8 Things Smart People Do To Avoid Burnout And Succeed At Work
Take care of yourself while you work to avoid burning out.

Have you ever said "yes' when you actually mean "no?" Of course, you have. This means you are human. We have all been there.
You want to go home and relax after a long day. But, at the last minute, your boss asks you if you have completed that assignment. You know you haven't and now you have to.
This doesn't mean you are a slacker or incompetent. The reason you may have fallen behind is because you aren't prioritizing...yourself. Burnout from working too much and ignoring your own needs makes you inefficient. This is when self-care tips come into play.
Are you starting to feel resentful towards your friends and family because of their achievements? If you are feeling this way, you aren't alone. More and more Americans are suffering from burnout. This can lead to depression or anxiety. If this goes untreated, you may need to go on a long mental health break, but there are things smart people to avoid burnout and succeed at work.
Here are the things smart people do to avoid burnout and succeed at work:
1. Stop and take a deep breath
This helps reduce cortisol levels, which can help reduce chronic stress and anxiety. This means, closing your eyes and trying to clear your mind. All you have to do is breathe.
Pay attention to where your breath is in your body and follow it. This will help you stay in the present.
2. Get moving
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Studies have shown that a minimum of walking for 35 minutes a day has helped reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. You can exercise inside or outside.
Try a workout that will challenge you and get your heart rate up. I like to start the day with exercise since I am much more focused and in a better mood.
3. Set aside time for fun every day
Even if you don't know what it will be, just set aside time for it. Schedule time for fun on the calendar, even when you don't think you have time for it.
What are some fun things you have been wanting to do, that you haven't had time for? Start with those today.
4. Find a place that brings you peace
Where do you feel the calmest? Is it near water or in the Redwoods? Maybe, you have a place in your house or a pet that helps you feel relaxed. Wherever it is, just go. Then, stay for a while.
Clear your mind and take a few deep breaths. Stay in the present. Feel the air against your skin. Keep this memory close. Then, when you are at work and feeling stressed out you can visualize it.
5. Get enough sleep
Research has found that when you get enough sleep, you are happier. When you don't get enough sleep you are more forgetful and irritable. This will affect work and home life.
Set up a sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at a regular time and get up at a regular time. But, try not to stress over the sleep schedule. There will be times that it doesn't work out, and that's alright.
6. Eat healthy foods
We live in a fast-food world. There aren't many nutrients that your body needs in fast foods. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast.
Make sure you have some protein. This will help make you feel full. Add a couple of healthy snacks to your day, like hummus with carrots.
You don't want to go the whole day without eating. Make sure to take a break for lunch. That way, when you get home, you won't want to binge. This can lead to extra pounds that will be hard to take off. It's best to prepare healthy snacks ahead of time.
When you get home from the grocery store, clean your fruits and vegetables. That way they will be easy to eat when you are hungry.
7. Give yourself a compliment
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When was the last time you complimented yourself? To some, this may sound silly or selfish. But, it can help make you feel better about yourself. This is an easy one to overlook. You could even write yourself a thank you note.
You are the one who takes care of yourself best. You know what you like. I want you to give yourself three compliments right now.
8. Take your time
Everyone is in a rush to get to the top these days. You've probably heard about all the people who have been a success overnight.
Some are true and some are not. The important thing is, that you trust in the process.
We all work at our own pace. Stay away from comparing yourself to others and don't lose yourself in the process. Now that you have some self-care ideas, it's time for you to take care of yourself.
I've learned to schedule some time for myself every day. This helps during times of stress. I don't feel so defensive or snap back so easily when I feel attacked. I am also less likely to blame and I live a happier life.
Lianne Avila is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She is dedicated to helping couples and has completed Levels 1, 2, and 3 at The Gottman Institute.