Your Pisces Season Horoscope For February 18 - March 20, 2025
During Pisces season, we dream bigger and feel more.

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, marking the beginning of Pisces season. Horoscopes for each zodiac sign this astrological season last until where it will remain until March 20, 2025.
Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac that rules the 12th house, which represents the unconscious mind and is considered the realm of the unknown, secrets, dreams, and magic. Compassion, creativity, and spirituality are Pisces traits, and Pisces typically have a way of calming and helping others in moments of crisis with their tender and helpful spirit.
Get ready to feel more in touch with your feelings (and those of others), be more emotional, and dream bigger. You may feel more intuitive, creative and intuitive and interested in anything that can allow you to escape reality for the moment. Dreams may be very intense and vivid this month along with your intuition.
Let’s take a look at how the Sun in Pisces will influence each of the zodiac signs.
Your zodiac sign's Pisces season horoscope for February 18 to March 20, 2025:
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The Sun transiting your 12th house signifies a period of paying more attention to the things in your subconscious mind. At times, you may want to retreat from the world or spend time alone and in your own thoughts or even in seclusion
The 12th house is the final house in the chart, the last house any planet transits through before entering the first house of new beginnings. Therefore, this is like ‘clearing the decks’ just before your birthday. It's time to clear out negative thought patterns in preparation for the new opportunities that will soon come your way.
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The Sun in Pisces transits your 11th house which rules friends, groups, and your hopes and wishes. Pisces season is a generally positive time for you, as well as your most social time of the year. You may network and make new, valuable connections.
It is important to interact with your circle of friends now. You may come up with some new and original ideas you can benefit from.
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The Sun in Pisces transits through your 10th house of career and reputation. The 10th house has to do with not only your reputation but your standing in the world.
During Pisces season, you will be more interested in achieving tangible results with your efforts. You are focused on your career and significant achievement is likely.
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The Sun will transit your ninth house as it travels through Pisces which rules education, travel, publishing, broadcasting, and world view. Since the ninth house is where ideas live along with interacting with people and things outside your normal realm, throughout Pisces season, you may have meetings or get together with foreigners or become interested in a foreign culture.
During this time, you will seek deeper meaning in your life and within the world in general. You could be more open to adventure and seek things other than day-to-day mundane activities.
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The Sun will transit through your eighth house which rules intimacy, other people’s money, loans, debt, and investments. Since the eighth house rules transformation, you could make significant changes in your life during Pisces season. Even if these changes seem small on the surface, they can be empowering.
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The Sun in Pisces transits your seventh house which rules partners, which includes both romantic partners and business partnerships.
This Pisces season, you may have a greater need to be with a partner and learn about yourself through them. The seventh house is the house of ‘we’ rather than me, so you will seek to find balance between yourself and others.
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The Sun in Pisces transits your sixth house of work and health this month. You will be more focused on work and day-to-day activities during Pisces season, learning to balance your work and life interests.
Since this house also rules health, you will become more conscious of how you treat your body over the next few weeks. This is a good time to make your annual appointment with a doctor, start a fitness regime, and try out some healthy new meals.
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During Pisces season, your creativity is at an all-time high. You'll enjoy going out, socializing more, and seeking more entertainment.
If you are a parent or involved with children, you'll find yourself appreciating their youth and will enjoy spending time with them as you seek out those youthful traits in yourself.
If you're in a relationship, you may want to spend more time together or desire for the relationship to deepen. If you are single and interesting in a relationship, try and approach others during Pisces season — Pisces season is a great time to meet someone special.
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Over the next month, the Sun will transit your fourth house which rules home, family, and your basic foundation. You may spend more time at home with family members (or those that feel like family) throughout Pisces season.
While you're generally one to be on the go, during Pisces season, you find yourself appreciating your roots and sense of belonging. Explore your roots, heritage, or genealogy this month.
This is a good time for doing things to make your house more attractive and homey, such as painting, construction, or any number of home improvement tasks. You may also do more home entertaining or have more guests.
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This Pisces season, the Sun transits your third house which rules the mind and communication, short trips, and immediate family members. You will probably be busy and have a great deal of movement that includes important communication or trips.
Siblings, neighbors, and co-workers play a bigger place in your life at this time as things of interest occur in your neighborhood or surrounding area.
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This month, the Sun in Pisces transits your second house which rules money, income, and values. Your focus will be on security and money or the things you value most.
This Pisces season is a good time for restructuring your finances, creating a budget, and making financial changes. Watch out for spending more money than you planned.
You will think more about personal values and what you value the most throughout the month, whether it is love, money, personal financial security, or something else. You could think a great deal about how you view yourself and let go of negative thought patterns.
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Happy birthday, Pisces! As the Sun transits your first house, issues concerning your personal identity, appearance, and self-expression become front and center. But don't let that scare you — Pisces season is typically a time when you feel more like yourself and prone to expressing your true nature.
Wherever the Sun goes, the spotlight shines — and for the next month, it is on you. You the ability to influence others to a greater degree. You have increased energy and feel a personal renewal. You may consider a new path this month, and you will march to the beat of your own drummer.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.