6 Physical Traits Men Are Obsessed With Most In Women, According To Research

Here's the science behind what traits men find the most attractive.

Man obsessed with woman's physical traits, embracing her. carlo prearo | Canva

In this modern age of technology and social media, online dating is one of the best ways to find a date... and also, the worst. We know a few people who have had the most unhinged dating experiences with someone they met online, we might even be those people. 

The world's largest dating network, Badoo, examined the dating habits of its 3.18 billion users from all over the world and compared and contrasted the results. Along the way, they discovered which women in America tend to get the most messages and responses from men, and the results are interesting, to say the least.

Here are the 6 physical traits men are obsessed with most in women, according to research:

1. Not too tall but not too short

couple hugging close, height difference cottonbro studio | Pexels

Forty-six percent of men prefer women whose height falls between 5'3" and 5'6". Then again, only the brave can handle short women and tall women

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2. Brown eyes

beautiful woman with brown eyes Artem Podrez | Pexels

Baby blues are apparently not as desirable as brown eyes, according to a whopping 60 percent of men. Brown-eyed women are more likely to receive a message, as opposed to women with any other color eyes.

After talking with males ranging in age from 26–61, there are some strong thoughts on the subject of what men find hot. "A woman who knows how to use their eyes, can get pretty much get what they want," says a 61-old male from Colorado. He went on to say the color (while his preference is brown) doesn't matter; it's how they look at you. "The eyes are truly the windows to the soul. A smart man will look at the eyes first and then the rest of the body," he said.

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3. Brown hair

young woman with brown hair Hannah Nelson | Pexels

Surprisingly, brunettes are more likely to receive messages (40 percent) than blondes (only a sad 15 percent), according to the study.

Glamour cites a poll by Pantene that emphasizes the importance of hair in catching a man’s eye. Here’s what they discovered: “74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair, and 44% of men surveyed said that hair is the first thing they notice about a woman, more than her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%).” 

And though a man’s likes or dislikes concerning the perfect color, cut, and style of a woman’s hair are primarily a matter of personal preference, many studies point to commonalities among what men find alluring in the “do” department.


4. Average body

four female body types Mr.vicpix | Pexels

We're not sure what "average" means exactly, but we're hoping that's a good thing. Athletic-built women are only at six percent (does that mean men are intimidated by strong and well-built women?) for getting a message. Guess men go for "average."

A 2015 psychology study from The University of Texas at Austin sheds new light on today’s beauty standards, attributing modern men’s preferences for women with a curvy backside to prehistoric influences. The study, published online in Evolution and Human Behavior, investigated men’s mate preference for women with a “theoretically optimal angle of lumbar curvature,” a 45.5-degree curve from back to buttocks, allowing ancestral women to support better, provide for, and carry out multiple pregnancies.

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5. Clean nails

pale pink nails typing cottonbro studio | Pexels

Most of the time, we associate nail art with fashion choices that are more meant to impress ourselves or other women. But guys, do notice if your nail game is on point. As one of my guy friends said, “Nails are a good indicator of whether or not a girl cares about herself.”

There’s something undeniably chic about well-groomed, naked nails, a 2023 article from Women's Health found. Going purposefully polish-free can ooze confidence and signal you're too cool to care about trends. But while nail polish choices are always a case of personal taste, the ‘no-nicure’ is now claiming its title as a trend.


6. Bright and genuine smile

woman smiling Sound On | Pexels

Your beautiful white teeth are a sign of health and good genetics. Some people even associate white teeth with being of a higher status, which is deemed more attractive. Poverty, illness, and disease can all cause yellow teeth, and none of those qualities are attractive.

Luckily, those of us with yellow teeth can easily whiten them by booking an appointment for professional teeth whitening with a reputable company. Whitening your teeth will lead to you smiling more, and a smile is another incredibly attractive quality. A woman’s smile sends a man cues that she is agreeable in nature, positive and approachable. However, a beautiful smile without the matching beautiful teeth won’t have the same effect.

A study done by the people at Match Group showed that the most important trait people look for on a first date is teeth. Out of the 5,500 single adults over 21, 60% of men and 71% of women claimed they care most about teeth for a potential date. Other studies have even suggested a nice smile can lead to success in other areas, like your career.

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While dating apps can bring you closer to more people, those people are some of the worst people you've ever met, and with the variety of dating apps out there, you just have to pick your poison.

For as long as OkCupid, Tinder, and other online dating platforms have been around, many have tried to crack the code of the best way to attract potential dates, from changing your profile photo to editing the profile itself to even prioritizing you above their other potential matches, if you can pay the price. I think finding a significant other should cost nothing.

But in the end, we can't beat personal preferences, and people are going to like what they like. It's a good lesson to learn, and you shouldn't try to fix yourself to fit some beauty standard that a man has. The person meant to be with you will love you just the way you are, flaws and all.

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Caithlin Pena is an editor and former contributor for YourTango. Her work has been featured on Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, Yahoo, Psych Central, and BRIDES.