Guys Explain What Men Really Want In A Relationship
Men can be hard to read, so listening to the words they do say is important.

Remember when you were in middle school and you had no idea if the boy you were crushing on liked you back? You probably had no idea what to do and were stuck wondering if you'd ever find true love.
Even as a full grown adult, it sometimes seems like understanding what men want in a relationship is a puzzle you'll never be able to solve.
When you’re young and going through high school or college, it can feels as though guys are never being genuine about their feelings. At least, I know it felt that way to me at times.
It just seems like men and women often have wildly different expectations when it comes to dating, especially when you're young — but do they really want such different things in the long run?
As you get older, it's more common to come across men who are looking for something more meaningful and lasting.
One redditor who was also curious about what men think asked the men of Reddit, “What’s your favorite part about being in a relationship?"
Here's what men want in a relationship, according to 17 honest men.
1. Intense attraction that gives him butterflies.
"For me personally, it's knowing someone cares about you, and gets excited anticipating being with you."
2. Physical affection, specifically cuddling.
"Cuddling is my absolute favorite thing in the world."
3. Sweet reminders he is wanted.
"I love feeling wanted."
4. Entertainment and fun from his leading lady.
"If bored and not busy, guess who gets to entertain me?"
5. Home cooked meals made with love.
"The food ... I don't know how to make casseroles, homemade cookies, or pancakes."
6. Forgiveness for his mistakes.
"It's good to be assured that even when you [mess] up or perform badly, that you're still valued enough for the person to still love you."
7. Someone always in his corner.
"The best thing is probably just having someone as a life partner. Life is so much easier, knowing that she's always going to be there for me when I need her."
8. Someone adventurous.
"I love doing stuff with my girlfriend that I wouldn't normally think of, like trying new restaurants."
9. Open, consistent communication.
"I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now and we constantly communicate and do the best we can for each other."
10. Enjoying what he likes with the one he loves.
"Sharing your interests and things, especially if they've never experienced it before. Seeing the wonder in their eyes when they actually enjoy it too is just so heartwarming."
11. Someone to see past his hard exterior.
"Having someone there for me as a support system and being able to support them as well."
12. Acceptance for who he is.
"I think the really close intimacy in many ways is the best part. If someone's willing to accept my flaws, I'll end up opening up at that point."
13. Seeing her soft, feminine side.
"Pretty girls smell nice and feel all warm and soft."
14. Unconditional, unwavering love.
"It's nice that someone completely loves you besides your parents."
15. Subtle touches that show care.
"When a girl reaches for your hand or lays her head on your shoulder, it's perfect."
16. Did we mention cuddles?
"There's just something special about wrapping your arms around the one you love and just holding them close to you."
17. A woman that is the calm to his storm.
"When my S/O is around, it's like an instant de-stress. I feel warm and safe and loved, and all my problems melt away."
Hannah Kern is an avid writer with a passion for delving deep into interpersonal relationships.