Your Love Horoscope On March 25 Is The Most Important One Of The Month

The Moon holds all of the secrets of your heart, and it can affect your ability to listen to what your feelings have to say.

love horoscope march 25 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: SHOTPRIME, Canva Pro

Each zodiac sign's love horoscope is here for March 25, 2025. As the Moon moves through the air sign of Aquarius on Tuesday, March 25, we see tension grow in our daily love horoscope. You will feel an intense urge to honor your feelings and start striving toward what and whom your heart most wants. There may be themes of unconventionality that arise as you realize that it’s never about just doing what is right but what feels right for yourself.

Honoring what feels right for you is never selfish but is instead a product of the self-love that you have developed for yourself. You can’t make everyone happy in your life if you neglect yourself. The Aquarius Moon helps you find a greater balance between the needs of those in your life and your own. Yet, it doesn’t involve sacrificing your feelings or dreams as part of the process. Let yourself answer the call of your heart today and recognize that how your life feels is more important than how it looks to others. This is the most important love horoscope message all month. The time is now. 


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Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on March 25, 2025:


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Do what is best for yourself, Aries, not what everyone else wants for you. You usually tend to trust yourself enough to know when to take action without caring about the opinions of others.

However, that has been tainted recently. You may realize today that you haven’t followed your heart. Try to use the energy of the Aquarius Moon to honor your feelings and let that be enough to guide you forward in your romantic life.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It’s OK to pursue your own dreams, Taurus. The Aquarius Moon will reconnect with long-lost dreams of what you had hoped to experience and achieve. While you may find this at odds with a relationship currently in your life, it doesn’t mean you should give up. 

Your feelings are for a reason, just as your dreams are, but you must stop limiting yourself by what is possible. Instead, follow your dreams and trust that the love that is meant for you will meet you there.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Breathe into the possibilities for newness, Gemini. Just because you’re amid retrograde and eclipse season doesn’t mean you do not have powerful moments of awareness. 

Whether this is about a new love that has recently started or how to rekindle an existing connection, the feelings you’re having are genuine. 

You are ready for a new beginning, no matter where that might take you, so it’s time to start listening and trust that the path will become clear as you move ahead.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Break the rules of what you thought you wanted, Cancer. You are free to have a relationship that aligns with your needs, meaning it doesn’t matter how it looks to others. 

Nothing is binding on you from pursuing a special connection in your life but your own rules. Try to be open-minded and let yourself take a chance on love. 

Determine what aligns with you and your partner, especially if they have strong Virgo or Leo energy. Love is always worth breaking the rules for.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let yourself see where this connection goes, Leo. While you tend to follow your heart often, you can get tied up in whether you’re hitting specific milestones in a relationship rather than focusing on how you feel. 

However, the connection in your life challenges your beliefs about love and encourages you to surrender to see where things go. 

That doesn’t mean the intentions shouldn’t be clear. It’s OK to enjoy this relationship and hold space to learn the purpose of this connection.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It’s OK to enjoy being alone, Virgo. Whether you are single or need some solo time for yourself, it’s also good to advocate for yourself and enjoy being alone right now. 

The Aquarius Moon will have you going inward, as you may be less social or talkative during this time. You may feel overwhelmed with your emotions or exhausted from recent events. 

Use this alone time for whatever you need, whether heading to bed early, meditating or catching up on your favorite shows. Enjoying your own company is actually part of a healthy, loving relationship.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Choose the love that you want, Libra. While loving comes naturally to you, you can often accept situations that don’t align with your desires. 

This can either be very traditional, or in unhealthy situationships, hoping it will materialize into something more. With the arrival of the Aquarius Moon, though, you will discern what you want when it comes to love, helping you find greater balance in your romantic life. 

If you want a traditional love, then you must stop accepting less and likewise, if you want an unconventional commitment, then you need to free yourself from what feels restrictive.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Your feelings are never going to go away, Scorpio. You’ve tried to avoid, ignore, and rationalize your feelings, yet they are still there no matter what you’ve done. 

Your feelings are to remind you that there is still work to do to transform your life with the freedom and joy you are seeking. 

Rather than continue to run from what you feel, hoping you can talk yourself into staying, hold space for your emotions with the Aquarius Moon. Transformation can feel scary, but you don’t need to have it all figured out now; you just need to honor your truth.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are worthy of sharing your deepest feelings, Sagittarius. The Aquarius Moon will emphasize your house of communication, helping you to share your feelings honestly and transparently. 

This will help you balance feeling too attached to your partner and becoming so detached that they wonder if you care about them. 

This is part of a bigger theme in your life that is meant to help you understand that you can still be free, regardless of whether you’re single or married. 

A fellow Sagittarius may come to mind as you read this, which should confirm that it’s safe to share how you feel.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let yourself evolve, Capricorn. The Aquarius Moon will bring up a need to reflect on the priorities of your help as you figure out what you want and what is most important to you. 

This is a time for getting in touch with your feelings more. Be mindful that any actions or choices you make during this time truly are in alignment with the person you’re becoming — and not who you used to be.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

The love you truly need may be your own, Aquarius. You deserve a partner who is consistent, thoughtful, loyal, and intriguing; however, what you’re seeking right now may be something you need to give yourself. 

The Aquarius Moon will heighten your awareness about yourself and what you need during this phase. Because the Moon governs over your emotions, it’s essential that you trust what arises and take any space that you need to gain clarity. 

Spend time loving or dating yourself and observe how that changes the love you choose to accept.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Embrace the dream world you want to live in, Pisces. There is no one else in the zodiac that dreams like you do. 

This is because you don’t only want to live in a dream world, but because of your power of manifestation, you also tend to create it. 

Your dreams are key for you to continue to progress in your romantic life, especially if you’re hoping to attract a new love. 

As the Moon moves through Aquarius, it’s important to let yourself dream, embrace the quiet, and know that you are manifesting a new reality.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
