Luckiest Day Of The Month For Each Zodiac Sign In March 2025
Practice patience, dear zodiac signs, as you manifest the life of your dreams.

The horoscopes for the luckiest day of the month for each zodiac sign are here! Trusting the process will be crucial in March 2025, as Venus, Mercury, Juno, and Vesta all station retrograde — and we enter into the beginning of Eclipse Season, too.
The month begins with Venus Retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 1, slowing down your process and guiding you to reflect on what you have been working towards. Themes from February may arise during this time for review and clarification to help you understand the balance of surrender and initiative. On Thursday, March 27, Venus shifts back into Pisces as part of its retrograde journey helping you to see the bigger picture. This will also allow you to focus on your spiritual connection and intuition which will help you make progress next month once Venus stations direct.
Eclipse Season will be especially intense, as the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs on Friday, March 14, beginning a new cycle in your life, while the Solar Eclipse in Aries on Saturday, March 29 brings one to a close. The Virgo Eclipse is part of the new cycle of eclipses which will generate energy into 2027, yet this is the final eclipse on the Aries and Libra axis that you’ve been working with since 2023. There may be unexpected events, turnarounds and offers during this time, but with so much retrograde energy, it’s important to not make impulsive decisions. Trust that there is no reason to rush what is meant for you and that by practicing patience you can ensure you are working with the energies of the universe.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 15 and like Venus will also shift back into Pisces toward the end of the month on Saturday, March 29. With Mercury and Venus taking a similar journey in March, it’s important to not become frustrated at the slow-paced life it may bring. Focus on your inner self and intuition as much as you can, while also being willing to see the truth about the decisions you’ve made in the past. In this new era, you will need to rely on your intuition more than you ever have before, so it’s essential to give yourself time to process and tune into this sacred part of yourself.
March may truly leave like a lion in 2025 as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30. The last time Neptune was in Aries was in 1861 which served as a profound time in history. Neptune will need to shift back into Pisces later in the year before settling into Aries permanently in January 2026. However, this is groundbreaking and revolutionary energy that can help you make necessary changes in your life. Neptune rules over your dreams, hopes, and the collective. In Aries, it is looking to take action. Give yourself time to work with this energy but remember that dreams are meant to be acted upon.
Luckiest day of the month horoscopes for each zodiac sign in March 2025:
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Aries: Wednesday, March 19
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Experiment with what resonates, dear Aries. You don’t need to follow a specific plan for life but see each opportunity as a chance to explore what will encompass a life that truly feels fulfilling. Asteroid Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19 in your house of luck. This energy intensifies your relationship to the world, both physically and spiritually.
You will become experimental in the opportunities you seize as well as in your relationships with others. With the theme of freedom felt so profoundly throughout this time, it’s important to let yourself step out of your comfort zone and investigate. Explore life instead of becoming so fixed on a specific outcome to create the space for greater luck.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Taurus: Thursday, March 6
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Embrace your inner power, Taurus. Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance stationed direct in Gemini, ruler of your house of wealth on February 4. Since that time, you’ve begun to see how you can expand this area of your life to include not only money — but also experiences that add to the value of your life. You may have had to make some difficult decisions regarding what you are willing and not willing to tolerate any longer, however it’s only helped to strengthen your power of attraction.
With Jupiter direct in Gemini, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini on Thursday, March 6 will be a pivotal time for you. Use this energy of taking action on new beginnings with the luck of Jupiter to embrace new business, investment, or professional opportunities. Fill your life with what adds to your sense of abundance as that will set the tone for anything else you bring into your life.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Gemini: Thursday, March 27
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Everything happens for a reason, dearest Gemini. You are entering a pivotal month for your career as the first eclipse on the Pisces Virgo axis occurs, Neptune shifts into Aries and Venus retrograde moves into Pisces on Thursday, March 27. You are on the right path in your career, and it will be essential for you to say these words to yourself in the month ahead. Yet, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a period of reflection or review for you.
With the North Node in Pisces, you are moving toward your fate, yet Venus retrograde in Pisces insists that you ensure you’re truly in alignment with your soul before proceeding any further. With Pisces as the ruler of your professional sector, there is a necessity for you to be involved in humanitarian pursuits, or a path that ends up serving the collective.
Watch for fleeting feelings that make you chase fame or money over truly being of benefit as this may be a test before a massive upgrade in your career occurs.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Cancer: Sunday, March 30
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Be ready for massive shifts, Cancer. You have been busy making plans about what this new chapter of your life would involve, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean those plans won’t change. You will be experiencing a monumental shift as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30. Neptune hasn’t been in Aries since 1861, so this is not an energy you’ve ever worked with before.
You will have radical and revolutionary ideas that will impact your professional life and career trajectory. Neptune does bring success, but its Aries requires dedication and decisive action. This energy may feel foreign for you as your personal success becomes one of your top priorities.
While this is set to transform your career in incredible ways, it’s okay to pace yourself and take your time in this new chapter. Just remember dreams don’t actually come true unless you work to make them a reality.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Leo: Monday, March 3
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You are ready for whatever the universe brings, dear Leo. It has been a slow start to the year that has felt tedious rather than abundant. Yet all of that is set to change as Mercury shifts into Aries on Monday, March 3. Mercury is the planet of communication, and Aries represents luck, abundance, and expansion in your life. As these two energies unite, you will be receiving offers and opportunities that will expand your life.
In order to make the most of this energy, you must trust in yourself and your readiness. This may also bring up themes connected to self-worth or being grounded in your personal beliefs. Be aware of unexpected offers, including those for travel or a spiritual pursuit.
You won’t be aware of where a decision will lead you during this time, but you still must trust that as long as you are following your soul you won’t be led astray.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Virgo: Thursday, March 6
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You deserve to be recognized for all of your strengths, Virgo. March may bring much of your focus to your romantic life with Mercury and Venus retrograde in Pisces — however, you are being urged to not abandon your career aspirations. It can be hard to create space to focus on all that arises in your life, yet in many ways this serves as a lesson for you. You can’t abandon your dreams for the sake of your relationship or partner.
Use the energy of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini on Thursday, March 6 to help you focus on the recognition you want to receive in your professional life. Advocate for a new position or higher salary. Make a plan for the success that you want and then be open to trying new methods to achieve it. Success is yours in March, especially with Jupiter, the planet of luck, direct in Gemini — but you must make sure to prioritize your dreams.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Libra: Friday, March 21
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You must commit to yourself, Libra. You can spend so much time trying to get others on board with your ideas that you end up forgetting that you can bring any dream to fruition yourself. This is part of a larger theme you’ve been moving through which is about helping you become empowered and autonomous in the direction you take your life in. The life you dream of will require nothing less than your full and complete commitment to yourself which is what Vesta retrograde in Scorpio beginning on Friday, March 21 will help you achieve.
Vesta rules over themes of devotion and commitment, and in Scorpio it will help you understand that you can no longer sacrifice yourself for anyone — no matter how much you may love them. This is an incredible time to start journaling on what you want to accomplish, practice positive affirmations, and be mindful of committing to yourself with every choice that you make.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Scorpio: Wednesday, March 19
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Be willing to take a second look, dearest Scorpio. You have felt recently that you couldn’t take your life in the direction you are seeking because of being tied up in financial matters with others. Whether this was feeling as if you couldn’t support yourself, or because others relied upon you — it has led to you feeling a loss of freedom from what you perceived as truth.
Yet, as asteroid Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, March 19, you may want to take a second look. Juno retrograde in Sagittarius inspires and creates opportunities for freedom, especially from the financial ties that may have been blocking you from moving ahead with your own plans.
It doesn’t mean that this will simply be given to you, but you must know that what you want is a possibility — you just need to be willing to look into the possibilities. Don’t use these financial ties as a reason why you can’t do something, especially when the universe is giving you every tool possible to make some exciting changes in your life.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Sagittarius: Friday, March 14
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Every truth can serve as a catalyst for transformation, Sagittarius. The Virgo Lunar Eclipse on Friday, March 14 will occur in your house of career bringing in a sudden truth that can help you redirect your professional goals. This is the first eclipse on the Pisces Virgo axis so it’s important to pace yourself as the full purpose of this energy won’t be brought to fruition until the end of 2026 or early 2027.
Yet that doesn’t mean you can’t make full use of this eclipse to help you see yourself and your career clearly. Lunar eclipses represent shifts within yourself, and in Virgo it does highlight your professional reputation or the recognition you receive. Use what arises during this lunar transit to help you figure out where you want to make changes.
Just because you may not be seen how you wish you were in this moment, doesn’t mean that you can’t change that. Focus on radically accepting where you are, and starting to make plans for where you want to be as this will allow you to find a level of success you hadn’t imagined possible.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Capricorn: Friday, March 14
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Life is an adventure, Capricorn. You are mostly known for your pragmatic and goal orientated approach to life. Yet that doesn’t mean that you don’t crave adventure, meaning and a host of amazing experiences. While you have been working towards balance in your professional and personal life, the universe has other plans in store for you in this new chapter.
The Virgo Lunar Eclipse on Friday, March 14 will occur in your house of luck and adventure. This is where the focus of your energy will be throughout the next two years. With Pisces ruling over your house of sacred understanding, this period of your life is about helping you discover your purpose by opening yourself up to new and different experiences. Let yourself think outside the box.
Explore esoteric modalities or ideas. You are only limited by what you allow yourself to entertain, and with this energy, everything is on the table as a potential moment that could change the rest of your life.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Aquarius: Friday, March 21
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Success, like everything else, is better together, Aquarius. You have been learning the balance between remaining independent and leaning into the support that an important relationship in your life offers. Much of what you’ve gone through has involved healing and reflecting on any traits connected to hyper independence. Yet as asteroid Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21, you will be focusing on the shared goals, finances and success with a partner or a meaningful relationship in your life.
While this could bring about a new era of partnership with someone that you are connected to professionally, it could also help you to strengthen your romantic relationship as well. Regardless of where it feels like your focus is at this moment, it’s important to reflect on how you work with others to achieve your desired goals. This won’t just involve a commitment to your dreams, but to understand how you can better achieve them with the help of the right person.
Luckiest Day of March 2025 for Pisces: Sunday, March 30
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Embrace your bold side, dear Pisces. You have a beautiful way of approaching life where you believe everything you desire will flow effortlessly to you. However, as Neptune shifts into Aries on Sunday, March 30, you will find yourself taking a proactive approach — especially in terms of how you generate greater wealth.
Neptune hasn’t been in Aries in your lifetime, so this is a new and different energy than anything you’ve worked with before, which means you truly are on the verge of an incredible transformation. Neptune is one of your ruling planets and represents the dream world and spiritual connection with the universe. In Aries, it can help you believe in yourself, as well as take radical approaches to increasing your finances. Whether this is a new business venture or career path, the energy of Neptune in Aries is one that is set to change the way you look at life and finances.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.