Astrologer Reveals Why March 2025 Is The Most ‘Pivotal’ Month Of The Year
A professional astrologer explains how "the vibe of our world is shifting" in March 2025.

According to astrology, March is the most pivotal month of the year during which we will experience many transformative changes.
"The vibe of our world is shifting," a professional astrologer named June said in a video, noting that March 2025 is "one of the peaks" of this energy thanks to Mercury and Venus retrograde, eclipse season, and Neptune’s entrance into Aries.
Why March 2025 is the most 'pivotal' moment of the year, according to astrology
Mars and Venus are both stationing direct and retrograde
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During March, Mars is still in its direct station and shadow period when Venus turns retrograde in Aries on March 1. When a planet is stationing, it is either reversing course to retrograde or reversing course to turn direct and ‘wake up’ again. The station of a planet is often when it is at its most powerful.
Mars stations direct at 17 degrees of Cancer through the first nine days of the month, while Venus is in its retrograde station at 10 degrees of Aries from March 1 to 8. Mars remains in its shadow period until April 22.
Retrograde Venus will be in Mars’ home sign of Aries, where it is considered at its detriment meaning the energy is difficult in this sign. Mars is considered at its fall in Cancer, so neither planet operates well in the signs they are currently in which means neither planet is operating well.
Cancer is the sign of home, family, and security, or what we need to feel safe. For many people, its retrograde through Cancer where Mars is not comfortable is doing just the opposite of this and not making us feel secure at all. Changes made during a planet's retrograde often change again at a later point when they are direct.
Venus retrogrades in Aries
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Venus is the planet that rules love, beauty, and values, and Venus retrograde is typically a time when we personally and collectively determine what our values really are. Since Venus is in Aries, action and activity concerning Venus will be more aggressive and could come across as being a little (or a lot) selfish.
Our love lives can take dramatic shifts one way or another during Venus retrograde. If a relationship comes back together at this time, it was meant to — and if one ends at this time, it is granting you the freedom to find someone more appropriate for you.
Venus retrograde is not the time to buy art, have cosmetic surgery, purchase anything expensive that relates to beauty, or get married or engaged. Venus rules love, money, values, and our social lives, so all of these areas may be affected when the planet of love and values changes direction.
Venus retrograde is a karmic period and love can take some dramatic shifts one way or another. What happens during a retrograde of Venus is typically what is meant to happen, and the ‘fate’ of the relationship often plays out in some dramatic ways. The past and those from the past are often connected with retrograde planets, including Venus, so you could experience many trips down memory lane or connect with those from past times.
Mercury is retrograde
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Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on March 19 until April 7. Like Venus, Mercury will also retrograde back into Pisces on March 28and turn direct in this sign in April. Mercury is considered at its fall in the sign Pisces, the third planet in an incompatible sign making March a very difficult month.
Mercury rules all kinds of communication, verbal and written, speaking, learning, and even thinking, as well as all forms of electronic communication. It rules formal agreements and contracts, buying and selling, travel, transportation, and shipping. It rules pets and young people.
During Mercury retrograde, thinking is often unclear and decisions are more difficult to make. Communication often breaks down, slows down, or stops altogether. People can become confused and change their minds, job interviews slow down, and things, projects, and people change direction, sometimes unexpectedly.
It is hard to get decisions from others, and if you do, they could change their mind after Mercury turns direct. New information about important matters often comes to light during this cycle.
Eclipse season begins
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The first two eclipses of 2025 occur in March, with the first lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13. Virgo rules the sixth house of work and health. Since Virgo is an Earth sign, events that affect the Earth itself are likely.
This will be a difficult eclipse associated with endings, depression, responsibilities, and things we have to do as opposed to want to do. This period serves as a wake-up call both individually and collectively. We may be rocked out of our rut and forced to look at what is real as opposed to what we may want to see.
This eclipse plays a powerful role in the United States birth chart (yes, countries have charts just like people do!). In this case, the eclipse will fall on Neptune in the U.S. chart and square the country's Mar sign, setting off the Saturn-Neptune-Mars T-square that happens only once every 30 years. These are typically difficult times for the country and are associated with war, aggression, anger, and financial issues.
A lunar eclipse is always followed by a solar eclipse, and this one occurs on March 29 in Aries during a supermoon. Supermoons, which appear closer to the earth and are brighter, are related to significant weather events such as tsunamis and earthquakes which can occur at this time. Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune is often connected with water-related events.
Aries rules the first house of self and its planetary ruler is Mars. With an Aries eclipse, we are all typically focused on our desires and what we wish to accomplish. Mars, however, can be an aggressive planet and rules of our action, men, and war, and can denote bravery and new approaches and plans.
This eclipse sextiles Jupiter which is a positive and more hopeful aspect, but Mercury is also conjunct Neptune. This relates to idealism but also represents confusion, lack of clarity, and even lies. It may be hard to discern fact from fiction at this time.
Neptune enters Aries
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Neptune enters Aries on March 31 for the first time in 165 years. It will leave Pisces and dip its toes into this sign through September 1, when it will return to Pisces for another few months before re-entering Aries until March of 2039, affecting the world and our personal lives.
Neptune is the planet of creativity, spirituality, compassion, and humanitarianism — but it also rules lies, deception, misinformation, and confusion. Neptune in Pisces changed the world, and Neptune in Aries will change it again.
Neptune was last in Aries from 1862 to 1875. This period covered part of the U.S. Civil War and led to advances in chemistry, medicine, and many new inventions. Spiritualism was prevalent during this time, but how much of it was real and how much an illusion is hard to know. While we will all be driven to accomplish our personal goals during this time, Neptune in Aries will add impulsiveness in the sign of service and spirituality.
But even with Neptune’s veil, we may see clearer actions with Neptune in this sign than we have during Neptune’s transit through Pisces. We will see pioneers, religious zealots, and extremists along with new ideas and new ways of doing things. Wars are possible with Neptune in this sign as it is ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression. We must be careful not to develop a war-like and aggressive mentality as Neptune also rules the collective mindset.
Times are changing dramatically in 2025 and Neptune’s entrance into Aries represents one of several extremely significant planetary changes that will affect us all.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience specializing in astrological guidance to empower you with knowledge of future events, relationships, finances, and major life situations.