The Weekly Love Horoscope Is Here For Each Zodiac Sign From October 28 - November 3

L-O-V-E, it's love!

weekly love horoscope October 28 November 3 2024 Design: YourTango

Love can be the grounding presence you need or the crucible of tremendous inner growth. That's the message and theme for the collective this week, between October 28 - November 3, 2024. But before we look at the love horoscopes for every zodiac sign this week, here are the general love messages for everyone.

First, many important astrological transits are happening in the second half of this week. So, the romantic life of people in the collective, whether single or not, will also be influenced when the vortex of energies suddenly peaks on and after November 1.

On November 1, we have a New Moon in Scorpio. That is the perfect time to set new intentions in love and let go of bad habits or old wounds holding you back from experiencing true love.

On November 2, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius. This will make it easier for the collective to speak from the mind and the heart, and to communicate more effectively in love. Just watch out for exaggerations and colorful speech! That is one of the pitfalls of Mercury in Sagittarius. 

Finally, Mars will enter Leo on November 3. As one of the planets that heavily influence our love life, this transit will immediately make us more proactive in our approach to love and intimacy. Just remember to set healthy boundaries while you are at this so you can enjoy your journey through love while steering clear of energies not aligned with love!


Each zodiac sign's weekly love horoscopes for October 28 - November 3, 2024:


aries weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love for Aries: October 3

Your love horoscope points at something growing slowly and steadily in your life. The cosmic forces are aligned so that slow and steady is better for you than going fast and furious. 


If you are single, focus on self-care first because everything originates from self-love. If you are in a relationship, try to be patient with each other as you learn to communicate more effectively and understand each other's similarities and differences.

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taurus weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Taurus: November 2

Taurus, you are encouraged not to cocoon away with your romantic partner or date. It's because the astrological energy at this time is better suited for communal engagements and enterprises. Meeting the parents and engaging with each other's friend circles are indicated here. Take it slow, though. 

There is no rush to meet somebody, even when there is peer pressure. Bring something to the communal table, whether a bottle of wine, a basket of cookies, or even your humorous side, to mark your personality.

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gemini weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love for Gemini: November 1

Gemini, your love horoscope, this has a lone-wolf energy. If you are single, now may not be the right time to look for love. Instead, focus on the other priorities in your life, whether that's your career or personal projects. 


Building yourself from within will guarantee true love coming your way when you are energetically ready. If you are in a relationship, set healthy boundaries. Make room for you and your partner to thrive together and separately. If you feel called to, stargazing is an activity that will bring you a lot of joy.

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cancer weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Cancer: October 31

Cancer, your love horoscope indicates that something inside of you feels poor in love. Almost as if you believe something is defective in you or that you will never find true love. 

You are encouraged to remove such beliefs because they manifest what you don't want. Instead, allow yourself to meditate, find peace, and be receptive to trigger the actual manifestation of love coming to you.

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leo weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Leo: October 30

Leo, your love life may create some issues for you. Not because something problematic is happening but because many other areas of life also stand out as significant now. You will have to juggle all of them simultaneously, which may make you feel a little burdened and tired. 

Try to set the right balance. Everything does not have to get the same attention to be important in your life. Ebbs and flows are just as normal as anything else. Journaling can help you find peace and clarity at this time.

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virgo weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Virgo: November 3

Virgo, your love horoscope for the week is so shining and robust that you will feel at the top of the world by the end of the week. Lean hard into this and allow this transit to uplift your spirit, whether you are single or in a relationship. 

Now's your time to glow and be true to yourself even as you engage in the beauty of love. If you feel called to, work with Rose Quartz or wear it as a pendant around your neck for the same reasons.

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libra weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Libra: November 2

Libra, be calm and collected in your love life. No matter who may tell you otherwise, there is no rush to find the right person. True love will come to you in "divine timing," which may result from manifestation work. 

Patience will allow you to be open to the cosmic forces working in your favor. If you feel called to, incorporate a daily meditative practice to ground yourself and be patient.

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scorpio weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Scorpio: November 3

Scorpio, your love horoscope is so powerful and strong that if you have a marriage scheduled for the week or will be attending somebody's wedding, you can look forward to something positive occurring through this.

Your family will also come through for you. Remember: this particular energy pertains more to long-term thinking and goals in love. So you must consider whether a person will fit in with your family and friends' group before you choose to go all in with them.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Sagittarius: October 28

Sagittarius, your weekly love horoscope is potent. You will feel one with the world and know exactly what to do to further your love life in the best way possible in every instance, whether single or otherwise. Trust your intuitive nudges; they will powerfully lead you. 

Some of you may wish to perform a manifestation ritual in alignment with the moon's phase, especially during the New Moon in Scorpio on November 1.

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capricorn weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Capricorn: October 30

Capricorn, the energy around your love life is really strong right now. So much so that anything you set your sights on can be yours. If you are considering proposing to your partner and putting a ring on it, now's the right time, too! (And vice versa.) Just remember to think from a long-term perspective when you engage in your love life. 

Otherwise, the outer planets may create some havoc for you. Working with Black Tourmaline is a good way to ground yourself and protect yourself from energy vampires.


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aquarius weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Best day for love for Aquarius: October 31

Aquarius, your love life will be powerful! Just try to be more receptive at this time instead of being proactive because the former will bring love to you while the latter will put you at loggerheads with the cosmic forces. 


If you feel called to, do a love ritual. For some of you, the wishes you made and engaged with during the eclipse period of the previous months will start to reveal results now. 

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pisces weekly love horoscopes october 28 - november 3, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Best day for love for Pisces: November 1

Pisces, your love horoscope is golden and beautiful. They refer to this when they say trust to process because, when you do, it ultimately leads you to your experience. 

The actual high points will vary from person to person, but the ultimate results will be that you will find joy and delight wherever you go and whatever you do with your romantic partner. If you feel called to, now's also a great time to check off something from your relationship bucket list!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
