11 Things Middle Class People Do Better Than Anyone Else
Middle-class individuals have mastered unique skills to help them thrive.

As the economy continues to shift and inflation and the cost of living have become exponentially high, the middle class has shrunk considerably. Families and households once regarded as middle-class are now struggling with the harsh reality of their financial needs.
However, individuals still considered middle-class have managed to master a distinct set of skills to help them thrive, and these habits are just some of the things that set them apart from everyone else.
Here are 11 things middle-class people do better than anyone else
1. Financial planning
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One key strength that middle-class individuals pride themselves on is their ability to make smart financial decisions, including budgeting, saving, and investing their money into things that can elongate their futures. They diligently track their finances and cut unnecessary spending if they notice it's getting out of hand.
While only about half of middle-income Americans who are currently employed admit that they expect to work past the age of 65, these individuals are still putting away money for their retirement, even if it's not the amount they hope. To them, any little money put away can hopefully improve their financial stability in the long run.
2. Home ownership
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One of the main pillars of financial stability for middle-class individuals is their ability to afford a home and become homeowners. Unlike renting, where money is given to a landlord or property company for a temporary living situation, buying a home is seen as an investment in a person's future.
Unfortunately, with the rising housing market costs, almost 30% of middle-class homeowners bought homes with monthly payments costing more than 30% of their income in 2022, according to an NBC analysis. Despite this, middle-class individuals still prioritize buying a home and are willing to cut back on certain expenses to make it happen.
3. Investing in educational opportunities
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Whether it's for themselves or their children, middle-class individuals view education investment as extremely important. Parents ensure that their children's early educational years set them up for a future of opportunities and achievements. According to the Brookings Institution, households with college-educated individuals are more likely to have incomes at or above the middle class.
Because of this reality, middle-class households do their best to ensure that education is taken seriously. Whether they invest their money into private tutoring or even private education or make sure to put money away for college when the time comes, learning and setting up for a bright future is something they don't take for granted.
4. Maintaining a good work/life balance
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Middle-class individuals believe that prioritizing work while maintaining a personal life contributes to overall success. Work/life balance helps prevent feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.
"Work-life balance is usually defined as an equilibrium between your professional and personal life. When you keep things balanced, no single element of your life dominates and overwhelms the others," explained Kendra Cherry, MS, a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist. "The goal is to find a harmonious balance that works for you, between the demands on your time and energy, without neglecting important areas of your life."
Middle-class individuals are not afraid to set boundaries and ensure that they're pouring energy back into their lives outside of the office so they can be the most productive whenever they clock in and out for the day.
5. Building long-term careers
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Middle-class individuals know that having a stable career that allows them to build for their futures will enable them to live comfortably. Certain jobs have a higher number of middle-class people, including armed force workers, who are most likely to be middle earners, with 65% of their households in that income band, according to the Pew Research Center.
Middle-class individuals view career stability and the ability to build various professional network connections as essential. They know that investing in their careers will bring them new opportunities and allow them to continue to be successful.
6. Playing active roles in their communities
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Many middle-class individuals know that being involved in their communities and building relationships with those around them helps with their sense of belonging and creates opportunities for better social engagement. Whether volunteering for local causes and charities or supporting local businesses, middle-class individuals are more than willing to contribute to their communities' needs.
Having and nurturing the community around you is essential to feeling fulfilled.
"Being a part of a healthy community can also provide us with support. When we’re going through a difficult time, it can be enormously helpful to have people whom we can turn to. Community members can offer us emotional support, practical help, and advice. They can also help us to feel we aren’t alone in our struggles," explained psychologist Samantha Stein, Psy.D.
7. Time management
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Middle-class individuals understand that achieving their goals is easier when they balance their time between everything in their lives. Between working, finding time to spend with family and friends, and leaving room to pour into themselves, middle-class people manage their time to be productive while also having time to rest.
They thrive in a structured environment and rarely procrastinate or waste their time because they know how precious it is and refuse to squander opportunities that can help build a prosperous future.
8. Prioritizing experiences over material items
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Middle-class individuals are more than aware that an experience can last a lifetime, especially over something materialistic. They'd rather invest their time and money into going on vacations, doing activities with their loved ones, or exploring new hobbies that connect them with like-minded people.
Instead of buying that new purse, car, or watch, these individuals would rather experience enriching moments that leave them with memories to hold and cherish forever.
9. Staying tech-savvy
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In this ever-changing technological world, middle-class individuals know the value of keeping up with and learning about new technology. Not only does adapting to technology help them with their careers and improves their quality of life because they can stay connected with others and access resources that would've otherwise been challenging without technology at their fingertips.
While learning about new technology can be quite daunting, as it constantly changes and evolves, middle-class individuals enjoy the challenge and embrace the opportunity to grow and adapt.
10. Prioritizing health and mental wellness
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Middle-class individuals often emphasize caring for their health, whether physically by working out, taking vitamins/supplements, having a well-rounded diet, or even their mental health. They invest in therapy/counseling, meditation, and other activities that help reduce their stress.
They understand that prioritizing their health doesn't just mean trying their best not to get sick; it's about enhancing their quality of life and taking the necessary steps to ensure they're treating their bodies with the utmost respect, both within and outwardly.
11. Practicing smart consumer habits
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Middle-class consumers are diligent about their spending habits and ensuring they can get the best deals so they're not breaking the bank. They find value in discounts, coupons, and other money-saving tactics. Since they're mindful of their expenses, they prefer quality over quantity and have no problem spending more on a product if they know it'll last longer.
They find value in hand-me-downs and second-hand items because they can save money while making conscious choices.
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.