3 Zodiac Signs Have Incredibly Lucky Libra Season Horoscopes From September 22 - October 22

Libra season is here!

zodiac signs lucky libra season 2024 horoscopes Photo: Yana Gorbunova | Design: YourTango

Libra season is here, and so is the change of seasons! This year, Libra season begins on September 22 and lasts until October 22, 2024. As a Venusian season (Venus rules Libra), Libra season energy coincides with strong themes of justice, equality, and fairness. 

Under this Libra energy, we're influenced to use our gifts, whether beauty, intelligence, or social acumen, proactively and strategically — it's the nature of this cardinal air sign. Under this energy, three zodiac signs will find themselves especially lucky.


Three zodiac signs have incredibly lucky 2024 Libra season horoscopes:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs experience incredible luck during libra season 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Aries, you will have a lot of good luck during Libra season 2024 — though the season is not without its challenges. If you are a Sun or Moon sign Aries, you will experience this luck more than the rest.


For Sun in Aries, this Libra season is about breaking past personal limits and conditioned boundaries. If you seize the opportunities that come your way, you will realize quickly how much you are holding yourself back. Trust yourself to make the right decisions and you will surprise yourself with how far you can go!

Moon in Aries natives will feel their good luck in more mysterious ways that they will pick up on subconsciously. Send some gratitude into the ether whenever you feel life is going smoothly. It will help you acknowledge these hidden blessings. If you feel called to, now's a good time to work with opalescent crystals that reveal brilliant colors when held against the sunlight.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs experience incredible luck during libra season 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


Leo, your experience during Libra season 2024 will be that of a child handed a toy they always wanted. Will you be able to control your impulses and the extraordinary euphoria some of your blessings bring to you? Try to balance out your energies during this zodiac month for best results.

Those with Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Leo in their birth chart will have the best luck under this influence. But Mercury in Libra may struggle more than the rest to curb their impulsive side and not get carried away by the heady delights. Sun in Leo will find camaraderie on their life quests during Libra season, maybe even a transient friend who leaves behind huge nuggets of wisdom when your paths cross.

For those with Venus in Leo, this period will be about acknowledging your true desires in love and asking yourself why you hold yourself back. If the answers are in alignment with the previous message of not allowing short-term happiness to ruin long-term goals or quality of life, now's the time to think about why you have those desires or if they were instilled from outside through the social scene and expectations. If the answers reveal that you allow peer pressure or societal judgment to diminish your diverse expression or way of being, now's the time to double down and be unapologetically you.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac signs experience incredible luck during libra season 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Libra, it's your zodiac month, and thankfully you don't have any astrological transits messing up the streams for you. Therefore, you will get to enjoy the fullness and gifts of the Libra season without any hindrance. That's your luck!

Those with Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in Libra will experience this boost the most. In fact, Venus and Moon in Libra may find their soulmate during this period if they are single. You may also realize that you are exactly where you need to be (which will bring joy and pride in your decisions) or reveal that you have allowed the wrong people, whether in love or friendship, to gather around you. The latter is a lucky thing too as it gives you the power to bring positive change into your life and manifest your true soul friends and family.


Sun in Libra will experience a lot of success in the arena of personal goals, whatever they might be. You will also have sparks of brilliant ideas come to you that must be captured before they fade away. Incubating the inspiration or the ideas will eventually lead to something more solid and exquisite. Finally, those with Mercury in Libra are urged to be more mindful of how they use their intelligence and intellect during Libra season. Your blessings will come in the form of a super-charged intellect — use it to advance your life meaningfully by remaining mindful.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
