Each Zodiac Sign's One-Card Tarotscope For The Week Of November 25 To December 1
A tarot reader provides insight into how your zodiac sign can best navigate the week.

Intriguing tarot messages are here for every zodiac sign for the week of November 25 - December 1, 2024.
This week's collective tarot card is the Three of Wands, reminding us that teamwork can make the dream work. Instead of giving up when you experience setbacks, convene with your others to figure out how to defeat the challenges on your path.
You are also encouraged to think like a team player this week and find the overlap between your personal wishes and the goals you are trying to complete together.
Weekly tarot horoscopes for each zodiac sign during November 25 - December 1, 2024
Aries: Three of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Aries, your tarot card for the week is that Three of Swords. It cautions you to be more careful of your social environment at this time as you may face betrayal from an unlikely source. For some of you, this is a romantic partner who was ringing your alarms or pulling away from you. For others, this may be a friend who's starting to act shady.
You are encouraged to pay more attention to your intuitive nudges. They will protect you from this heartbreak. Working with obsidian can help protect your energy.
Taurus: Queen of Swords
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Taurus, your tarot card for the week is the Queen of Swords. She reminds you that you are more capable and intelligent than you give yourself credit for. Align yourself to this to regain confidence in yourself. Trust the decisions your heart urges you to make. Follow the path that rings true! Meditating with clear quartz can help you greatly this week.
Gemini: Wheel of Fortune
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
The Wheel of Fortune is a major arcana card that speaks of a significant moment that may have ripple effects in your life. Yet, this card also reminds you that ups and downs are normal in all paths in life. Working with Sandstone or Tiger's Eye can help you embrace this message.
Cancer: Queen of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Cancer, the Queen of Pentacles reminds you that you are royalty in your own right. You have the right to be treated respectfully and provided equal opportunities to grow and thrive. So don't hold yourself back or allow the naysayers to discourage you. Once you ground yourself in this truth, you can walk confidently like the Queen of Pentacles. Working with clear quartz can help bring clarity to you this week too.
Leo: Knight of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Leo, the Knight of Pentacles reminds you that slow and steady wins the race. So don't rush, especially if you are engaged in something creative and time-consuming. The outcome and output will be worth your effort and patience. The Knight of Pentacles is a powerful sign of good luck coming your way. If you feel called to, work with Black Obsidian to protect your energy as you embrace this message.
Virgo: Six of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Virgo, the Six of Wands is a card of victory that reminds you that whether or not someone believes in you, you won't — and can't — be stopped! So keep moving forward with confidence and trying your best. You will cross the finish line with your head held high and golden feathers in your cap.
If you feel called to, now's also a good time to lean into athleticism to ground this inner power and bring it out into the outer world. Working with Tiger's Eye can help.
Libra: Queen of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Libra, the Queen of Pentacles calls on you to ground within and know your worth in your love life, personal endeavors, and career. Don't allow anyone to make you second-guess yourself or your capabilities. You will benefit from working with amethyst or clear quartz this week.
Scorpio: Three of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Scorpio, the Three of Wands urges you to step out of your comfort zone and look beyond what you think is possible. Dig deep and learn more to create plans that will help you expand your horizon beyond anything anyone could have ever expected — or maybe even you expected of yourself! Fascinating adventures await you. Working with amethyst this week can connect your spiritual body with your mind.
Sagittarius: Three of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Sagittarius, the Three of Pentacles speaks of collaborations and working well with others to achieve a common goal. Focus on the specific areas where this message benefits you most and make those areas a priority for you this week to experience incredible growth and inner shine.
Capricorn: Five of Wands
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Capricorn, the Five of Wands cautions you about competitors in your surroundings who may do everything in their power to take you down. To some, this can feel like a personal boost that you are a powerful contender. But from the perspective of the goal you are trying to accomplish, this card urges you not to ignore red flags so no one can hold you back from winning. Working with Sandstone or Citrine can help you walk confidently and ace it all!
Aquarius: Nine of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Aquarius, the Nine of Pentacles is a card of independent wealth and feeling content with your accomplishments. Celebrate these accomplishments and don't allow anyone to diminish them...or you! That's how you will know you are a force to be reckoned with in the real world.
Pisces: Three of Pentacles
Photo: Designer Candies | Design: YourTango
Pisces, this card urges you to be a team player, not a lone wolf. Working alongside others will bring more inspiration and ideas into your line of sight and help turn your existing inspiration into something truly magnificent and beautiful.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.