Additional Expertise
About Michelle Morand
You know, your life really doesn't have to be one never ending stress test.
You don't have to feel anxious and insecure in social settings or avoid certain people and places just because you don't trust that you're good enough or trust yourself to stand up for yourself if someone behaves like an ass.
Someone is bound to do or say something jerky, sometime! And developing a thicker skin and broader repertoire of 4 letter words isn't the answer. Wouldn't it be nice to truly not worry about what other people think because you trust your perspective so much and because you're so content with who you are and what you're doing?
And your relationships really can be consistently warm, loving, respectful, safe, secure and passionate (as appropriate...) - and that doesn't just go for those other people who lucked out with the perfect 10 looks or the one functional family of origin on the planet.
Oh, and what you're eating or what you weight or how you think you look compared to someone else doesn't have to take up the amount of space in your brain that it is currently occupying. It seems to me that it just isn't necessary for you to be on your own case 24/7 when there are so many other people out there - you've likely met them - who will happily tell you what you should do and what's wrong with you.
Let them do the heavy lifting while you sit back and learn a simple equation for relationships and a simple step-by-step way of approaching every stressful situation in your life.
Quickly build a solid sense of trust in your perception of others and of yourself.
Learn how not to get caught putting everyone else first without feeling like a selfish you-know-what.
And finally, once and for all, feel realy good about what you're eating and how you look.
For over 20 years I've been developing a program to teach men and women worldwide these very simple skills.
As a recovered compulsive eater and an expert in the field of self-esteem, addictions and disordered eating for 20 years, I have developed a simple step-by-step program that will quickly help you to understand what has been getting in your way and give you the tools to step free for good.
If you'd like to know more please visit The CEDRIC Centre website and stay connected to me through my Relationship Equation e-zine. I also welcome a call or email from you any time.
(toll free) 1-866-383-0797 -
or direct line 1-778-990-4606.