No, fixing the bed doesn't mean that their home isn't decluttered. So long as they can look at their mostly cleaned room or home and feel organized, that's when they know it's decluttered enough or not.

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11. They have a daily journal they keep up with

smart woman journaling Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock

Finally, the last habit that separates the smart from the totally clueless is that they have a daily journal they keep up with. Journaling is something that people often hear about but really don't know much about. From what people can gather, journaling is a way for people to express their feelings, which, if people were to ask around, is simply a waste of time.

However, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling is great for managing stress and anxiety and can even help others cope with depression. They explained, "When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress."

With that being said, how can people journal better? Research consultant Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., said that it's important to identify which journal people want to do. From gratitude journaling, reflecting journaling, health journaling, and goal journaling, there are plenty of ways for people to begin journaling. Even so, it's recommended that people journal for twenty minutes a day as it improves mental health, according to licensed counselor Stephanie A. Sarkis, Ph.D. Which, over time, this can take people from clueless to smart as their mental fog slowly begins to clear up.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
