5 Signs The Universe Sends When Your Abundance Era Is About To Begin, According To A Psychotherapist
Get ready to accept more into your life than you ever dreamed of.

Abundance is something that we all aspire to. No matter what area of your life feels like it’s lacking, there’s a good chance that you’re searching for that elusive feeling of more.
Psychotherapist Natalie Argo understands this feeling. She’s experienced it herself and seen it in her clients. While it can be difficult to determine when exactly you’re going to level up, there are signs you can look for that signal your abundance era is on its way in. Argo shared some of those signs in a recent TikTok.
Here are five signs the universe sends when your abundance era is about to begin:
1. You’ve claimed it
The most important thing you can do to enter your abundance era is to claim it for yourself, Argo explained. “That’s really gonna anchor it in, whatever that is for you,” she said. Argo said that she has experienced this firsthand. “I claimed it, and I’m so glad that I did because my life is completely different,” she shared. “I’m living in my dream home, in my dream city, doing my dream job. Believe me, it’s possible.”
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Mental health coach Elissa Burdick confirmed this. She said that it’s easy to get caught up in a scarcity mindset instead of one of abundance, which is detrimental to reaching your fullest potential. “Your mindset plays a significant role in how well you’ll do in achieving your goals,” she said. In order to receive what the universe has in store for you, you must claim it and be ready for it.
2. You’ve lost something
Losing something usually doesn’t feel like a good thing, and it’s hard to think of it that way. But Argo insisted that you have to clear out the old to make room for the new. “For me, it was a loss of housing,” she said. “It was a job loss. It was a health loss, okay? Like, literally everything just went into the absolute [expletive].”
Although this may be incredibly uncomfortable at the moment, it’s what you need to reach greater things. “Okay, so if you’re experiencing a loss of any kind, believe me when I say that God is just clearing the decks for something so much better,” she continued. “Like, the universe is doing, like, a purge for you, okay?”
This all goes back to having an abundance mindset. If you believe you’ll always have enough, then you won’t be worried about the things you might lose, said financial coach Katie Gatti Tessin. If you want to enter your abundance era, it’s time to allow the things that are no longer serving you to go.
3. You’re making space
Just like the universe will force you to let go of things you no longer need before you level up, you’ll know it’s time to make room for more, too. Argo said if you are “quite literally getting rid of belongings,” it’s a sign that you know something else belongs there. She added that this can even apply to relationships when you create more physical space for someone else to join you.
According to The Uncluttered Life, “When you hold onto physical clutter, you hold onto mental clutter, as well. When you rid yourself of the clutter around you, your mind is free.” If you want to accept more into your life, you have to make room for it, spiritually and physically.
“If you’re making space, it will come in,” Argo affirmed. It’s your choice to create space for the new to enter into your life. Abundance isn’t about holding onto as much as possible — it’s about letting go of what is no longer needed to make room for all of the good things that the universe has in store for you.
4. You feel uncomfortable
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“If you’ve been feeling like you’re the black sheep in your family, and people are looking at you like you’re a little delulu, like maybe you’re off your rocker a little bit, and it feels really uncomfortable, that’s another sign that you’re stepping into greater levels of visibility,” Argo said.
While no one would likely choose to feel this kind of discomfort, it’s a sign that greater things are coming. The universe has to clear out old, stagnant energy and prepare you before you reach the point of your total transformation.
Licensed brain gym instructor Kelsey Fox Bennett Boyd put it this way: “This is because making changes also means loss. We lose an old part of ourselves, an old habit or an old routine that felt comforting and safe.” Change is inherently uncomfortable. If the universe is moving you into your abundance era, there’s bound to be a lot of change. Some people may not understand it, but you can trust that you’ll end up exactly where you need to be.
5. Your story helps others
Perhaps the most rewarding part of moving into your abundance era (other than the actual abundance, of course) is having the chance to inspire others with your story. “I want you to remember that there is somebody who needs your story, who needs you to show up just the same way that you needed somebody to show up,” Argo shared.
We all need encouragement, especially when we’re on new journeys that take us to unknown places. “When you start going for it, somebody else is gonna say, ‘I needed them to show up so that I knew it was possible,’ and you’re gonna radically transform lives with showing up,” she promised.
Author Ingrid Fetell Lee explained, “Giving is a practice of abundance.” By sharing your story and experiences, you are practicing abundance and inviting it into your life.
What you’re experiencing may not be pleasant, but it’s preparing you for something better.
A common thread that runs through most of the signs Argo mentioned is that they aren’t things you would likely choose for yourself. They’re not exactly fun. But, if you have the strength to go through these hard times of change, you’ll come out stronger and live a more abundant life on the other side.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English and Journalism who covers news, psychology, lifestyle, and human interest topics.