Husband Tells Wife It’s Not His Responsibility To Put Gas In Her Car While Driving It With The Low Fuel Light On
"Was I responsible, in the passenger seat, for watching the gas light and instructing him to pull over for gas?"

When you're driving a car and the low fuel light turns on, that's your signal to head to the nearest gas station, lest you be stranded somewhere with no gas. Yet one husband insisted that this rule doesn't apply if you're driving someone else's car.
The husband told his wife that it's not his responsibility to put gas in her car while driving it with the low fuel light on.
“Last night, my husband and I have to go pick up our daughter at the airport. It's a little over an hour away,” Ash Lasko explained in a TikTok. “We jump in my Jeep. He’s driving, and he says, ‘Oh, you're gonna need gas.'"
After his remark, Lasko's husband drove directly passed a gas station without stopping. Still, she wasn't concerned, as they would surely pass many on the drive.
Lasko then described sitting in the passenger seat of the car, texting her daughter so they could meet her at the airport. After they picked her up, the family stopped for a bite to eat and got back on the road.
“We’re trekking down the highway, and I glance over at the dash and I see that the gas light’s on,” Lasko said. “So I go, ‘Well, how long has the gas light been on for?’”
"I don’t know," her husband responded. "This isn’t my Jeep. I’m not paying attention to that.’”
Confused by her husband’s response, Lasko tried to get to the bottom of the situation.
“I hit the little button, and it just says low fuel,” she recounted. “So I know that we have under 50 miles of gas, and we have more than 50 miles to get home.”
At this point, Lasko confronted her husband over his strange behavior.
"I’m like, ‘Well, how long’s the gas light been on? Like, you’re driving. You’re staring at the dashboard,” she said. “And he’s literally like, ‘I don’t know. This isn’t my Jeep. It wasn’t my responsibility for gas. I’m not paying attention.'"
MINTED VasitChaya | Shutterstock
Lasko requested that her husband get off at the next exit and find a gas station, which he did. However, she was more confused than ever and asked him what his plan was as he clearly had no intention of stopping for gas.
Her husband informed her that he planned to keep driving until they ran out of gas at which point his wife would have to call AAA for assistance.
Commenters were shocked by the way Lasko’s husband acted, with many urging her to leave him.
“That’s not [the] behavior of someone who likes you,” one person wrote.
“Yeah, so that’s abuse,” another user replied. “My ex-husband would often do things like that to punish me. Huge red flag.”
"The fact that he pointed it out as soon as he got in means he intentionally planned to let the Jeep run out of gas just to prove a point," a third commenter wrote.
Running out of gas is a bigger issue than many people realize.
Many people assume that when a car runs out of gas, it just stops. There’s no harm to the vehicle and the only problem is that you're stuck somewhere instead of getting to your destination.
This is a misconception, though. According to Firestone, when a car runs out of gas, it can cause damage. For example, “the fuel pump could be damaged” or “the fuel injectors may clog.”
It seems this man was trying to prove a point and didn't care who or what got hurt in the process. The car could have sustained lasting damage, his daughter could have been stuck waiting at the airport, and the entire family could have spent their evening on the side of the road.
It's no one's job but the driver to keep track of the gas and the fact that he blamed his wife is incredibly telling.
As one commenter wrote, "You need to stop and get gas on your way to the lawyer's office! You deserve better!"
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English and Journalism who covers news, psychology, lifestyle, and human interest topics.