Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 27 — The New Moon Is Here
A New Moon represents a time of new beginnings.

The New Moon will happen in Pisces on February 27, 2025, influencing each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Thursday when the New Moon in Pisces rises alongside the Sun in this water sign. Set intentions and allow yourself to move beyond what has occurred in the past.
The New Moon in Pisces occurs just after Mars stations direct in Cancer, and just before Venus retrograde begins in Aries on March 1. This lunation is about giving you a new perspective on the past so that you can see the truth and not just an illusion of love.
Whether fears or rose-colored glasses, either lens can distort how you perceive your relationship and past connections. Return to your dream of love. See if a relationship is actually working, and be willing to be led so that you can have faith you are right where you are meant to be.
Pisces is the eternal romantic and the zodiac sign that helps you believe in love, no matter how many times the past hasn’t worked out. Not only is this the sign of unconditional love, but it also represents a deep connection to the spiritual realm, helping you to see the higher purpose of events in your life.
Yet, there is so much more to Pisces than meets the eye, so you must be willing to open your heart and let yourself be guided by the hope that the dream you have for love can one day become reality.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Thursday, February 27, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be open to divine guidance, sweet Aries. The New Moon in Pisces brings in a sudden boost to your intuition that can help you shift the timelines of your romantic life.
This romantic energy can lead you to a new encounter, or the ability to figure out how to reconnect with a past love. Pisces energy represents divine soulmates in your life and can bring about a beautiful new beginning in your romantic journey.
Don’t try to explain everything with logic, but trust in your intuition to lead you to the love that is meant for you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Lean into connection, beautiful Taurus. You can often feel that you carry the brunt of the weight in a relationship. Whether this is through the plans that are made, or the day-to-day routines of your relationship.
Yet, your partner wants to step up and be there for you, you just need to let them. Use the energy of the Pisces New Moon to focus on how you can work together as partners in your relationship.
This may mean you need to take a step back; however, it will allow your partner to see where they can be of benefit. Lean into the connection in your life and trust that it will be there for you even if you no longer do it all.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Open to receive, dear Gemini. There’s been some recent challenges in your romantic life, but you have to hold space for a dramatic turnaround.
You haven’t been seeing your partner’s earnest efforts and presence in your relationship as you’ve allowed yourself to get distracted by appearances. Yet as the Pisces New Moon rises, you will feel your heart open and will finally see your relationship for what it is.
Be willing to set aside previous arguments and receive the love they’ve been trying to offer you. This is what self-growth looks like.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
New love always arrives unexpectedly, Cancer. You’ve been guided to focus on building the life you want rather than solely on attracting a new relationship.
This is part of your healing as it will help you attract someone who is right for you, rather than you trying to make yourself right for someone else. Now as the Pisces New Moon peaks, you may find yourself unexpectedly in love.
Pisces energy can take you out of your comfort zone, so you may be traveling around this time, or engaging in new experiences. Just be open and let yourself seize this chance at love, especially if it’s with someone who previously hasn’t been your type.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Celebrate your bond, beautiful Leo. You should be proud of yourself, and all that you have accomplished, both personally and romantically.
You’ve made it through a tremendous phase of growth and rebirth in your life. Rather than doubting your progress or feeling like there is still work to do, allow yourself to relax into the bond you share with your partner.
Plan some special time together this evening and focus on the deep connection that you share together. It’s safe to trust in this relationship and in this love.
You need to allow yourself to surrender into all it’s meant to bring into your life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Love does make everything else better, dear Virgo. You have been experiencing an incredible phase in your romantic life. In many ways you’ve wondered how it could even get better than it is right now, but the sweet truth is that it will.
The Pisces New Moon brings a new chapter into your relationship that could also bring about an engagement or elopement.
You’ve been so happy enjoying this relationship you haven’t been worrying about the future as much, and now you will be pleasantly surprised by what your partner has been planning for you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Give yourself what it is you most need, Libra. You may feel a little out of sorts with the Pisces New Moon. This energy may make you feel like you’re in your head, and in need of alone time to sort out your thoughts.
With the greater sensitivity you will feel it’s best to not make any impulsive decisions around this time. Instead, just be gentle with yourself, and don’t over promise during this time.
You may just need some space to sort out the meaning of recent events, but you don’t want to do anything that you will later regret.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Believe in love, dear Scorpio. The Pisces New Moon rises and gives you a sweet taste of the love you have always wanted. You will be feeling in tune with your higher self and will be able to listen to your intuition over logic at this time.
While you may have made a previous decision about a relationship in your life, you could find yourself changing your mind today. Just because love will never be perfect doesn’t mean that it’s actually not perfect for you.
Let yourself make the decision that brings you closer to everything you’ve ever wanted rather than continuing to fight against it.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Let the past go, dear Sagittarius. Just because healing is a never-ending journey doesn’t mean that it’s always meant to feel so intense.
You have reached a major milestone in your inner child healing which is now bringing positive shifts to your relationship and home life.
To make the most of the Pisces New Moon though, you must be willing to let the past go and with it, the struggles you’ve been through. Let yourself consciously move into greater ease.
Trust in what you’ve created in your life, and in your ability to leave the past behind. You don’t need to be scared that you’re going to lose what you’ve achieved, especially because you truly have healed so many generational wounds.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Keep it simple, Capricorn. The Pisces New Moon rises in your house of communication signifying that an important conversation or offer may be in store for you. When you’re communicating with your partner try to be mindful of under promising and over delivering.
The current energy may make you prone to promising more than you can deliver on in this moment, especially with the current romantic boost to your life.
Instead, keep it simple. Express your feelings, be open to what arises, but only make promises that you can actually deliver on.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Create space for confirmation, dear Aquarius. You have had faith that the connection in your life was on the right track, however there are certain issues still causing doubt.
You don’t need to see the future of your relationship in order to know that it’s where you are meant to be in this moment you will be receiving confirmation today.
This confirmation will allow you to put some lingering issues behind you and will help you trust the future in your relationship.
You will be able to receive a better understanding for how your individual lives will align, which will let you know that this is the forever love you have always wanted.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be your full and radiant self, sweet Pisces. The Pisces New Moon occurs in your zodiac sign, right in time for your birthday season.
This energy helps to remind you that the only person you ever need to be is yourself. Listen to your intuition and honor your true self. This also means finding acceptance for where you are on your journey of love.
Just because you’re not where you thought you would be, or where others are, doesn’t mean you aren’t right where you are meant to be.
Enjoy this moment in your life, and keep shining as your authentic self, because this is what will attract that soul aligned relationship into your life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.