11 Subtle Behaviors That Indicate A Person Will Be Wealthy In Life
Wealth isn't just about finances, it's about personal growth and success.

Life rarely moves in a straight line, despite our expectations. Managing the low points, along with the highs, shows patience and dedication, which are some of the subtle behaviors that indicate a person will be wealthy in life. And for someone trying to achieve that personal wealth and success, it's not always obvious at first.
Wealth isn't something that just appears overnight; rather, it takes years of effort and struggle to build a foundation for true success. But a person who sets clear goals and pushes through life's inevitable challenges is primed to reap the rewards of their hard work.
Here are 11 subtle behaviors that indicate a person will be wealthy in life
1. They believe in themselves
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The more a person believes in their abilities, the more likely they are to be wealthy in life. Genuine confidence isn't about external accolades, it's about knowing your strengths and honoring the parts of your personality that make you stand out from the crowd.
As life and career transformation coach Lisa Petsinis pointed out, "Feeling good about yourself means recognizing your value." She further explained, "Everyone has a unique set of talents they bring to each situation. Take stock of what you bring to your relationships, work, and community."
A person who has innate confidence understands what they're good at, just as much as they acknowledge what they're not good at. They always aim for self-improvement. They lean into the parts of themselves that allow them to shine brightest, letting their strong sense of self-worth lead the way.
2. They see life's challenges as opportunities
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One of the more subtle behaviors that indicate a person will be wealthy in life is being able to shift their perspective to see what exists beyond momentary hardships. They don't see challenges as a stopping point; rather, they see challenges as an invitation to expand and transform.
According to therapist Ann Naimark, some people break when faced with challenges, while others bend along with them. She asked an important question about the harder parts of life, wondering, "Can we go with the flow and let ourselves move with them, feel the feelings, and adapt to what's happening without breaking?"
During life's more difficult moments, she explained, "We discover that we have amazing resilience. We expand our capacities. We grow more inner strength." A person who will be wealthy in life can manage challenges as they arrive, because they know that success is something they have to work for.
3. They ask for feedback
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Asking for feedback is a subtle indication that a person will be wealthy in life. They accept their imperfections, but they don't let those imperfections dictate their future success. They own their mistakes, but they don't dwell on them. Instead, they use their past failures as a jumping-off point, so they can learn how to improve.
According to psychology professor Nigel Barber PhD, "Never underestimate the magical properties of failure. It increases resilience in the face of unfavorable outcomes and gets the creative juices flowing."
He pointed out a study on monkeys from the journal Neuron, adding, "Research on monkeys found that when they were reinforced for looking in the correct direction, this action was more likely to be repeated. If they gave the wrong response, they were less likely to repeat it."
A person who believes mistakes are proof of their failure is destined to stay stuck exactly where they are, but a person who sees mistakes as a path for growth will be wealthy in life. They face failure by asking for feedback, because they know how much they can learn from things they did wrong in the past.
Knowing how to pivot is an essential part of becoming their best selves. A person who can receive feedback graciously can also receive the success that follows.
4. They build strong relationships
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A person who builds a solid social network will be wealthy in life, because they're surrounded by successful people. They gravitate toward people who radiate ambition and positivity and gather valuable life lessons as they go. They don't hesitate to ask for help because they know that no one becomes successful all on their own.
According to personal development coach Moira Hutchison, everyone can do well from accepting help now and then, adding that there are endless benefits to doing so. Hutchison says that asking for help can bring goals to fruition, lower stress levels, enhance relationships, and prove that you're in control of your life.
People who will be wealthy and successful focus on community-building, seeking out mentors in all parts of their lives. They map out the path they want to take and find people who have walked that path already.
They ask their colleagues to coach them. They rely on a wealth of knowledge from various sources to grow, and they're deeply grateful for everyone who teaches them something new.
5. They know when to say 'no'
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As much as a person's success depends on saying "yes" to the opportunities they're given, knowing how to say "no" is an equally important subtle behavior that indicates a person will be wealthy in life. Someone who knows their limits also knows exactly where they want to direct their energy. Saying "no" allows them to focus on what they want, instead of focusing solely on what everyone else wants from them.
Leadership coach Carolyn Owens suggests that saying "no" lets people discover who they are and what they really want. "Learn to say no to things that do not serve you or add value to your life," she advised. "Too often we say yes to things that make us uncomfortable or cause us pain... Say no and honor who you really are."
6. They take time-outs
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Seeking out a true sense of balance indicates a person will be wealthy in life. Wealthy people know that success is a marathon, not a sprint. They take a measured approach to work, because they know that pushing too hard and ignoring their basic needs will lead them straight to burnout. They know when to press pause and take a break, so that they can come back even stronger.
As career and life transition coach Deborah Roth revealed, "There is no more powerful medicine than rest."
She explained, "When you sleep uninterrupted for 7-8 hours, your body's natural healing and rejuvenating abilities are free to work, resulting in better reaction time, memory, and productivity. Rest, relaxation, and sleep significantly benefit mental health by improving mood, reducing stress, enhancing cognitive function, boosting memory consolidation, and promoting emotional regulation."
Aiming for sustainability and listening to what their body needs is an indication that a person will be successful in life, giving themselves a chance to take a time-out.
7. They adapt to new environments
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A person will be wealthy in life if they can accept that change is the only constant. So much of success depends on outlook, and someone who's highly adaptable is always ready to pivot without warning. While a rigid person stays stuck in old patterns of behavior, a flexible and resilient person is open to trying new things.
They understand that just because something worked in the past, it doesn't automatically mean their previous tactics will work again. They examine every angle of a given problem and seek out new solutions. They crowdsource and brainstorm and keep an open mind, because they know that the right answer could come when they least expect it.
8. They take initiative
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According to Deborah J. Cohan PhD, a sociology professor, taking the initiative and following through with it is essential for success in all areas of life.
"Those who possess the desire to take initiative or are at least willing to take the risk of doing so even when it's uncomfortable are more likely to be leaders in group work and team building, and they may be more apt to do what is necessary to forge and sustain friendships and relationships," she said.
As one of the subtle behaviors that indicate a person will be wealthy in life, these individuals don't ask for anyone's permission; instead, they take action. They don't hesitate to share what they think, even when it goes against the grain.
They jump at the chance to go above and beyond. They refuse to sit around or stay in their own lane, because they know that fortune favors the bold. They define success on their own terms. Their ambitious spirit and go-getter attitude shows that they're always ready to make the next move.
9. They prioritize efficiency
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A person who aims for efficiency will be wealthy in life because they know how to manage their time well. They know what they can get done in a day, which is why they avoid multitasking as much as possible. And as research from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found, people who are heavy multitaskers tend to have reduced memory.
Instead of spreading themselves thin, they take on one task at a time, giving their full attention to every item on their to-do list, moving through it until they've crossed everything off. They know that perfection is the enemy of progress.
They know that asking for help frees them up to tackle what they need to get done. Delegating is essential for their success, and relying on other people to support their projects is part of what makes them so wealthy.
10. They practice self-reflection
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Engaging in self-reflection is one of the subtle behaviors that indicate a person will be wealthy in life, as it's a practice that's incredibly beneficial to leadership.
Researchers from Harvard Business Review asked 442 business executives to "reflect on which experiences most advanced their professional development and had the greatest impact on making them better leaders."
The survey found three common themes: surprise, failure, and frustration, concluding that "Reflections that involved one or more or of these sentiments proved to be the most valuable in helping the leaders grow."
Authors of the survey concluded, "Reflection is executive functioning. True courageous reflection galvanizes your willpower. It promotes continuous self-awareness, empowers you, ensures you are valued, and gives you the self-awareness you need to quicken achieving your potential."
For people who practice self-reflection, they are committed to learning more about themselves, which is what allows them to grow. They care about living authentically, which involves exploring who they are, what they want, and how they really want to live.
Their heightened self-awareness is a direct result of asking themselves hard questions and facing their faults as a form of self-improvement. They're not scared to put in the work to become their best selves. They know that emotional growth paves the way for financial growth.
11. They focus on abundance
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Channeling a mindset that's focused on abundance indicates that a person will be wealthy in life. Most people spend their lives thinking about what they don't have, instead of recognizing how wealthy they really are.
A wealthy, successful person is grateful for their home and everything it holds. They're grateful for the money they have. They're grateful for every small step that brings them closer to the life of their dreams. They know that practicing gratitude is the only way to grow their wealth, because abundance is always built on itself.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.