People Who Are Chill And A True Pleasure To Be Around Have These 7 Personality Traits, According To Psychology

Aim for extraordinary, and your posture will rearrange itself to that of a truly pleasurable person.

chill woman enjoying summer sunny day with eyes closed insta_photos | Shutterstock

Are there things that certain people do more regularly than others that give them a skip in their steps and make them a true pleasure to be around? We are what we repeatedly do, so perhaps if we repeatedly do the things that chill people do, we can begin to mold ourselves in a way that works for us.

In short, these personality traits are typical of people who are chill, less frustrated, and generally pleasurable to be around. These aren’t eliminators of chaos but managers of it. We all can adopt some or all of these characteristics.

People who are chill and a pleasure to be around have these personality traits:

1. They genuinely enjoy themselves

woman smiling at phone insta_photos / Shutterstock

No matter what. Enjoyment isn’t conditional. It’s mandatory. This doesn’t mean smiling and laughing all the time. 

Watch a painter deep in flow. They’re serious, and their brow is furled. But they are enjoying the work. That’s enjoyment.

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2. Their work is also their hobby

women at work looking at laptop JLco Julia Amaral / Shutterstock

Nothing should be beneath you if you need money to get to a baseline income level. Your happiness corresponds to the money you make up to a certain point.

Beyond this, where your passions and main line of work overlap is the sweet spot. If you can figure out how to stay here more often, you have the advantage.

When work aligns with hobbies or interests, it can significantly boost job satisfaction, motivation, creativity, and overall well-being, increasing productivity and a stronger sense of purpose in one's career. 2022 research showed that teachers passionate about their subject matter tend to be more effective in the classroom and have higher levels of job satisfaction.

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3. They aren't afraid to look silly

woman working on laptop outside Oleg Elkov / Shutterstock

Most people are deathly afraid of looking silly in front of others. Why? Because they associate external judgment with a loss of self-worth.

It’s seemingly dangerous when it’s not a problem at all. When we can see this, we care less when we look ‘bad.’ This puts us at ease and skyrockets our performance in life.

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4. They don't engage in drama

friends smiling DavideAngelini / Shutterstock

Being pulled into drama isn’t mandatory. People who enjoy their lives more than most exert boundaries on how their energy is used, consciously or not.

Drama and arguing are always a drain of energy because there is never a conclusion. You’re just living a reality devoid of real human connection. Avoid drama. 

Avoiding drama is crucial for maintaining positive mental health and strong relationships, as engaging in drama can lead to significant stress, emotional exhaustion, and damage to social connections. 

Research by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Magazine highlighted the negative impacts of drama on self-esteem, anxiety levels, and overall well-being, encouraging individuals to set boundaries and actively disengage from unnecessary conflict. When addressing conflict, prioritize finding constructive solutions instead of escalating the situation with dramatic behavior.

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5. They aren't trapped in self-obsession

smiling woman outside ShotPrime Studio / Shutterstock

I once tweeted that ‘the real pandemic is self-obsession.’ People are overly self-conscious, worried about what others think, and continually immersed in a world of personal doubt and insecurity.

Happy people don’t mess around much in this world. They look outward. They think about contribution.

Their energy is high, and their outlook is bright because they aren’t trapped in themselves.

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6. They feel good because they aspire to feel good

woman stretching outside Wilkopix / Shutterstock

Feeling good and paying attention to physical self-care don’t exist in separate realms. They co-mingle. So, if you eat trash, expect to feel like trash.

You can’t cheat happiness by binging on toxic substances and stimulants and thinking happy thoughts. You must face the reality that long-term happiness sprouts from doing things that fuel good health.

Research shows a strong link between psychological states and physical health. Chronic stress can contribute to conditions like high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and cardiovascular disease.

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7. They are dedicated to being the best versions of themselves

woman smiling with her arms crossed insta_photos / Shutterstock

If you’re on a trajectory of ‘just enough,’ welcome to the circus. You wonder why you lack enthusiasm, and it’s because of precisely this.

If your goal is mediocrity, your energy, and identity align with this intention. You will feel the mediocrity pouring out of your pores. Aim for extraordinary, and your posture will rearrange itself to that of a chill person who's a true pleasure to be around.

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Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient. He's the author of the Mastery Den newsletter, which helps people triple their productivity.
