Luck Improves The Week Of September 30 - October 6, 2024 For These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs
Luck in the middle of a solar eclipse.

Luck can bloom even in the middle of a solar eclipse... and sometimes because of it! That's the theme for the week between September 30 - October 6, 2024, for the collective. But five Chinese zodiac signs will be the luckiest of them all.
The I Ching hexagram of luck this week is Mountain over Mountain (#52) changing to Mountain over Earth (#23). It reminds us that stillness can do a lot of good in life, including help you break free from bad habits and patterns blocking you from luck and good fortune. If you can commit to uprooting just one bad habit, you will be astounded by the level of good it does to your life. That space you create will allow luck to flow in, bringing ideas and inspiration on its heels and also new adventures and growth.
Try to do at least one thing this week in the pursuit of this message. It doesn't have to be something very time-consuming. But even if it's one small thing done daily, you'll see the lucky results soon!
Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs whose luck improves between September 30 - October 6, 2024.
1. Dog
Photo: suwiillustrations | Design: YourTango
Dog, your luck this week is super sweet! It may even make you feel like a K-pop dancer with high energy and zazzy moves. In other words, whenever this luck pops up for you, it will energize your life dynamically, bringing at its heels tremendous drive, positivity, and the desire to conquer it all. All you have to do is keep moving exactly as you do and remain receptive.
Your luck will bring you positive support, intriguing ideas, and maybe even a flashdrop opportunity or two. The color red will be lucky for you in general this week.
2. Snake
Photo: suwiillustrations | Design: YourTango
Snake, whether you are traveling this week or not, your luck is tied to this area of life. So if you are, don't be surprised if this luck smooths things for you, brings you random help when you need it the most, and also a few serendipitous moments.
If you don't have any travel plans, you can tap into this luck by being more outdoorsy this week and going to places you haven't been to before. Even within your own town or city, step out of your comfort zone and explore like a tourist. A weekend getaway may be just the thing too.
The colors blue, green, and yellow will be lucky for you in general this week.
3. Rooster
Photo: suwiillustrations | Design: YourTango
Rooster, they say the third time's the charm, and the early bird catches the worm. Well, your luck this week is a bit eccentric like those sayings. As long as you are in touch with your psychic senses or deep intuition, you will know where to go to tap into this luck.
For those with clair-abilities, this luck will heighten your abilities and bring you solid insights that will help you out in various situations. If you feel called to, write down these observations so you don't forget them.
The colors green, yellow, and blue will be lucky for you in general this week.
4. Dragon
Photo: suwiillustrations | Design: YourTango
Dragon, your luck this week is all about platonic love and the relationships in your life that truly fall in that category. Just remember: some people may have the label of friend or family but may not act that way. This message is not referring to them. It's purely referring to those relationships in your life that are rooted in affection, care, consideration, and the respect of personal boundaries.
When you lean into these spaces and honor these relationships this week, your luck will unfold. Plus, it will impact the lives of your loved ones too, indirectly through you.
The colors red and green will be lucky for you in general this week, as will placing vases of leaves in your home and eating more greens.
5. Rat
Photo: suwiillustrations | Design: YourTango
Rat, your luck this week has an unconventional quality to it. It will not feel like luck when it blesses you — nope. This is the type of luck that brings suppressed wounds and old trauma to the surface so they can be healed and released into the light.
It always feels like a dark night of the soul when this happens. But once you reach the other end, you will feel lighter, stronger, sturdier, and capable of conquering life on your own terms. That's the greatest blessing of them all.
If you feel called to, work with red flowers this week to boost your mood and bring you courage when you need it the most. Not roses, as they are so steeply rooted in romance, but poppies, orchids, dahlias, and hibiscus flowers are a great choice.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.