11 Woke Phrases Gen Z Uses That Should Be Adopted By Older Generations
Don't be too afraid. These 'woke' phrases probably aren't as annoying as you may think.

We live in a rapidly changing world, and each generation has its own battles to face. It’s easier for people to stay stuck in old patterns than it is to actively work to change, yet Gen Z is fully committed to shifting societal norms to make life better for everyone. While the concept of “wokeness” is often weaponized, there are several woke phrases Gen Z uses that should be adopted by older generations to push the needle forward.
Gen Z is often criticized by older generations for being too sensitive, which frames them in a negative light. But in reality, sensitivity is Gen Z’s superpower. They’re in touch with their emotions and they genuinely care about how their actions impact other people.
Here are 11 woke phrases Gen Z uses that should be adopted by older generations
1. ‘Do the work’
Yaroslav Shuraev via Canva
If there’s one underlying theme that Gen Z abides by, it’s the idea of doing the work. Gen Z makes up 20% of the U.S. population, and they’re more ethnically and racially diverse than any previous generation. They prioritize equity and inclusion in a tangible way, not as something they only give lip service to.
When it comes to social justice issues, Gen Z believes that every individual is responsible for their own education. The phrase “Do the work” encourages people to teach themselves about social issues, instead of asking people in marginalized groups to explain or justify their lived experience.
People in older generations who adopt this mentality show that they’re committed to social change and they acknowledge the role they have in upholding unjust systems.
2. ‘Read the room’
SDI Productions from Getty Images via Canva
Older generations should adopt the woke phrase “read the room,” which Gen Z uses as a gentle reminder that context is always key. Reading the room involves being aware of your impact, and not just relying on your good intentions to carry you. It means being aware and picking up on social cues before inserting yourself into a conversation.
Every older person who blasts their outdated opinion on Facebook, then wonders why they’re getting blowback, could benefit from adopting Gen Z’s woke attitude and learning to read the room. Instead of calling people out, the idea of reading the room calls people in, asking them to acknowledge and leverage their privilege and focus on respect and compassion as a baseline for every interaction.
3. ‘Normalize it’
SDI Productions from Getty Images via Canva
Gen Z aims their focus on acceptance, which involves de-stigmatizing common experiences. They don’t just say the phrase “normalize it,” they live by it, and older generations should adopt this woke phrase, too.
This phrase can be used for almost any topic, but it’s used most often in discussions around mental health. According to a 2023 survey, 65% of Gen Z said they faced mental health struggles. A separate survey reported that 33% of Gen Z felt “depressed, down, or hopeless.” Mental health is a complex issue, but no one should feel like they’re fighting that battle alone.
Every time Gen Z declares that conversations about mental health should be normalized, they’re showing the rest of the world how important it is to open up and own your emotional experience.
4. ‘Protect your energy’
Israelzin Oliveira from Pexels via Canva
“Protect your energy” is a woke phrase that should be adopted by older generations. The phrase isn’t a woo-woo idea, but rather, a declaration on the importance of setting boundaries to protect your inner peace. Boundaries are essential, not just for an individual’s health and well-being, but for the strength of the relationships they’re in, as well. A lack of boundaries can send people into a state of emotional imbalance, which can seriously derail them.
“If you want more emotional balance you must be able to communicate your wants and needs assertively and set healthy boundaries,” psychologist Nick Wignall explained. “Assertive communication means that you are confident asking for what you want (or don’t want) in a way that’s honest and respectful.”
“Setting healthy boundaries means that you’re willing to let people know what you won’t tolerate. And importantly, that you’re willing to enforce that boundary with actual behavior and consequences,” he concluded.
5. ‘Touch grass’
Shannon Fagan via Canva
Among the many factors that make Gen Z a wholly unique generation, their existence as “the first global generation” is high on the list. Gen Z has never experienced life without the internet, and their unfettered access to social media is both a blessing and a curse.
When Gen Z says the phrase “Go touch grass,” they mean, get offline and go outside. As much as Gen Z is chronically online, older generations are, too, and they could benefit just as much from reconnecting to the outside world. No matter what generational cohort someone is part of, detaching from their screens and feeling actual sunlight can make their life better.
6. ‘Healing era’
Katrin Bolovtsova from Pexels via Canva
When Gen Z talks about being in their healing era, they mean that they’re taking an active part in their personal growth and shedding the generational trauma that’s been weighing them down. Working toward healing is no simple feat, and Gen Z shouldn't be the only generation trying to get better. Older generations would do right by themselves by entering their healing era and cultivating the same level of self-awareness Gen Z has.
“If you want to create and live a life you love, then you need to dig into who you are and what you really want,” life coach Debra Smouse explained. “It’s all about the mighty power of self-awareness — which is the ability to observe ourselves and understand why we react and how we behave in our lives.”
“The process of becoming more self-aware can be awkward and uncomfortable, and it can seem easier on the surface to just pretend life is okay,” she shared. “The trade-off, though, is that the unease and discomfort you may feel are only temporary. In fact, those uncomfortable feelings are doing an important job — they’re alerting you to some aspect of your life that needs tending or cultivated before you can move forward.”
Being in your healing era isn’t a simple, linear process. For most people, healing is life-long work. Yet the moment you commit to healing, you’re committing to creating a better life for yourself and future generations.
7. ‘Unbothered’
andresr from Getty Images via Canva
Being unbothered is more than just a woke Gen Z phrase, it’s an aspirational way of approaching life. Gen Z aims to be unbothered, which means they’re trying to cultivate a low-stress lifestyle, and not let negativity overtake them. While being unbothered comes from within, there are major external factors that can influence how bothered or not someone feels.
According to a 2024 survey from Deloitte, 40% of Gen Z reported feeling stressed all or most of the time. They shared that work, financial instability, and the health and welfare of their family are the driving forces of their stress. About one-third of respondents said their job and lack of work life balance make their stress levels sky-high, 51% shared that working long hours makes them stressed, and 44% said they’re stressed by the lack of control over where and how they work.
As nice as it would be to wave a magic wand and suddenly feel unbothered, it’s something that people have to actively work for. Recognizing your stressors is the first step to changing how you live, which will ultimately guide you toward an unbothered life.
8. ‘They understood the assignment’
olia danilevich via Canva
The woke phrase “They understood the assignment” should be adopted by older generations as a way to give praise. This phrase is a proverbial high-five. It acknowledges that someone came correct and did right by themselves and others. We can all benefit from more compassionate recognition of the effort people put into things, and this woke phrase captures that spirit.
When someone understands the assignment, it means they put their whole self into something. They show up authentically, standing in their truth, which will lead them down a path to genuine success.
9. ‘Soft life’
PeopleImages from Getty Images Signature via Canva
Gen Z wants to live a soft life, a life of comfort and ease. When they say this phrase, it shows how deeply they reject hustle culture. Gen Z wants more than just work/life balance: They want to live softly, surrounded by people they love.
According to the 2024 “Voices of Gen Z” Survey, the vast majority of Gen Z has a “work to live” mentality. Additionally, 77% of Gen Z would rather have a job that sets them up with a comfortable life, than acquiring wealth or a managerial position at work, and 70% said that pursuing their passions was more meaningful than other work-related issues.
In their quest for a soft life, Gen Z is paving their own way, and older generations would be wise to follow.
10. ‘Unlearn that’
Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels via Canva
Gen Z abides by the woke phrase “Unlearn that,” which urges people to break free from toxically antiquated belief systems. Their fight for equity and justice is rooted in the idea that everyone can benefit from questioning why they think the way they do.
Unlearning is a process, one that takes patience and humility. In order to learn and relearn, we first have to unlearn. This means we have to take a step back and observe our place in the larger scheme of things, and then, we have to be willing to see the world from someone else’s perspective. We have to accept that we’re not always right, and once we do that, we can open our hearts to a new way of living.
11. ‘Hold space’
Liza Summer from Pexels via Canva
Gen Z are masters of holding space, which is more than just a phrase, it’s a way of existing. When someone holds space, it means they’re accepting of someone else’s experience. They don’t cast blame or judgment. Holding space means meeting other people where they’re at, instead of forcing them to fit into your expectations of where they should be.
More than anything, Gen Z wants to create a world where everyone feels valued, and that world can start to bloom when we start holding space for people to show up as exactly who they are, at every moment.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.