Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign On November 9 — The First Quarter Moon Is Here

Find the silver lining and let yourself believe in love.

Love Horoscope For November 9, 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: Sanja85, Canva Pro

Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for November 9, 2024 brings insight into the effects of the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius. No matter what situation you find yourself in, a silver lining always exists. 

Whether seeing everything through a more optimistic lens or gleaning a powerful lesson, every moment offers a gift. By viewing life optimistically, you learn not to be so hard on yourself or make a problem all your partner's fault. Instead, let yourself believe in love and the path to it, no matter what it seems to bring.


The First Quarter Moon in Aquarius will square off with retrograde Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, allowing you to shift your feelings and take a more untraditional approach to romantic situations. The First Quarter Moon is prompting you to take action, while in Aquarius, it is helping you embrace your inner free spirit so that whatever you choose to do will be wrapped in your divine authenticity. 

There are changes in store, especially regarding how you feel and what actions you choose to do based on your feelings. Retrograde Uranus brings unexpected internal shifts that allow you to cultivate positive change in your romantic life. 


Whether you're finally being honest about what you want or even making a declaration of love, today's love horoscope helps you find the silver lining in every moment. Seize the chance to better yourself and your relationship. Now, let's explore what Saturday's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign in astrology.


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The love horoscope for each zodiac sign on November 9, 2024:


aries weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You’ve been rather hard on yourself recently, Aries. Today, all of that should shift, genuinely allowing you to know what you deserve to receive in a relationship.

Are you letting your inner thoughts get the best of you? If so, you may feel encouraged to take risks and develop or further a specific relationship. 

Embrace your inner worthiness, no matter what has occurred in the past. Trust that you are ready for the love you’ve always wanted.

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taurus weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

The first step in having the love you’ve always wanted is ensuring you know who you are, dear Taurus. The journey to your authentic self often involves stripping away everything that no longer was part of your truth, and this space can often bring unwanted changes. 

Today, there truly is a silver lining: you can feel greater confidence in your process and in making certain decisions in your romantic life. The person meant for you will only support and help you be your best self, so never shy away from speaking your unfiltered truth.

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gemini weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Dear Gemini, you must start believing you can receive even more than you had previously dreamed of. But this also means that you may need to admit that certain aspects of your life no longer feel in alignment. 

Just because you may have everything you’ve always wanted doesn’t mean it will feel like you thought it would. Let yourself start entertaining ideas and dreams about new beginnings and endings that may have to start happening because there’s no point in thinking you are stuck in this current situation.

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cancer weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It can be scary to let someone in, Cancer, especially after all you’ve been through. But at this moment, you are being urged to reflect and understand that the only way to have the connection you desire is to take ownership of your own blocks and fears that have contributed to what you’ve been experiencing. 

You may find it beneficial to have an important conversation with a friend today that allows you to take down those walls and truly cultivate the depth and intimacy that you crave in a romantic connection.

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leo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You can’t ignore your inner desires and expect that you will still end up having the life you’ve dreamed of, sweet Leo. Be mindful of drowning yourself in work matters or your career. 

Are you also honoring your feelings about love and the relationship you want? Success in your professional life will never replace the romantic connection that you dream of, no matter how hard you might try. 

Let yourself feel all your feelings today and try to believe that they only show you the path to following your heart.

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virgo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Virgo, a relationship rut can happen to anyone, but how you approach it can make all the difference. Are you settling for less than you desire? What can you do to turn things around and make them better? 

Today offers you a chance to be proactive. What can you do to make more room for love? Make a list of things you can do to spark romance and make more room for love. 

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libra weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

To change your romantic life, Libra, you must first change your thoughts about love. You may want some time to yourself today, as you will be reflecting more heavily on making major moves in your life that can also change your relationship. 

Sit in what you are feeling and honor your growth. However, be mindful of where you may be resisting change to become more aware of how to cooperate with the universe instead of blocking its blessings.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Dramatic insights are available today, dear Scorpio if you are willing to hold space for new possibilities. There is a strong connection between your romantic life and your home setting or family today, but this alignment may also reveal blocks to the love you want. 

Instead of talking yourself into thinking that you cannot change anything or that what you want isn’t possible, you need to become less afraid of moving forward. 

Of course, there will be mixed feelings, but you don’t need to let the fear of change make you resist the changes meant to bring you to your romantic fate.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Take a deep breath, Sagittarius, and reflect on why the universe is guiding you to practice your self-advocacy skills at this time. 

You have been doing so much work recently on yourself and even how you approach love, yet you are still resisting changing how you communicate and refraining from making assumptions. 

Allow yourself to say what you actually want and need, trusting that by doing so, you are changing your personal vibration and attracting new love into your life.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Just because you’ve been enmeshed within certain lessons from the universe, Capricorn, doesn’t mean you are completely through them yet. Try to take some time today to understand why it seems you’ve been directed to reflect more on your inner worth and the value of the relationship in your life.

Whether you aren’t truly showing your partner that you value them or you’re still settling for less, you need to give yourself time to understand this lesson so you can move into a new phase of your romantic life.

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aquarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You really can have anything that you desire, Aquarius, but you need to be willing to entertain the spaces of patience and build the next step. 

Nothing happens instantaneously, but instead of becoming frustrated in the in-between, try to let yourself believe that even when nothing is happening, there is still movement in the right direction. 

Be mindful of not thinking your partner is a mind reader, but also let yourself become more comfortable in the process of transformation so that you can seize the new romantic developments that are already in progress.

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pisces weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Sweet Pisces, no one can make you feel safe if you haven’t yet done that for yourself. Instead of solely thinking that it’s your partner’s job to create a space for communication and understanding, try to take responsibility for what you withhold and why. 

In this case, your partner wants to see the real you, and they dream of a future together just as much as you do — but you have been withholding your truth and even the depth of your feelings. 

If you want to make positive changes in your romantic life, then it’s also time to start really sharing how you feel and how much you hope this is a love that will last.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
