The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On March 25, 2025

We must drag ourselves out of the dark to see the light.

universe message zodiac signs march 25 2025 Photo: Nicolas Menijes | Design: YourTango

On March 25, 2025, the universe has an important message for four zodiac signs. Our daily astrology points us in the direction of good news and our own ability to process it. Until now, we have not taken in all of the good news that is around us. We have chosen to see things through a dark glass, and we've missed out.

We know this now, so it is a conscious choice on the part of these four zodiac signs to step up and drag ourselves out of the dark. We no longer need the dark — we ruminated and hibernated enough. The universe has a special message for us, and we are going to see it through.


The universe has an important message for four zodiac signs on March 25, 2025:

1. Leo

leo universe important message zodiac signs march 25 2025 Design: YourTango

If anything is obvious to you, as a result of the universe delivering a message your way, it's the idea of "letting it happen." Don't stand in the way of goodness, don't fight off positivity — let it happen. Let it be a part of your life.


With an expansive transit such as Moon trine Jupiter, days like March 25 become one where you, Leo, see that all things are possible IF you believe. That's not fanciful thinking; it's the Law of Attraction and you are a practitioner of this whether you know it or not.

March 25 proves to you that this life is good and that negative thoughts only prevent the flow of goodness. Once you grasp the idea that you can be happy every day. You will see how the universe has your back.

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2. Virgo

virgo universe important message zodiac signs march 25 2025 Design: YourTango


It's been said many times about you, Virgo, but you may need to hear it one more time: You need to shake off that cloak of negativity, as it's not doing anyone — especially you — any good. During the positivity-rich transit of Moon trine Jupiter, you get it.

You may not be used to projecting happiness, and you may even think of yourself as fake or a "goody-goody" for acting in such a way that has you portrayed as a carefree, happy-go-lucky person. However, the reality here is that you like this portrayal.

This is how the universe delivers you the message of "Try it, you'll like it." That's really what it's all about for you, right now, Virgo. Try happiness and see if it "fits" you. When you find out that it does, pay respect to Moon trine Jupiter, as this transit is what created this situation.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius universe important message zodiac signs march 25 2025 Design: YourTango

You have started to listen to your own good advice, Sagittarius, and as someone who rarely practices what they preach, this is tremendously good news for you. On March 25, during the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, you'll recognize that you've accrued some actual wisdom.

This means that you've started to pull back to witness and think, rather than leap into the drama and pain of a situation. Basically, you don't leap to conclusions any longer and this is most definitely a gift from the universe.


Rather than join in on the negativity, you keep the peace by practicing detachment — at the right time. Moon trine Jupiter shows you that you are a much happier person when you avoid unnecessary negativity. Good for you.

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4. Capricorn

capricorn universe important message zodiac signs march 25 2025 Design: YourTango


The message you receive on this day comes from a very loving and caring universe. On March 25, you'll get good news, Capricorn, and you'll do the right thing by yourself when you receive it.

You will take it with a grain of salt. That's right. Sure, it's good news, but you aren't about to go crazy with it. You will enjoy it easily and freely, without making a big deal about it.

So, what's so great about that? Well, it doesn't set you up for disappointment. You can receive goodness without making a show of it, and this allows you to flow easier with both good news and bad. During Moon trine Jupiter, you feel grateful and at ease, and what more could a person ask for?


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
