The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From Now To October 6
Seize the unexpected moments of lucky redirection.

The zodiac signs are in for a week filled with good luck and fortune September 30 to October 6, if you know where to look. Allow yourself to stand still for a moment, noticing how life moves all around you, but within your space, within yourself you can be at peace trusting that it is all happening to help bring you to your destiny. During times of eclipses time can seem to move differently as unexpected moments and opportunities seem to pop up and somehow change everything within an instant. But the unexpected is how the universe works in your favor, so finding stillness within yourself allows you to ensure you will be ready to seize the moments of redirection when they arise.
The week begins with Mercury Cazimi in Libra on October 1. This is the first of two transits in this week that represent new beginnings — the other being the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2. New Moons are a time to set intentions for what you hope to manifest during the new lunar cycle. But this last eclipse in Libra also brings a moment of fruition. What has shifted in your life since this cycle began in April of 2023? You have learned valuable lessons about your individuality and how to merge that with a healthy sense of community. Gone are the days of sacrificing your dreams for other people or even withholding your truth for the sake of avoiding conflict.
Mars in Cancer will also strategically align with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday, October 2 hinting at the work in store for you with the intentions you set at the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra. Mars and Saturn bring a mix of both determination and responsibility, helping you see that you are always being empowered to achieve your dreams, to seize the lucky redirections of the universe and to step into your better self. Now let's see which day this week is luckiest for each of the zodiac signs.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week from September 30 - October 6, 2024
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Romantic New Beginnings
When the moment comes along to have a new beginning in love, Aries, do not question it. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2 will show you what's possible if you allow yourself to close out the past. This lunar event involves both a beginning and a moment of closure when you may find yourself successfully moving on from a major relationship or even feeling ready to share your heart with a new person. However, this unexpected breakthrough is what you’ve been hoping for, whether it’s about bringing to rest a separation or even your own healing process, this experience is one that will allow you to view love differently and finally to start taking the steps to manifest a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Speak Your Wishes Aloud
There is no need to remain silent about what you most wish for, dear Taurus. Your wishes need to be spoken aloud and announced to the universe in order to be brought to fruition. Even if you are unsure of how to manifest what you desire, it’s important to speak as if you believe it is a guaranteed reality. This becomes especially important as Mars in Cancer aligns with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday, October 2. All the motivation is there, but you just need to start being more forthright for what you are actually hoping to manifest, especially in your conversations or networking with others. Don’t be afraid of how you will be seen or even in another taking your idea as their own, instead simply show up and start claiming the success that is destined to be yours.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Success Is Yours
You have been taking time to focus on your career, Gemini. This journey into success has involved more than you once thought possible. While you have always craved recognition and even wealth, you have also started to realize that you want your impact to be felt on an even grander scale. As you have been dedicated to your dreams, you also have developed a deeper connection to what feels like your calling. You have trusted that as long as you follow your soul, the finances will come, and now as Mars in Cancer aligns with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on October 2, you will finally feel the wealth and success start to arrive. Recognition for your past work will come through as a raise, promotion, or even an investor who believes in you as much as you believe in yourself. While this is an important step in your journey, it is by no means the end of the success that you will continue to reap in your life.
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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 1
Lucky Theme: Positive News
Make room to receive positive news and to trust the confirmation from the universe that life is about to become easier, sweet Cancer. There has been an important matter involving your home which could involve selling, buying, or even a more personal matter such as an illness or time of unrest with a family member. It has felt like you have tried everything to turn events in your favor. But after a great deal of effort and patience, positive news finally arrives as Mercury Cazimi occurs in Libra on October 1. This will bring lucrative developments in terms of any housing theme, as well as good news if it involves a loved one. After going through such a challenging time, it is important to receive this positive news and trust that the turnaround you’ve been working for has finally arrived.
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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 1
Lucky Theme: Embrace Your Wisdom
You have a deep sense of wisdom that allows you to transform your life in incredibly ways, Leo. This wisdom often develops because of your own quest to understand more about your life. While it can often be challenging to feel comfortable to share this part of yourself with others, you are also learning this this part of you is valuable. You do have an important gift to share, whether it involves a professional project, or even in trying to heal a recent challenging phase in your relationships. As Mercury and the Sun unite in Libra on October 1, it is essential to see this as your new beginning in how you communicate your wisdom with others. Believe in yourself, trust in your intuition, and start to embrace this new and much wiser version of yourself so that you can receive all the luck that is meant for you.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Financial Wealth
You have been in a difficult financial period recently, Virgo. While all of this has been to help you focus more on how to gauge what is most valuable, it doesn’t mean that your patience hasn’t been tested. But this particular lesson in your life is almost over, so as the Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse peaks on October 2, start focusing on what you want to manifest in the future. This does represent an end to the phase of learning about value and even finances, but it also represents a new beginning as you approach this lunation with the growth of all you’ve been through. Let yourself take a step toward a new beginning within your career, personal finances, or even in starting your own business. Take a moment to reflect on all you’ve learned so that you can trust you are in the position to finally achieve all you’ve ever desired.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Evolve
It isn’t easy to grow and evolve, dear Libra, but it does help you to co-create more effectively with the universe. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra that rises on October 2 will occur in your house of self. This is the cumulation point on all you’ve experienced since the eclipses first began in your sign back in 2023 and it’s meant to help you see that your dreams and goals matter. Truly embrace how far you’ve come and perhaps what you still might need to do in order to honor yourself. This eclipse can be an incredibly freeing moment when you finally allow yourself to uplevel to the version of yourself you’ve always hoped to become. Life can look different, romantic confusion can clear up, and suddenly all those decisions that felt so difficult feel easy. You know you are worthy of what you desire, and that all you must do to achieve it is simply make the conscious choice to choose yourself — no matter what.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: An Experiment In Joy
Start to explore what it means to be happy and experience real joy, Scorpio. Lately your life has been filled with hardship, and even the feeling that you are alone with your feelings without any way out. While you are an incredibly deep water sign, this doesn’t have to be your reality. You must start focusing more on creating your own happiness. You might not fully know what is involved in living a joyful life, so it’s up to you to give yourself permission to experiment, to try new things, and see this as a process you deserve. Once Mars in Cancer aligns with retrograde Saturn in Pisces on October 2, you will start to receive new offers for this process of experimenting with your joy. Whether it’s a travel opportunity or even a new romance, you are being guided to simply try. Nothing has to be permanent — it’s all about letting yourself have the experiences needed so that you can know what will go into a life filled with happiness, which is the first step for actually manifesting it.
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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 1
Lucky Theme: Connection
The most valuable aspects of life are connections you make, dear Sagittarius. Connections aren’t just those people that you can call when you need something, but the beneficial relationships that hopefully make up the fabric of your life. Whether you are needed for professional help or personal guidance, the connections in your life aren’t just there to support you but they can also make all the difference in the path that you are guided to take. As Mercury Cazimi in Libra occurs on October 1, you will have a chance for a new beginning in this area of connections as you will understand just how valuable they are for you and your life. Use this energy to reflect on if you’ve outgrown any connections in your life, along with what energy you hope to call in as this improved version of yourself. You don’t need to tolerate anything just because of the length of time you’ve known someone, instead feel empowered to seek out beneficial and reciprocal connections with the people who are meant to be a part of your life.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Career Achievement
Believe in the success that you have created for yourself, Capricorn. Career achievement is always something that is important for your life path, especially as it tends to deeply connect to your sense of self. While there are always lessons about balance, you also have the innate ability to create and manifest all the success that you dream of simply by never giving up. But as the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra occurs on October 2, this is your chance to step into the radiant achievement that you have been working so hard for. Life will begin to feel easier, the balance of your professional and personal life won’t seem so difficult to navigate, and you will finally feel recognized for your talents and achievements in the workplace. Whether it’s landing a big account, receiving accolades, or even finally feeling settled in a new role, this energy is all about leaving behind the previous challenges you’ve been through and simply letting yourself enjoy what you have achieved.
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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, October 2
Lucky Theme: Your Soul Is Calling
Your soul is calling, sweet Aquarius, and so it’s time for you to listen. You are the free spirit of the zodiac as you live life to a unique rhythm that is all your own. You see life differently and oftentimes see more expansion and possibilities than others. But in the same sense, you also try to correct past mistakes and cling to certain comforts in life that you feel you need for security. You are being urged to let go, and to truly let yourself explore all that the universe has in store for you as the New Moon and Solar Eclipse peaks in Libra on October 2. A sudden offer or opportunity may arrive Wednesday that seems too big to actually be real, but try to hold space for it, especially if it involves anything related to travel, education or even spirituality. You must start listening to your soul more deeply in order to take advantage of the new beginning that is being offered to you, even if that means letting go of some of the comforts that you’ve grown accustomed to. The more you can trust in the universe around this time, the more luck you will attract into your life.
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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, October 1
Lucky Theme: Step Into Transformation
Flow in the direction of your dreams, dear Pisces. You are a water sign, and one that does possess an enormous amount of trust in the workings of the universe and trusting the direction that life takes you is something that often comes easy to you. But you’ve also become more determined to achieve certain aspirations. As much as this has been the path you’ve been meant to take, it doesn’t mean you will be able to predict every moment of your life. As Mercury and the Sun unite in Libra on October 1, a new phase of transformation will begin in your life that may take you in an unexpected direction. No matter what you have planned, it is essential that you see this matter as happening for your highest good and that you allow yourself to seize whatever arises. This will be in terms of a new path that suddenly presents itself and is all about bringing you closer to your fate — but it will not just happen, instead it must be chosen as you trust that you will continue to manifest luck and the magic of co-creating with the universe.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.