The Animal You See First In This Visual Test Reveals How Loyal You Are In Relationships

Not everyone who is disloyal betrays their partner intentionally.

Visual Test How Loyal Are You In Relationships Thomas E Lee / JBFX / LiudmylaChe / Shutterstock

You might think of yourself as being a naturally loyal person who would never in a million years cheat on your partner, but so do many, many other people who eventually wind up being unfaithful. This visual personality test can offer a good sense of just how loyal you really are in relationships. 

Very few people enter into a new romantic relationship with the expectation that they will eventually cheat on their partner. Sure, there are some bad eggs, some born cheaters, but for the most part, people who aren't loyal in their relationships often find themselves caught in a web of lies that can seem impossible to escape from.


The only way around being in this situation is truly remaining loyal, but it isn't always as easy as all that if doing so isn't in your nature.

The animal you see first in this visual personality test reveals how loyal you are in relationships.

To find out how likely you are to stay loyal in your relationship, all you have to do is look at the optical illusion below and pay close attention to the first animal that catches your eye.

how loyal are you visual personality test Thomas E Lee/JBFX/LiudmylaChe/ Shutterstock


Then, scroll down and read about what the animal you saw first reveals about just how loyal you really are.

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1. If you saw the elephant first ...

If you saw the elephant first when you looked at this image, you are the kind of person who is faithful to their partner no matter what. This is an admirable quality, to be sure, but it doesn't mean that you can always expect others to enter into a relationship with the same thoughts where loyalty is concerned.

Being a faithful person doesn't mean that you're a doormat. If anyone treats you that way, they don't deserve you.


2. If you saw the butterfly first ...

If you saw the butterfly first when you looked at this image, you are the kind of person whose eyes, mind, and heart have a tendency to wander. You've probably never deliberately set out to cheat on anyone, but chances are you may have cheated at least once.

The next time your heart moves on before your relationship is over, try to end your relationship before starting another one.

RELATED: Why So Many Men & Women Secretly Want To Be Caught Cheating

3. If you saw the wolf

If you saw the wolf first when you looked at this image, you are the kind of person who does whatever they want when it comes to relationships. You constantly look out for number one, and if that means hooking up with someone and hoping your partner doesn't find out, that's just fine by you. 


Being the lone wolf can a lonely place to be in, particularly if you keep walking all over the people around you.

RELATED: 8 Harsh Realities All Cheaters Eventually Have To Face

Rebecca Jane Stokes is an editor, freelance writer, former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango, and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. Her bylines have appeared in Fatherly, Gizmodo, Yahoo Life, Jezebel, Apartment Therapy, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and many others.
