11 Surprisingly Intimate Gestures That Make Insane Foreplay

Make your relationship steamier.

Couple learns surprisingly sexy gestures that qualify as foreplay. shironosov | Canva

Foreplay is about creating a bonding experience, allowing you and your partner to connect through activities that will promote closeness and intimacy. Small gestures that say "I love you" bring a sense of love and kindness to your relationship and will help create emotional security. Emotional security is necessary to create intimacy, so here are 13 intimate gestures to do just that.

Here are 11 surprisingly intimate gestures that are insane foreplay:

1. Talk about him in public

One of the most important things to a guy is to feel that he's making you happy. It's always important to let him know that you appreciate him, so compliments go a long way. But when you also speak his accolades in public, then it speaks loudly. You're letting the world know what a great guy you are. Recount a story of when he did something you liked. It doesn't have to be something of monumental proportion; just recognize his effort and how much it meant to you.


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2. Listen to each other

Learn about your partner's frustrations, wishes, and dreams. When we can listen and understand each other, we start to create the perfect environment for foreplay.

3. Look (and smell) irresistible

Visual and olfactory cues are the most obvious and immediate ways to turn your partner on. Your appearance and scent are the front-line stimulators of a man's attention and libido. So spritz on your perfume, slip into your skinniest dress, and dab on some natural-looking makeup. A man loves a confident woman who is in tune with her femininity.


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4. Make one of your partner's lifelong wishes come true

Show him/her how you are attuned to him. Play detective by listening to cues from regular conversations you have with your partner such as, "My mother used to make the best chocolate cake" or "I've always wanted to go skiing." This kind of comment gives you important information about your partner's dreams, so make them come true! Surprises are like gifts: It's not about pleasing ourselves; it's about giving our partners what they want.

5. Follow through on promises made

Be a partner who inspires trust and respect. This creates a genuine, natural warmth and desire in him for you that keeps his heart open and his hormones charged. And remember, this equation works both ways. The truth is, when a woman is respectfully direct about what she needs and wants, the man in her life feels more comfortable, confident, and secure in the relationship. Keep the trust and he won't want to be anywhere else.

6. Write love letters to your partner

Today, we think that writing letters is a thing of the past; however, it's a gesture that shows how invested you are in the relationship and how important this person is to you. Every three months, write a letter to your partner about the great moments both of you have experienced together and how you have grown stronger as a couple. This ensures that both of you are on the same track and offers an opportunity to discuss topics that may have not been resolved between the two of you.


13 Surprisingly Intimate Gestures That Are Basically INSANE Foreplay Pexels / Karolina Kaboompics

7. Make breakfast in bed

This isn't so original, but it still carries lots of weight on many different levels. Wake up early (letting him sleep in) and cook up a breakfast of his favorite foods. You're sending the message that he deserves some pampering. If you also wear something sultry as you serve the breakfast, it's bound to be a total hit.

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8. Set up an adventurous date

Get out of the routine of going to restaurants and the movies, and plan a fun adventure together such as zip-lining or rock-climbing. Fun creates deep pleasure and laughter, leading to a greater sense of safety with our partners. When you feel safe in your relationship, you start to relax and feel comfortable, creating the perfect environment for true intimacy.

9. Share a steamy bath

On a cool day, draws a bath with her favorite bath salts when she gets home from work. To tease each other, pretend you aren't lovers. Kiss a shoulder, give a back rub with a soapy cloth, and have a radio playing romantic music near the tub, but deny yourselves an overtly intimate touch while you lounge in the tub for 20 minutes. If either of you are tempted to go beyond the platonic fantasy, dry each other off and let your hands wander.

10. Support your partner's interests and hobbies

Just because you share different interests doesn't mean you're no longer compatible as a couple. Nevertheless, to maintain closeness, it's important to support and encourage your partner's interests and hobbies through encouraging words, giving him time and space to engage in those activities, and for you to be supportive by being physically present. If your partner enjoys playing basketball, cheer him on at his next game. By supporting and encouraging him, you will create a stronger connection between the two of you.

11. Write erotic notes to each other

Sit down with a pen and paper and write notes to each other beginning with this sentence: "When I think about being intimate with you, I feel..." Don't stop for 10 minutes. Then, each of you takes turns reading your sentences aloud in a teasing voice.


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Marta Rocha is a therapist who has a passion for helping couples, families, and individuals who are struggling with multicultural issues, relationship problems, parenting problems, anxiety, stress, and depression. Dr. Karen Sherman, MFT, NCC, PhD, is a relationship expert with her weekly radio show. Michelle Morand is a counselor and mentor who provides her clients with a simple, step-by-step approach to creating a lasting change in their relationship with food and all the relationships in their lives. Morah Vestan is a life coach, communication trainer, and author. She has an M.A. in Adult Education and was a relationship columnist for 16 years for Seattle's Active Singles Life.