5 Zodiac Signs Must Prepare For A Major Relationship Shift In March 2025
The astrology of the month of March brings changes in love for these zodiac signs.

Get ready! Five zodiac signs must prepare for a big relationship shift during the month of March 2025, but it's not all bad. Sometimes it’s better to take your time to build a relationship that will last rather than rushing ahead and only ending up with regrets. March 2025 brings the retrograde of Venus, Mercury, Vesta, and Juno — all of which can intensely impact your romantic life.
This isn’t the time to make any impulsive decisions or end a relationship. It’s better to move through this period, staying present and learning what you can so that in April you can feel confident you’re making a decision you will be happy with for years to come.
Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and on Saturday, March 1 it will station retrograde in Aries. Venus retrograde in Aries will invite you to reflect on how you approach your partner and relationship to ensure you are tuned into your desires and what you want to take action on before Venus retrograde shifts back into Pisces on Thursday, March 27.
Venus retrograde in Pisces carries a tendency to romanticize past relationships and bring any secrets to light. While this may feel like a confronting time, it’s best to wait until after April 12, once Venus is direct, to make any romantic decisions.
While so many planets will be retrograde in March, it’s also the beginning of Eclipse Season. The first will be a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on Friday, March 14. This will be the first official eclipse on the Pisces and Virgo axis, an energy that you will be working with into 2027. The energy of Pisces and Virgo asks you to surrender to what it is while also being able to honor your dreams for the love you genuinely want.
Yet, as you are just beginning a new chapter in your life, you also may be tasked with ending one as the final eclipse on the Aries and Libra axis occurs on Saturday, March 29. The Aries Solar Eclipse will bring to fruition themes you’ve been focusing on since 2023 and will help you learn how to merge your independence with the loving partnership you desire.
Asteroids Juno and Vesta will be stationing retrograde this month and will bring an intense review to marriages and committed relationships. While Juno rules over marriage, Vesta represents your commitment to a relationship and the devotion you may feel to your partner. Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio on Friday, March 21 helping you reflect on the relationship you have created as well as reviewing if you still feel as committed to this union.
This energy will be felt intensely as it coincides with Venus retrograde, so you must allow yourself to surrender to the process no matter what it brings. Although retrograde and eclipse season may not always bring the developments you’d hoped for in your romantic life — it does always bring what you need.
Remember: “Sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.” – Erika Taylor
Five zodiac signs who must prepare for a big relationship shift during March 2025:
1. Libra
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Relationships become better when you actually deal with what is going on, rather than just trying to ignore it, dear Libra. You have been on an incredible romantic journey in the last few months. This has been a time of beautiful possibilities, but also challenges. There has seemed to be a nagging truth you couldn’t quite shake off.
As you prepare to wrap up the series of eclipses in your zodiac sign and Aries, you will notice that the landscape of your life and relationship has dramatically changed since 2023. While nothing is the same, it’s also so much better than it was. Yet, there may be certain aspects of your relationship you haven’t allowed to evolve with you, including the truth about your dynamic that you may have already outgrown.
You have been encouraged to take your time through this process, but an epiphany is arriving, and with it the new beginning that you have been wanting. Venus will station retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 1 in Aries. Aries rules over your house of relationships and love, and it’s also where the North Node has been since 2023. This is what has brought you to the exciting series of eclipses on the Aries and Libra axis.
Venus retrograde in Aries is a chance to review the dynamics of your relationship. Pay close attention to those themes of independence and advocate for your truth as this was a phase that was meant to help you develop a healthier relationship. You don’t have to silence yourself, sacrifice your dreams, or make the relationship all about your partner in order to have the love you want. You deserve a partner, and that means setting the stage to be open about your needs.
Venus retrograde will shift back into Pisces on Thursday, March 27 — just two days before the final Aries Eclipse on Saturday, March 29. There are no coincidences. Use Venus retrograde to explore the agreements within your relationship, honor your truth, and step into that confident self. This will allow you to not only progress your relationship to the next level but also honor your own growth.
2. Virgo
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You don’t need to push through what feels challenging, sweet Virgo. Your romantic life has seen significant developments recently, and this will only continue through the next few years with the North Node in Pisces, ruler of your romantic sector. As good as everything has felt in your relationship recently, it has been a great journey to have reached this space.
Not only has it not necessarily been an easy or straight path, but it also involved a great deal of learning on the behalf of yourself and your partner. Lessons in love are essential for growth, but they also tend to bring challenges and heartache. You should never feel bad for wanting to address something from the past that still bothers you.
By being honest with yourself, and letting your partner do the same, you embark on a path of emotional healing which only serves to strengthen your union. Let yourself feel gratitude for all you have but be honest about what is still weighing on you so you can find the resolution you truly desire.
Venus will first station retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 1. This will bring themes of intimacy, transformation, and personal growth, but the real magic occurs once Venus retrograde enters Pisces on Thursday, March 27. Venus retrograde in your house of relationships isn’t always an easy transit, as it asks you to slow down and deal with what you have been trying to avoid — but it is always of benefit.
This will be a time when you will be encouraged to talk with your partner about anything that is still bothering you from the past, or themes connected to how you work together in the relationship. Venus retrograde in Pisces brings a deeper and soulful union into your connection, but you must be willing to be honest about your emotions.
Healing can only occur when you are honoring what you feel. You don’t need to ever feel justified for feeling any emotion but simply accept it as a truth so that you can address it with your partner. Focus on healing your heart during this phase, so that you can feel confident this genuinely is the relationship that is meant to last forever.
3. Pisces
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Pace yourself, beautiful Pisces, you are just beginning a brand-new journey. In so many ways, love hasn’t been a priority recently. Although this is a foreign feeling for you, as you are the romantic of the zodiac, its purpose was to help you heal. It can be challenging to genuinely heal and grow if you’re focused on someone else or simply overcome with chemistry in the beginning of a relationship.
Through this phase of you being solitary, you’ve actually become certain about the kind of relationship you want. No longer are you repeating past patterns or entering into a connection because of the illusion of potential. You want that magical and amazing love, but you also want it to be healthy — and now you finally have the knowledge to make that happen.
Your romantic life will be entering a profound phase of transformation; however, you must have patience with the process. Continue to embody all you’ve learned and remember that the best love is where both people are continually pouring into one another.
Your transformation journey begins as the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs on Friday, March 14. The North Node recently shifted into Pisces in January, but this is the first official eclipse of a brand-new era. The Pisces Virgo eclipses will continue to serve as guideposts for your romantic journey into 2027 — yet, depending on where you are in this moment, determines what the outcome will be.
The Virgo Lunar Eclipse puts you in touch with your emotional self, helping you see your true feelings and calling you to evaluate your romantic life. This energy helps you understand if a connection is truly aligned with your growth — or can help bring in new love after a phase of healing.
Your romantic life will look completely different in just a few years, but in this case, you must be present for what arrives. It can be hard not to get caught up in the dreams for the future. Use this energy to reflect on your relationship, honor your feelings, and surrender to the process that will help guide you toward your romantic fate.
4. Sagittarius
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Seize what is meant for you, Sagittarius. You have been through so many lessons and opportunities of personal growth. This has put you in the position to know what it is you genuinely want, giving you a chance to walk away from previous patterns in your life. There was a great deal of shadow work involved in all you’ve been focusing on, but you are beginning to emerge from this phase — which means it’s also time to move forward.
While life is certainly not going to look how you thought it would, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be better. After so much growth, you may be struggling with believing in yourself and feeling ready for love or to take a relationship to the next level. This is normal and is evidence that you’re not acting impulsively as you had in the past. Be mindful of what you tell yourself, especially around what you think is or isn’t meant for you.
There may be a tendency to think that you’re not meant for a committed relationship, or that no one will ever love you for you. Your thoughts create the reality you live in, and if it’s challenging, letting yourself believe that what you want is possible can make a dramatic shift in what you experience in your romantic life.
The North Node first shifted into Aries in 2023. This brought themes of authenticity, commitment, and marriage to the forefront of your relationship. Until you have embraced your authentic self, it can be almost impossible to choose a relationship that actually aligns with your soul. Throughout the eclipses in Aries and Libra, you learned so much about yourself and what beliefs are authentically yours, versus those that were the result of conditioning or wounds.
While it brought isolation and less romance, it helped you to be able to understand that you were never afraid of commitment — but only learning how to commit to yourself. Now as the Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on Saturday, March 29, the final one in this series, you are being guided to seize what is meant for you.
This is a time of heightened new beginnings and so you must allow yourself to embrace this energy. Focus on releasing the past, trusting in your worthiness, and let yourself follow your heart to the love that has always been meant for you.
5. Taurus
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Love and trust aren’t always mutually inclusive, dear Taurus. You want love to be beautiful, but you also need to make sure it’s a relationship that actually feels good for your heart. There have been some recent challenges in your relationship that have made you wonder if this connection is what you want or that it can be salvaged. Yet, you also haven’t completely opened up to your partner about how you are feeling.
While you do want a beautiful and soft love, you also aren’t the biggest fan of change. This can lead you to stay in a relationship or avoid bringing up issues because you are trying to keep any changes at bay. If you want this relationship to be beautiful though, you also must learn to confront issues as they arise.
With everything that you’ve been through, including a possible betrayal, the trust that you have for your partner has been jeopardized. This doesn’t mean that you don’t love them, but that the trust in them to be faithful, consistent, or follow through on their intentions may not be where it once was.
Trust can be rebuilt but only be honest about how you are feeling. No matter how difficult it is to bring up an emotional truth, it is the only way to improve and save this connection.
On Friday, March 21, asteroid Vesta will station retrograde in Scorpio, encouraging you to focus on themes of trust, loyalty, and truth in your romantic relationship. Vesta represents commitment, but in Scorpio, it also addresses qualities that are a part of your feeling or deciding to commit to a romantic partner. This will bring up all of those feelings, and the situations that you’ve been trying to work through.
Try to hold space for what arises instead of continuing to just hope this connection will improve without actually addressing anything. Be honest about the feelings you’re having, as love is one thing, but to have a relationship last you must trust your partner.
This energy may also bring a connection between trust and shared financial matters. If your partner has been overspending or irresponsible with finances, then this is the time to address that as well. Trust is an all-encompassing requirement in a relationship. You can’t just hope you’ll trust your partner again, but have to actively work to achieve it, which begins with being honest about what’s been going on.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.