30 Everyday Habits Of People Who Thrive In Their 70s And Beyond
The habits that, done now, can lead to a happier, healthier life.

Building a happier life starts with adjusting your outlook — and your everyday habits. The best way to do that is to boost your mood daily, with consistent habits that are doable and easy to start.
With that in mind, I wanted to share everyday habits to help you boost your mood, improve your mental well-being, and better your emotional and physical health so you can start your year out in a good way — though these habits can be started any day, any month, any time of year.
Here are the everyday habits of people who thrive in their 70s and beyond:
1. They create a well-being routine
Pick a practice that you can consciously choose to do consistently each day. Something that lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face. Practice this new routine every day for at least 5 minutes each day.
Bonus action: Set a reminder on your phone so you get into the habit of practicing this new routine each day to develop a new habit around it as you strengthen the neural pathways in your mind.
2. They practice mindfulness
Natalia Deriabina / Shutterstock
Take 5 minutes during your day to pause, breathe, and focus on quieting your mind. This form of present-moment awareness can help calm your nervous system and create new perspectives from which to see old challenges.
The benefits are numerous, from lowering your blood pressure to decreasing stress and bolstering your immune system.
3. They write down what they're grateful for
When you stop focusing on what you’re grateful for on any given day, from the cup of coffee or tea in your hand to the roof over your head, it creates a positive reaction of happy chemicals in your brain which can boost your mood and quiet your nervous system.
4. They check for ANTS
Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) are pesky little buggers that can play on repeat in your mind and pull you down into the pit. Notice what negative thoughts are constantly playing in your mind. Identify what is the positive exact opposite of that negative thought.
Choose to tell yourself a positive thought instead. Doing this can help you reclaim your power from your fears.
5. They journal as a daily practice
Just pen to paper, no agenda. Just write whatever comes to mind. Journaling every day is a great way to get the noise out of your head and onto paper. Freeing up the mental space for your next big idea to come through.
Writing continuously without concern for grammar or structure can offer several benefits in everyday life, including stress reduction, improved emotional regulation, enhanced creativity, increased self-awareness, better problem-solving abilities, and clearer thinking.
Research published by the University of Rochester explained that this allows individuals to process thoughts and emotions freely without judgment. The key is to write without worrying about grammar or making perfect sentences.
6. They pay close attention to their emotions
Your emotions are feelings and energy that your body needs to process and release. When you try to ignore or stuff your emotions, you’re only putting off feeling those feelings for another day.
And if you repress those emotions long enough they can manifest as physical issues in myriad ways.
Taking the time to feel what you need to feel and let it go by writing in your journal, taking a walk, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist (who can just listen, not fix), are all healthy ways to release those emotions from your nervous system.
7. They move their body
Exercise is a fun and easy way to elevate your mood as it triggers those feel-good endorphins. You don’t have to train like an Olympic athlete! Just 20-30 minutes of activity each day that helps elevate your heart rate is good for your mind, body, and spirit.
8. They let goodness in and goodness out
Your body is a well-tuned machine. What fuel you put into it makes all the difference. If you’re eating a lot of processed food, it can negatively impact not only your mental well-being but your physical health as well.
Eating a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats for your particular body type will give your system the good fuel it needs to be your best.
9. They know practice makes progress
What’s one skill that you’d like to improve upon personally or professionally? Make a habit of strengthening that learning muscle each day as it helps to build your confidence, and self-esteem more and more as you improve your skills, talents, and abilities.
10. They spend time with animals
Pets provide us with unconditional love while keeping us in the present moment. And, as you pet your furry or feathered friends, it also helps lower the stress hormone cortisol and boosts your oxytocin levels which create a feeling of happiness and calm. Don’t have a pet, spend time with a friend or volunteer at your local favorite charity.
Research published by UC Davis indicates that spending time with pets as an everyday habit can significantly benefit mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and loneliness, boosting mood, encouraging physical activity, and fostering a sense of purpose and social connection. While simply having a pet is beneficial, actively engaging with them through play, petting, and training is key to reaping the full psychological benefits.
11. They practice random acts of kindness
Yuri A / Shutterstock
When you take time to smile at someone or buy a cup of coffee for the next person in line, no strings attached, it puts a smile on their face. Not only does it make you feel good, but you’ve also now spread that good feeling to a perfect stranger. And you never know what positive consequences their uplifted mood can create for others.
12. They talk to themselves
If you find you need some encouragement, then talk to yourself. Create a mantra that you can repeat to yourself in moments of stress such as “ I am enough. My perspectives matter. I bring value to my work. I am loveable.” Remember, your brain likes repetition so the more you tell yourself positive thoughts, the stronger those mental habits and neural pathways become.
13. They get a good night’s sleep
Sleep hygiene is a thing. Turn off all your devices at least an hour before bed.
Read a few pages from your favorite book and keeping your room cool between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for a good night’s rest. The more you practice these sleep hygiene habits, the more you train your brain to rest fully and deeply, waking refreshed and ready to face your day.
14. They unleash their creativity
Creativity comes in many forms from writing to painting to gardening to cooking, to programming and so much more! Find a hobby or a DIY project that you love and spend some time working on it today. As you let your creative mind roam about the cabin, it helps your subconscious mind to do the problem-solving in the background for you.
This enables you to come back to your focused work with greater clarity and inspiration. A 2021 study found a bidirectional relationship between creativity and well-being.
On the one hand, well-being was found to promote creativity; on the other hand, creativity is conducive to well-being. Developing a creative habit teaches you to look at things differently, a key component in innovative thinking.
15. They know forgiveness is an act of kindness (toward themselves)
While you may not like what someone else did, you can still forgive them. When you harbor anger or hatred towards another, all it does is poison your spirit. Let it go and keep moving forward.
16. They strengthen their relationships
We all have people in our lives that we care about. What’s one small thing you can do to connect with someone important to you each day? Letting them know that you care is a way to fill your cup and help fill the cup of another as well.
17. They take time to laugh
Laughter is the best medicine. It’s proven to boost your immune system as you release endorphins into your system which promotes an overall sense of well-being in your body.
18. They quiet their mind
Taking time to breathe as you focus on an adult coloring book (yes, that’s what I said), for about 20 minutes. It can be very soothing to an anxious mind.
Finding a geometric design that’s a little complicated that you can embellish with colored pencils or pens is a great way to calm your nervous system as you focus on a singular task.
19. They never stop learning
Research shows that learning a new skill helps build your self-confidence and sense of purpose. Tie that new skill to a goal and boom, you’re on your way. Like a trip to Italy to cook your favorite dish speak Italian or paint the next Mona Lisa.
Making it a habit to learn something new daily can significantly benefit mental health by promoting neuroplasticity, improving cognitive function, boosting mood, enhancing problem-solving skills, and fostering a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.
Research published by the Central Connecticut State University explains waking up the brain and keeping it flexible through new experiences and challenges.
20. They take baby steps
Tackling a new project or goal can feel daunting, especially at the beginning of the year. Start by taking the first steps necessary in the direction you want to go. You don’t have to have the whole path mapped out, just take one step at a time, and learn as you grow.
21. They eat dark chocolate
The flavonoids, theobromine, and caffeine in dark chocolate work together to enhance your mental alertness and skills. A little bit goes a long way toward improving your mental clarity.
22. They find the silver lining
Even when life throws you curveballs, when you can find something within it that you can be grateful for, it can help to lower your anxiety about the situation. When you learn how to turn your pain into power, you’ll find greater freedom.
23. They spend time with friends or family
Rawpixel.com / Shutterstock
Have a meal together, go to the park, play a game. It’s been proven that social groups provide emotional support which helps increase your overall well-being and can enhance your sense of purpose.
24. They send thank you notes
Find a nice piece of stationary or a card and send someone a thank you note. Not for a material item but just a reminder of what you appreciate about them for who they are Being (versus just what they do for you.) These hand-written notes of gratitude are linked to increased happiness.
25. They disconnect
Leave your phone or computer at home and get out into nature. Go for a walk, take in the beauty and sunshine, and reconnect with yourself. As you take time to ground and get away, you’ll find more clarity and peace of mind.
26. They smile
You use a whole different set of muscles in your face when you smile. It activates the neurotransmitters dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin in your brain which are associated with increased feelings of happiness and lowering your stress levels. Not to mention smiles can be contagious, so pass it on!
27. They get regular sunshine
Getting into the sunshine for at least 15 minutes a day helps your body produce vitamin D. Experts believe it helps elevate your mood, opens your heart, and raises your energy.
28. They volunteer
When you spend time helping others, it has a myriad of benefits from increasing your self-confidence and self-worth, to making new friends and social groups, to giving you a sense of purpose and passion.
All of these boost your happy chemicals: Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins, making your whole body feel good and boosting your well-being.
29. They connect socially
Schedule regular check-ins with family, friends, or colleagues to connect and see how others are doing in your circles of influence. This can be done over Zoom or in person (really, it’s true!)
When we connect energetically with others it helps raise our vibration and makes us feel a sense of lightness and ease. This can boost your well-being and strengthen your ties with the other person.
31. They celebrate their wins, even the small ones
Every time you have a small or large win, write it down in a special notebook. This might be a compliment someone gave you or a recent accomplishment in your work. Anytime those negative thoughts intrude on your peace of mind, review your win list to remind yourself of the good work that you do, the kind person that you are, and that you matter.
Remember, the world needs your unique brand of expression, talent, and perspectives. Each of these habits can be done throughout the year to boost your mood, expand your confidence, and raise your sense of self-love.
All of these can continue to level up your mental well-being, giving you the positive mindset and energy to accomplish your goals and dreams this year!
Michele Molitor, CPCC, CHt, is a certified coach, hypnotherapist, and co-author of the book I Am Perfectly Flawsome - How Embracing Imperfection Makes Us Better. She coaches high-achieving professionals in reducing their overwhelm and reclaiming their self-confidence, calm, and clarity to create a thriving life and career.