Astrologer Reveals The Environment You’ll Feel Most ‘At Home’ Living In, According To Your Moon Sign

Are the mountains calling you, or is it the beach?

woman looking out a moon sign Photo: Iskra Photography | Design: YourTango

Though it might sound strange, the environment we live in can make or break our mental health. Research has found that exposure to nature, more windows, more space, and less noise are all associated with improved mental health, which is why it's so important to find a place that really feels like home.

According to astrologer Tara Redfield, one of the best ways to do this is by looking at your Moon sign, which represents your emotional needs and what makes you feel secure. In a TikTok video, Redfield noted that your Moon sign's element "can indicate the environment you are going to feel most comfortable living in."


Here’s the environment you’ll feel most at home in, based on your Moon sign.

Moon in fire signs Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius

fire moon environment most at home Photo: Art Wager | Design: YourTango


According to Redfield, “You are most suited for warm climates where there’s a lot of sunshine and opportunities for outdoor activities and places you can explore.”

This is probably not surprising since fire signs are associated with the summer season. Known to be extroverted individuals who thrive on attention and adventure, Redfield added that “fire Moon signs also need to have access to entertainment," so it's ideal to choose somewhere that not only has a warm climate but also plenty of opportunities to go out and have fun.

Places like Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, one of the best places to live on the cheaper side, and Miami, Florida are two examples of where those with fire Moon signs would feel at home.

RELATED: The Best Moon Sign, According To Astrology


Moon in earth signs Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn

earth moon environment most at home Photo: Purpledrink | Design: YourTango

It comes as no surprise that earth signs are best suited for environments with access to nature. After all, that is what the earth element is all about — grounding themselves in nature. With that being said, having access to things like mountains, forests, and hikes will put you in the best headspace.

“And living in less populated areas where you can just see land and not buildings is ideal for you,” ended Redfield.


People with an earth Moon sign would feel right at home in places like the Pacific Northwest region of the United States or Scotland's green pastures.

RELATED: 4 Most Misunderstood Moon Signs

Moon in air signs Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

air moon environment most at home Photo: traveler1116 | Design: YourTango


If your Moon is in an air sign, it’s important to have access “to a lot of variety,” Redfield explained.

“More populated areas like cities are great locations for you because you can wake up any day and decide you want to try something new,” she added, noting that “having the opportunity to meet lots of different people is ideal for you.”

For the unpredictable, open, go-with-the-flow air signs, it's not just about the people.

"Having four distinctly different seasons will be the best thing for your mental health," she said, because “you love having variety in your weather.”

For example, many cities in Virginia offer not only plenty of opportunity for air signs to network but also the four seasons they crave as well as access to both beaches, mountains, and everything in between.


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Moon in water signs Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces

water moon environment most at home Photo: Better Planet Media | Design: YourTango

This might seem obvious, but water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces tend to do best near water.


As Redfield explained, it doesn't matter what type of body of water you're near, whether it's "the ocean, or a lake, or rivers, ponds," but "being able to have access to water is important for you.”

Water brings these Moon signs both peace and connection. But, that’s not all. Redfield added, “Artistic and spiritual communities are also great places for people with their moons in water signs” because of their sensitive hearts, ability to connect, and compassionate nature.

For example, Ann Arbor is not only located near a river, but the close-knit community is rated as one of the most peaceful in the U.S.


RELATED: What You Need To Feel Emotionally Secure In A Relationship, According To Your Moon Sign


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
