11 Sad But Common Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Fully Trust You

Trust is the foundation of love.

Man who doesn't fully trust partner. Syda Productions | Canva

Without trust, even the strongest relationships can crumble under the weight of doubt, insecurity, and fear. When your partner doesn’t fully trust you, the connection between you weakens, leaving both of you feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, and emotionally exhausted. 

Men and women often express their trust issues differently, but the impact is equally painful. Here are a few things to watch out for. 

Here are 11 sad but common signs your partner doesn’t fully trust you

1. They frequently question your intentions

Untrusting woman points accusatory finger to question intentions Pixel-Shot via Shutterstock

When your partner lacks trust, even innocent actions can be met with skepticism. You might offer a compliment, and instead of feeling appreciated, they wonder are they trying to hide their tracks by making me feel good? A simple change in plans might trigger suspicion instead of understanding. Instead of assuming the best, they assume the worst.

Men and women often express doubt differently. A man who doesn’t trust his partner may become cold and withdrawn, while a woman might become emotionally intense, seeking constant reassurance. Either way, constant questioning is a sign trust is hanging by a thread.

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2. They keep tabs on you

Untrusting man gestures as he keeps tabs Prostock-studio via Shutterstock

A partner who doesn’t fully trust you may feel the need to monitor your every move. This could range from casually checking your location to outright demanding access to your phone and social media accounts.

A man may justify this by saying I just want to make sure everything is OK.  A woman might say it’s not that I don’t trust you, I just struggle with not knowing." Either might argue if you have nothing to hide, why does it matter?" or it helps me feel connected to you. However, trust means allowing your partner to live their life without constant monitoring.

When love is strong, partners don’t need to act like detectives. They feel secure without having to track each other’s steps.

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3. They get jealous over the smallest things

Woman on the phone explains to untrusting jealous person Maya Lab via Shutterstock

Jealousy is a natural emotion, but when it appears too often, it signals insecurity, as suggested by research in Personality and Individual Differences. A partner who doesn’t trust you might feel threatened by even the most innocent interactions.

A man might get defensive when his partner laughs at another man’s joke. A woman might feel uneasy when her partner mentions a female coworker. These moments, which should be harmless, turn into emotional landmines.

True trust allows you to feel safe, even when your partner interacts with others.

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4. They avoid being vulnerable

Untrusting man won't be vulnerable Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock

A lack of trust often leads to emotional walls. Your partner may struggle to open up, fearing that their feelings will be used against them.

Men may resist vulnerability when they don’t fully trust their partner. They might act distant, avoid deep conversations, or change the subject when emotions arise. Women might hold back their true thoughts, afraid of being judged or misunderstood.

When trust is strong, partners feel safe to share their deepest fears, dreams, and insecurities. When trust is weak, they stay guarded.

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5. They assume you’re lying when you’re not

Man isn't lying but pauses phone call to explain to untrusting woman Cast Of Thousands via Shutterstock

A partner who doesn’t trust you may read between the lines, even when there’s nothing to read.

You tell them you had lunch with an old friend, and they ask, was it just lunch? You say you were stuck in traffic, and they replied you’re sure you weren’t stuck somewhere else?

This constant doubt can be exhausting. When trust is missing, even the truth is met with suspicion.

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6. They hold past mistakes against you

Bored woman is tired of hearing untrusting man bring up past mistakes NDAB Creativity via Shutterstock

If your partner constantly brings up past mistakes, a study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology explained how it’s a sign they haven’t fully moved on.

A woman may remind her partner of a forgotten anniversary from years ago. A man may bring up an old argument every time a similar situation arises.

Love means letting go of the past and believing in a better future. When trust is strong, mistakes become lessons, not weapons.

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7. They struggle to believe your affection is genuine

Woman with a doubtful expression doesn't trust being genuine Cookie Studio via Shutterstock

Does your partner ever doubt your love, even when you show it clearly? If they question whether you love them, it could be because they don’t trust your words or actions.

A man who lacks trust might say you’re only saying that because you feel guilty. A woman might say you don’t mean it — you’re just being nice.

When trust is absent, even love itself is questioned.

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8. They get defensive over small things

Untrusting couple tries not to be defensive while talking at cafe fizkes via Shutterstock

Trust issues often manifest as defensiveness, as investigated by the American Psychological Association. Your partner might take innocent comments as criticism or assume negative intentions where there are none.

A simple did you remember to pick up the groceries? Might be met with why are you always accusing me of forgetting things? Their reaction is not about groceries, it’s about trust.

A partner who trusts you feels safe in conversations. A partner who doesn’t trust you feels like they’re under attack.

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9. They test you constantly

Untrusting man tests woman who has shut down emotionally Prostock-studio via Shutterstock

Some partners set up “tests” to see if you’ll prove your loyalty.

A woman might intentionally ignore messages to see if her partner will worry about her. A man might talk about other women to see if his partner reacts with jealousy. These tests are a desperate attempt to gain reassurance, but they often push love further away.

True trust doesn’t need tests. It simply believes.

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10. They need constant reassurance

Man reassures untrusting woman he is sincere fizkes via Shutterstock

When someone doesn’t fully trust you, they may constantly ask for reassurance.

  • Do you still love me?
  • Are you sure you’re happy with me?
  • Is there anything important you want to tell me?
  • Do you want to come clean about anything?

While it’s natural to want reassurance now and then, an article in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage showed that constant doubt is a sign of deeper trust issues. True love is secure, it doesn’t need to be validated every five minutes.

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11. They pull away emotionally or physically

Untrusting woman crosses her arms and pulls away from her partner Krakenimages.com via Shutterstock

When trust is broken, emotional and physical intimacy suffers. A man might withdraw, spending more time at work or with friends. A woman might stop sharing her thoughts, feeling disconnected and unappreciated.

Love thrives on closeness, but when trust is missing, distance grows.

If you recognize these signs in your relationship, don’t despair, trust can be rebuilt. It takes patience, honesty, and a willingness to understand each other’s fears.

Men and women build trust differently. A man needs to feel respected and free to be himself without constant suspicion. A woman needs to feel emotionally safe, knowing her partner is open and consistent.

To restore trust you need to:

Communicate openly: Listen with empathy, not defensiveness.

Be patient: Trust is built over time through consistent, reliable, repeated, and positive interactions.

Do not take their mistrust personally: It’s often about their past experiences, not yours.

Trust is not just about believing in your partner, it’s about believing in the strength of your love. When trust is present, love flows effortlessly. When trust is missing, love struggles to survive.

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Richard Drobnick, LCSW, DCSW, is a therapist and the Director at Mars & Venus Counseling Center in Bergen and Morris Counties, New Jersey.
