Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Signs On February 10— The Moon Aligns With Venus
We learn to accept only love that makes us feel good.

The Leo Moon aligns with Venus in Aries on February 10, 2025, bringing new lessons to each zodiac sign through their love horoscope and relationships. On Monday, there is a return to joy as you let yourself receive the love you’ve always wanted to receive.
It should make everything in your life feel better, yet sometimes, the need to learn romantic lessons outweighs what you know to be true about love, and that's what we learn during the Moon aligning with Venus.
You are guided to let go of the distractions that have kept you from embracing the true meaning of love. Let yourself surrender to the deepest meaning of love and trust your heart to always know what is best for you. Love should bring joy to your life, and as the Leo Moon aligns with Venus in Aries, you will receive this important reminder.
Something will always threaten to steal your joy or distract you from seeing you have everything you once hoped to manifest. It’s your job to decide what to focus on and make time for. Let the Leo Moon encourage you to seize the dynamic energy of Venus in Aries so that you can remember there is no greater joy than that of loving and knowing you are loved in return.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Monday, February 10, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve to love yourself wholly and completely, dear Aries. Nothing is selfish about loving yourself deeply, feeling good about who you are or dating yourself.
You’ve been through so much; loving yourself this way is a radical declaration of your worthiness.
You no longer need to let others determine what you are worth or how you should feel about yourself. When you regain the power of others, you can finally become clear about who you are.
If you’re in a relationship, this positive energy boost may make you commit an unexpected commitment. Embrace it all, and trust that love will lead the way forward.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Healing arrives with understanding, dear Taurus. You may have a sudden epiphany today that helps you see what’s been behind some unfulfilling cycles in your romantic life.
It’s okay to decide to focus on yourself and your life at this time. It doesn’t mean you must sacrifice yourself if you are in a relationship, especially if you’re going through a transformation phase.
Hold space for your feelings and the truths that surface today because they will be a significant catalyst for change in the upcoming months.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be careful who you share your life with, Gemini. You are one of the most social signs of the zodiac. Though this is one of your greatest gifts, you must be mindful of who you share the details of your life with.
Not everyone who calls themselves a friend may act in such a way. There may be some jealousy playing around you in your life today. While you shouldn’t necessarily cut yourself off from anyone, you do want to be mindful that everyone is truly happy for you and the direction that your romantic life is taking.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Honor what is most important to you, Cancer. You are a water sign, meaning that emotional connection and validation are crucial in any relationship.
However, after many unexpected changes in your life, you may prioritize financial or material stability instead.
You deserve a financially abundant life; however, you can’t sacrifice your emotional well-being. Be mindful of what you prioritize and ensure you’re honoring what you need from a relationship.
Material stability is wonderful, but the emotional connection will truly fulfill your longing for love.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace a new beginning, dearest Leo. You should be feeling on top of the world now, full of life, and ready to take on an exciting new chapter in your life. This may involve you and your partner taking off on an adventure or an international trip.
You have realized that the meaning you crave will come from the experiences that call to your soul. Make sure you’re not carrying any of the past into this new beginning because it’s one you’ve worked hard to create — and you deserve to enjoy it.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Let love change your life, sweet Virgo. Love is truly the biggest catalyst in life. Not only does it often change your priorities, but who you partner with determines your life path more than any other factor.
Embrace this knowledge and the power that it has for you to make your dreams come true. Your intuition will be heightened today, leading you to seize an offer of change that you previously were too scared to take.
Let yourself believe in the best possible outcome and trust that growing together is the best way to ensure your love lasts forever.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You deserve to enjoy the life you’ve built, Libra. You’ve gone through a deep phase of reflection, and because of that you may have isolated yourself away from others.
Embracing a period of quiet in your life has been necessary in order for you to grow, but now it’s time to make sure you’re enjoying all that you’ve created. Try to adopt a lighter energy today as you embrace spontaneous opportunities for quality time with your partner and friends.
Let go of the plans that you’ve made and let yourself focus on how you want to feel. You deserve not to just make it through your life but to embrace the moments that make you smile.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be bold in declaring your needs, Scorpio. You will feel confident knowing what will support your wellbeing.
This feeling isn’t just about your emotional peace or healthy boundaries but truly understanding what you want your life to look like. Yet, because of this newfound knowledge, you must advocate your needs boldly.
This may be in an existing relationship or setting the standard in a new connection. However, this may also involve setting everyone else in your life straight as you remind them this is your life to live — and that is exactly what you plan to do from this point forward.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be present in your life, sweet Sagittarius. You deserve all the abundance and love that is beginning to filter into your life. There is no reason to waste time second-guessing or wondering if you deserve to have everything start going so well.
You may have recently become accustomed to heartbreak or loss, making you question the recent turn of events. While this is a normal reaction, you must try to be present in your life. You are finally starting to receive what you’ve always deserved.
It’s OK to feel foreign, but you want to ensure you’re still present and enjoying it. Smile at the past version of yourself, but trust that you are finally ready to receive all you’ve ever wanted.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Take your time, dear Capricorn. There is a process of transformation that begins within your relationship and home.
While you may be resistant to changes, it’s important to remember that there is nothing to fear in this new chapter of your life.
What will be arriving will only encompass greater love and abundance, yet giving yourself time to move through everything is important. It may feel like an urgency in your relationship today.
However, you don’t need to let this energy get the best of you. You have all the time you need; you just need to trust where you are being led.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Create a space of understanding, Aquarius. You often have so many thoughts that it can be hard to express yourself fully.
Yet, you need to be able to share the feelings you’ve been having in your relationship as it’s essential to this connection continuing to progress.
While nothing hasn’t been wrong in your romantic life, you are standing on the edge of a great change. You are ready for this but must create a space to talk with your partner. Let yourself share everything, not just what you think they want to hear.
The person meant for you will be able to hold space for it all and can help show you there is no need to censor your inner feelings.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Value yourself, Pisces. Life often makes you question yourself or your value, yet no relationship can teach you what you are worth if you haven’t done that for yourself already. It’s time to start valuing who you are and what you bring.
Honor your no and let that lead you as much as your yes. There is no reason to entertain what doesn’t resonate with your soul, especially because you are a natural lover.
You lighten the lives of those you are connected with, but you must start valuing yourself. Meditate on your value and what qualities or experiences add value to your life. Let this become your plan for moving forward, and it will help you manifest greater success in your relationships.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.