Each Zodiac Sign's 2 'Secret' Soulmates, According To Astrology

Let’s take a look at what the signs are — and what they might offer to each other.

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True zodiac compatibility is based on many factors, but according to Astrologer Hagan Fox, each zodiac sign has two ‘secret' soulmates that are often overlooked. In a TikTok video, Fox claimed that each zodiac sign's two 'secret' soulmates are those that form a quincunx to your Sun sign.

@haganfoxastrology I will be posting a 12 part series here for you all ❤️ We all have two secret soul mates; they sit 150 degrees apart from your own star sign, so either side of your opposite star sign. In astrological lore, it’s called a quincunx. #astrology #astrologytiktok #soulmate #zodiac #fyp ♬ original sound - Hagan Fox Astrology

A quincunx is a lesser-used aspect in astrology that puts the planets at a 150-degree angle, or five signs away from each other. Quincunxes are considered to have nothing in common with each other and the aspect is like holding two incompatible truths at the same time. They create a great deal of inner tension, are generally not considered positive, and create more stress than anything else.


While signs that form this angle aren't typically regarded as being compatible, depending on what the planets and signs are along with the maturity and psychological makeup of the individuals, there could be potential to counterbalance certain issues with each other and the relationship,

Let’s take a look at each zodiac sign's two 'secret' soulmates and they ways their relationship may just work.

Aries secret soulmates: Scorpio and Virgo

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The one thing that Aries and Scorpio would have together is the fact they are both ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of action, anger, aggression or assertion, sexuality, and how we approach things. Scorpio/Mars is typically known to be strategic and intense while Aries/Mars is quicker and more impulsive. They could potentially balance each other out.

Virgo, on the other hand, is vastly different from Aries. They are methodical, slow to decide on a long-term course of action, and very discerning, while Aries is the opposite. Virgo could teach Aries patience and Aries could teach Virgo to appreciate spur-of-the-moment opportunities.

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Taurus secret soulmates: Libra and Sagittarius

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Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, so they do have this in common. Taurus likes richness in terms of assets, food, and surroundings while Libra is more focused on beauty and relationships. If they could meet in the middle, Venus might be the key to understanding each other.

Sagittarius is a fire sign while Taurus is a much slower Earth sign and these two are very different. Taurus could provide security for Sag and Sagittarius could provide fun and excitement for Taurus, but it won’t be an easy match.

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Gemini secret soulmates: Scorpio and Capricorn

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Scorpio is secretive and possessive while Gemini likes to keep things light and is freedom-oriented. They both prefer honest communication so if they can work out their differences this could be a common bond.

Capricorn can help Gemini focus and make more of their plans and ideas and Gemini can encourage Capricorn in terms of risk-taking and being more open to adventure.

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Cancer secret soulmates: Sagittarius and Aquarius

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Sagittarius can provide Cancer with adventure and fun and Cancer can provide Sagittarius with nurturing and a solid home life so if they can work out the differences they could have a very positive domestic life.

Aquarius can provide Cancer with a stimulating intellectual life and plenty of new and different perspectives and Cancer can provide Aquarius with a secure and peaceful home life and grounding.

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Leo secret soulmates: Capricorn and Pisces

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Capricorn is generally loyal and reliable which can help Leo feel secure in a relationship. Meanwhile, Leo can provide Capricorn excitement and entertainment since they often need a break from working too hard.

As for Leo and Pisces, Pisces is loyal, a quality that Leo looks for in a partner. And Leo can provide supportiveness and a shoulder to lean on which Pisces often needs.

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Virgo secret soulmates: Aquarius and Aries

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Virgo can appreciate the intellectual life of Aquarius and their natural curiosity, perspectives, and ideas and vice versa and help them with follow through.

Aries can lead Virgo to explore new aspects of themselves and vice versa. Virgo can help Aries slow down and define details before rushing into things ill-prepared. Aries can encourage more spontaneity in Virgo and show them new adventures.

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Libra secret soulmates: Pisces and Taurus

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Libra is an intellectual air sign while Pisces is an emotional water sign. Libra can help Pisces see things from a more rational viewpoint and Pisces can help Libra get more in touch with their emotions.

Since both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, they can each relate to the other's strong attraction to beauty and all things Venusian such as art, good food, and a beautiful environment.

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Scorpio secret soulmates: Aries and Gemini

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Both Scorpio and Aries are ruled by Mars, giving them the same planetary ruler. Both can appreciate the high energy of each other and all attributes connected with Mars: action, assertiveness, and straightforward approaches.

Scorpio can provide emotional support and help to Gemini and Gemini can offer entertainment, great conversation, and new experiences to Scorpio.

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Sagittarius secret soulmates: Taurus and Cancer

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Taurus can offer Sagittarius a more grounded perspective and stability while Sag can offer Taurus adventure, fun, and excitement.

Cancer can offer Sag a solid home life and emotional security while Sagittarius can offer Cancer excitement, adventure, and a completely different perspective.

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Capricorn secret soulmates:  Gemini and Leo

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Capricorn can help Leo become more organized and therefore more prone to success. Since Cappy is known for being a workaholic, Leo can introduce Capricorn to spontaneity and having more fun in life.

Gemini can flit from idea to idea, so Capricorn can introduce a more organized way of approaching things and being more grounded. Gemini can offer Capricorn a fresh perspective and a range of new ideas.

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Aquarius secret soulmates:  Cancer and Virgo

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Cancer can offer Aquarius stability in terms of home life and help them get more in touch with their emotions and the emotions of those around them since Aquarius has a more intellectual approach.

Virgo can offer Aquarius stability and a different perspective on life and how they approach their big ideas, and Aquarius can offer Virgo more positivity and a range of new and different ideas and thinking.


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Pisces secret soulmates: Leo and Libra

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Pisces and Leo both share an interest in creativity and the arts and can connect on this level, and Leo can bring Pisces out of their doldrums.


Libra can offer Pisces the things they crave most, including romance and big romantic gestures. Pisces can offer Libra a powerful emotional connection and they can benefit from Pisces’ empathy and intuition.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
