Wife Wonders If She 'Overreacted' After Her Husband Didn't Stand Up For Her When His Friend Called Her A 'Fat Turkey'

This followed a disturbing pattern for the couple, who look like they may be headed for divorce.

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It’s fun to laugh along with the people you care about most. However, it’s definitely not fun to be the butt of the joke.

One wife found herself in this situation during dinner with one of her husband’s friends, whose sense of humor left a lot to be desired.

A wife thought she may have ‘overreacted’ when her husband’s friend called her a ‘fat turkey’ and he did nothing.

One woman posted on Reddit asking for relationship advice after experiencing some bizarre criticism from her husband’s friend that he did nothing about.


“We were having dinner last night at a friend’s house whom I have only met a few times, and my husband has recently been hanging out with more,” she explained. The wife said they were having a perfectly fine night until they took a look at their wedding photos.

unhappy married couple PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock


“While holding our 10-month-old on my lap, my husband showed his friend pictures from our wedding last summer,” she said. “I was 37 weeks pregnant and had gained 35 pounds at that point.”

Instead of commenting on how lovely the couple’s wedding photos were, the supposed friend chose to point something else out. “The friend looks at a photo and says, ‘Oh gross, what happened to you? Your face is so fat. You look like a fat turkey!’” she recounted.

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The wife and mother tried to maintain her composure and her patience.

“I tried to calmly explain to him what happens to your body when you’re that heavily pregnant (big stomach, bloating, water retention, etc.). He wasn’t interested in listening and just went on laughing and repeating similar insults,” she shared.


Since her husband was closer to the friend, she hoped he would step in and say something to end the jokes. Instead, he joined in.

two friends laughing at photo GaudiLab | Shutterstock

“I looked at my husband and he just laughed along with him,” she said. “I went and put our baby to bed and cried myself to sleep.” Unfortunately, this follows a pattern of behavior for the couple.


“My husband has never stood up for me when people have said mean things to me,” she explained. “I’ve told him I need him to do that. He always has excuses and promises he will the next time. He never does.”

This all led the wife to a startling realization. “I can’t stand him anymore and want him to get the [expletive] out of the house,” she said.

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The husband did indeed get out of the house as his wife wanted.

The wife shared an update to her post that detailed what had happened in her relationship since she shared the initial story. “My husband is living at a friend’s,” she said. “My parents are handling our communication. They want me to take a few days to calm down, then reevaluate how I feel and go from there.”


It seemed that the wife’s mind was already made up for the most part, though. “For the sake of my child, I will, but as of now, I do not want to continue this marriage,” she stated.

Apparently, her husband also contacted the friend that they had dinner with, leading to him calling multiple times. After refusing to speak with him, he texted an apology to her, which she said she accepted.

While teasing can be all in good fun, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t go too far.

VeryWell Mind said, “Even if said in jest, some jokes and forms of teasing are just not funny or acceptable. For many people, some areas of life are considered off-limits when it comes to teasing and joking.”


Teasing can be a fun way of interacting with those you love, but it can easily cross a line and become hurtful. Because of this, in many cases, it’s better to avoid teasing altogether.

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Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.